Chapter : 23

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Grayson's POV

I woke up to the most beautiful girl in my arms. She looked so beautiful and peaceful. I could stay in this moment forever. .
She slowly woke up and I was more then happy to wait for her to wake up. It gave me more time to admire her beautiful features.

Britney's POV

I woke up in Grayson's arms. And I've never been so happy to wake up. The thought of leaving his arms was upsetting. But luckily my mother doesn't care about me so I could start living here and she wouldn't even know.

"You hungry babe?" Grayson asked with a sweet smile.
"Yeah I'm starving. "
"Then lets go get something to eat."he said getting up.
"The thing is I don't wanna get up. Your bed feels so good. " I said pulling the covers up to my neck.
" I'll go make us something to eat and then you can sleep in for a bit. " he said leaning down and kissing my forehead.
I loved it when he did that so I quickly grabbed hold of his strong arms pulling him down to me. Well at least trying to pull him down.
" Oh. What are you doing. " he asked with a smirk.

Instead of answering I just put put my arms around his neck kissing him. It was a slow emotional kiss. As he crawled more onto the bed he was hovering over me . When we finally pulled away he kissing my cheek and my forehead before getting off the bed. Smiling at me. He then walked to the kitchen leaving me with the biggest smile on my face.

Ethan's POV

I made my way to the cottage to get Grayson to come work out with me.
When I walked into his room I saw Britney there laying under the sheets. This shocked me. She was sleeping.

" Dude what are you doing here. "I heard Grayson whisper out of nowhere this made me jump.
"Man you scared the crap out of me." I whispered back. He just grabbed my arm pulling me to the kitchen.
" What is she doing here Grayson? " I questioned demanding an explanation.
"Why the hell do you wanna know."he asked.
" Dude you know that could have been aunt Loretta in there and wouldn't mind telling mom you're sleeping with random girls. " I said.
" I didn't sleep with her." He said.
"Then what is she doing here?" I asked.
"She ran away from her house. She and her mom had a fight and she came here last night. " he said.
"She only slept here, we didn't do anything." He said in a duh tone.
"Now will you please leave before she wakes up. " he said pointing to the door.
" Yeah okay so I guess I'll just have to workout alone. " I said making my way to the door.
"Yeag I guess. " he said.

Cindy's POV

I was cleaning my room. Because I swear I don't know how my room always gets so dirty. That's when I got a text from Ethan asking me if I wanted to come over and workout with him since Grayson is busy. I thought for a moment and answered that I'll be there in five.

I had a quick shower before dressing.
I'm wearing some black shorts and a black and purple shirt. With my blacke and white nikes.
I got my skateboard and made my way over to Ethan's house.

Cindy : Hey I'm waiting at the gate for you to open. ♡
Ethan: I'll be right out.♥

-End of text-

When he opened the gate he was in some basketball shorts and a t shirt.

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story. .Comment what you think and share my story. .♥ ♡ ♥

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