Chapter : 12

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Britney's POV
-Flash back- {freshmen year}

There's this new boy in our school. Roman Blark. His quite a looker. His with all the popular kids.
Today in maths he looked at me and smiled and he winked at me. I nearly melted.

      Next day
I was standing at my locker when I saw Roman walking past me he looked at me again with a slight smirk.

At lunch I told Cindy all about this weird experience that has been happening alot lately. That's when Katelyn came to our table. We didn't really start on the best foot. Because I actually hanged out with her group. But they didn't really like Cindy and I couldn't bear that so I stood up to her. She didn't like that very much.

"Hey Britney. ." Katelyn said with a smile.
"Hi Katelyn. " I said wondering what she wants.
" I was thinking that you know I don't like that we are fighting. So to make up for the misunderstanding I was thinking that you and Cindy can come to my party I'm having tonight. "
" Okay why not we'll be there. " I said.
"I'm so glad we could sort this out. " she said and walked away.

" That's so nice of her." Cindy said.
"Yeah I know right. " I said smiling.

   At the party.
Everything was just great. And I was having a great time.
I walked to the table where the drinks were.
"Hi." A sweet manly voice said from a cross the table.
"Hey." I said as I looked up to see it was Roman.
"I'm Roman." He said holding his hand out.
"I'm Britney. " I said as he took my hand and placing a soft kiss on my hand.
The rest of the night we just talked. And shortly I fell for this amazing boy.
I had a couple of drinks and I felt a bit light headed so I went outside to get some air.
As I was outside I felt worse by the minute.
I look to my side and saw Roman walking towards me. I was glad.

"Roman I don't feel too good can you just stand here with me "I said.
Not to long after that I felt very sleepy.
That's when Roman pushed me against a tree kissing my neck and unzipping my black dress.
I tried to push him away but I felt to weak . It was like I was in slow motion.
All of a sudden alot of people was standing at the door taking photos and making rude comments.
And the more tried to get away the worse I felt. That's when Roman ran of. And with that my dress fell to the floor. It was the worst feeling I had in my lifetime. As I gazed into the crowd I saw Katelyn smiling at me and hugging and giving Roman a role of money.

"OKAY EVERYONE THIS IS JUST A MISUNDERSTANDING PLEASE GO BACK INTO THE HOUSE.." Katelyn said and with that they were all back in the house.
That's when she walked over to me and said: "Never mess with me because the price you'll pay is very high. .SLUT.." she said laughing and then walking away.

The next day at school everyone was talking, laughing, sending photos around about me..
It was the worst day of my life.

-End of flash back-

I didn't want to tell Grayson because he wouldn't understand and would think I'm a hoe.
When I got home from Grayson I could not take the smile of my face and went straight to bed because I was super tired.

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story. Tell me what you guys think and please vote if you liked it.▲▼

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