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Ethan's POV

Me and Grayson decided that we wanted to go sit in the library to meet the girls. We wanted to be away from all the stares and whispers.

I texted Cindy to come to the library. She just read my message and never answered.

As I waited for her I went through my twitter and saw alot of people commenting about yesterday's video. I liked some photos and followed some fans.

Suddenly I hear someone crying as I looked up my heart broke. I saw Cindy. Her eyes red, mascara staines on her wet cheeks.

"What happened!? Why are you crying.?" I asked concerned.

"Oh I'm just so worthless.." she cried out falling into my arms.

"No why would you say that?" I asked.

"Because it's true. I'm so ugly and fat. And everyone just pity me for how I look." She said. This shocked me, just the fact that she doesn't know how beautiful she is hurts me deep inside.

"Baby please don't say that. That's not true." I said.

"No it is true your just with me because you trust me.." she said escaping out of my grasp and bursting out of the room and almost running Britney over.

I was on my way out when Britney stopped me.
"I've got this. " she said. Leaving me there hoping Cindy's okay.


I was now running down the hall after Cindy like a lunatic.

"Cindy stop please?." I pleaded getting more and more tired.

"Just leave me alone.." she yelled.
But I could tell she was getting more and more tired due to the fact thatshe was slowing down.

"Please just stop and tell me what's going on." I asked hoping she'll listen to me.
Finally she stopped. Her breathing was fast and her cheek were wet.

"Thank gosh.." I said out of breath.
"Why me.?"she cried coming in for a hug.

"What happened?" I asked .

As she told me what happened I got more and more angry. I just could not take this any longer. When I sort Katelyn out she moves on to Cindy..


I have not talked to Britney about what happened in freshmen year.
Ethan suggested I just leave it and wait for her to tell me on her own time but I still wondered what it was that happened.

But right now I had one task and that was to keep Ethan calm. More like keep him from chasing after Cindy.
I decided that maybe I should let Britney tell me about freshmen year on her own when she's ready.

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story.. Comment what you think..♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡

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