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Britney's POV

I woke up, showered and got ready for school. When I ate breakfast my mother seemed very quiet, but I knew I shouldn't bother asking because she wouldn't tell me anyway.

When I got to school everyone was talking about some new kids in school, I wasn't very interested. Me, Cindy and our little group of friends went to our lockers.

"Did you hear about the new guys coming to our school? " Cindy asked me.

"No,and I honestly don't care. " I stated.

"Yeah yeah, that's what you say now, wait until you see them." She said with a cheeky grin.

"Whatever, you are already melting and you haven't even seen them." I joked around.

The bell rang and I was on my way to class when I realised I forgot my textbook. I quickly ran back to my locker to go fetch it. On my way back to class I saw two boys about my age looking kind of lost, so I went over to them to help them.

Grayson's POV

We were just standing there in the hall not knowing where to go when the most beautiful girl came up to us.

"Hey I couldn't help but see you guys looking kind of lost, do you need any help. " She said and I fell in love with her voice.

"Yes please help us we don't have a clue where we are and where to go. " Ethan said as he hit me on my shoulder, ripping me out of my stare.

"Let me just check your schedule. "

"Oh you guys have class with me, don't worry I'll show you around. "

"Thanks. " Ethan said and we walked to class.

When we got to class we were the center of attention. The teacher told us to take our seats. I went and sat next to her.


Cindy's POV

When I got to the lunch room I could not believe my eyes, there I saw Britney sitting with the Dolans.

"Hey." I said to Britney.

"Oh hey, guys this is my best friend Cindy, Cindy this is Ethan and Grayson. "

"Hey guys nice to meet you. "
We all talked at lunch and I thought they were cute.

Ethan's POV

When I met Cindy she seemed very nice but I could not stop looking at her and thought she was really hot.

The rest of the day dragged on and after many stares and meeting people we finally got to go home. My uncle's place was not very far from school so we took our skateboards with to ride home.

"Today was not that bad. " I said to Grayson as we walked into the kitchen get something to eat.

" yeah, it was definitely better than I imagined."

" hey what you think of cindy?" I questioned.

"She seams cool why? "

"I think I like her."

Grayson just laughed.

To be honest I just could not wait for tomorrow to see her again.

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