Chapter: 33

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Grayson's POV

After  helping  Ethan  setting  everything  up for his date I decided  to go  visit  Britney.

*knock knock *

"Gray what are you doing  here my mom should  be  home at any  minute  now. ." She said  in a panic .

Lately  it seemed  to  me like the relationship  between  Britney  and her mother  only got  worse.  They would fight and she'd  show up  at my house crying  and it seems  she's  more with me or Cindy  than at home.

"I miss you I want hang for a bit. " I said  taking  her hands in mine.
" Okay  but not here so let me dress and we can head  out.." she said pulling  me into  the  house..

We made our way  up the stairs  to her room. She got her outfit  ready and went into  the  bathroom.

Soon after she came out. And man did she look hot.

Britney's POV

I picked  out my outfit which  consisted of :

●high  waisted  shorts
●a crop top
●pink timberland
●floral hat

When I came out of the bathroom  Grayson's  mouth  liturally hung open.
I never do a lot and thought  I'd  go glam for tonight. .

I was about  to  grab  my phone  of my dresser when I heard  my mom slamming  the  front  door.

"BRITNEY  ARE YOU HOME?!"She yelled  from  downstairs her words  slurred clearly  in her drunken  state.

" Go hide in my bathroom quickly. ." I wispered  to Grayson.

As soon as he closed  the bathroom  door I heard  my mom make her way up the stairs . I quickly  got in bed acting  like I was asleep.
Usually  I'd  take her on confronting  her  about  her drunken  state  but I didn't  want  this now that Grayson's  in the bathroom.

Soon after  my room door swung  open.
"SLEEPING.. USELESS  AS ALWAYS. " she  said. Soon  after  she slammed  the  door shut making  her way to her room. As soon  as  I  heard  her bedroom door shut I got out of bed getting  Grayson in the bathroom.

We sneaked  our way out of my house. We walked  down  the  sidewalk hand in hand. For a moment  we were completely  silent. It was peaceful.

" So where  are we going?" I asked  breaking  the  silence.
" Somewhere..." Grayson said smiling  down at me.

Soon enough  we were in the park.

We messed  around  for an hour or so and then headed  for  Grayson's  home.

-Later  that night -

"Baby  I'm  bored." Grayson said rubbing  my arm.
" Well what do you wanna  do  Gray? " I asked  laying  my head on his chest.
He moved. . Slowly  sitting  up.

"Come here .." he said. I positioned  myself  in front of him.

He took my face in his hands.

" I *kiss* want  *kiss* to  *kiss* kiss  *kiss* you *kiss*" he said between  kisses.
I lightly  laughed  shaking  my head.

"What  if I don't  want  to  kiss you. .?" I asked  giving  him an evil smirk.

Soon  he started  tikkling  me. I tried  to  stop him and to get away  but between  squles and laughs  I got nowhere. And before we knew  it we fell of the sofa.

With  Grayson on top of me I knew one of two things  would happen.
1. He'd  keep on tikkling  me till  I pass out

2. He'd  kiss me..

Before  I  knew  it  he leaned  down. Just before  our lips connected  I put my hands  in front  of my mouth  not giving  Grayson access. With  ease  he was able  to  remove  my hands  from  my face pinning  them above  my head.

" such  a teaser." He said  smirking. .
" That's  why  you love me right. ? " I said  raising  my eyebrows.
" true.true" he said  smiling.
He then slowly  leaned  down  connecting our lips. Our lips  molded  together to create  a soft , passionate  kiss.
He licked  my bottom  lip  asking  for  entrance.  I decided  to  be more of a tease by not granting  him entrance.  He clearly  knew what I was doing  because  in a matter  of  seconds  my bottom  lip was between  his teeth.
It wasn't  painful.  It was magical. He knew  exactly  what  to do to make me give  in ..

Finally  giving in he deepend the kiss.
I wanted  to  be  in this moment  forever. I didn't  want  him to remove  his lips  from mine.
But he was too much of an gentlemen. He respected me too much to take this  kiss further. .

《Sorry  for cutting  the  beautiful  moment  short  but I have better plans for them..♡》


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