Chapter : 25

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Grayson's POV

" Can I take this beautiful girl somewhere tomorrow? " I asked into Britney's ear as she stood in front of her locker.
"I don't know, it depends.  Who's asking." She said turning around in my grasp.
" Well the luckiest man on earth is asking. " I said kissing her cheek.
" I'll have to think about it." She said biting her bottom lip. I knew exactly what to do to stop her little game.
I looked deep in her eyes for a few seconds and then looked at her lips then met her gaze agian as I pulled her closer to me. I inched closer to her as our breath started to speed up. I slowly leaned down connecting our lips.

Britney's POV

He kissed me slowly and passionately. It was like time stopped.

" Can you guys get a room?!" Ethan said interrupting this amazing moment.
" Seriously dude.." Grayson said looking furious.
" Well Mr. Grayson I'll go with you tomorrow. " I said hugging him. He immediately smiled.
" Is he taking you out for your anniversary? " Cindy asked.
"Well I think so." I said winking at her.

The time past fast and before I knew it, it was lunch. As I made my way to the lunch room Katelyn stopped me.

" Katelyn what do you want?" I asked knowing she only wanted trouble.
"I - I want to apo- apologise. " she said looking down. This shocked me. She also wasn't with he usual gang of bullies.
" What? Why?" I asked confused.  The last time she apologised she invited me to a party that ruined my life.

" Because I couldn't get my way. And I see now more then ever that I was wrong. " she said looking down. This really confused me.

" What happened for you to change your mind."I asked.
" I found something out." She said grinning.
" What did you find out?" I asked.

"Do you remember my cousin Roman? Well he recently moved to New Jersey. That's where Grayson and Ethan lived if I'm not mistaken. Well he tells me they made quite the name round there. 'The bad kids'." She said smirking. Then her little gang came and stood behind me.

" So all this time I've been spending my time hating on you when in reality I should have hated the Dolan twins. " she said.  This awoke the anger in me.

" You leave them alone. I won't allow you to hurt them."I spat at her.
" ahh cute. Seriously you guys disgust me." She said.

" Listen you just tell your little boyfriend that his problem days has  just started. " she said pushing me and laughing  as she walked away .

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story. .Comment what you think and share my story. .♥ ♡

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