Chapter : 13

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Grayson's POV

I was rudely woken up by my phone alarm buzzing.

On my way to school I could not believe it's monday yet again. I was nervous because today the cheer team and the wrestling team and coach of the wrestling team return. Me and Ethan was hoping to join the wrestling team. I loved wrestling and football.

As I walked into the school everyone was talking and staring. I was wondering why. I got scared that we'd get rejected again.

Later that day a teacher walked by me and stopped me.

"Hi excuse me. But you're Grayson right?" He asked.
" Yeah that's right. " I said shaking his hand.
" I was wondering if you and your brother wants to be on our wrestling team. I read your file and it stated you guys did wrestling in your old school."
" Yes sir, we actually wanted to come see you precisely for that reason. " I said.
"Great see you and Ethan at practice after school." He Said and then walked off into the crowd.

I just stood there shocked. That's when Ethan came by.
"Hey dude are you okay.?" He asked concerned.
"Oh yeah I'm fine. You would not believe what just happened. ." I said.

Cindy's POV

It was almost lunch. And I just sat there in my History class lost in my own mind.
That's when the cheer girls walked into class.
My heart raised. I immediately felt like throwing up of madness.
Today was gonna be the day I stand up to Katelyn. I'm not gonna be the scared little girl any more. She's gonna get know the real me.

-At lunch-

I walked into the lunch room and spotted our group of friends. Which consisted of Ethan, Grayson, Britney, Abby, Greg, Sam, Nathan, Sophie and Debbie.
I went and sat down next to Ethan. At first he acted like he didn't notice me . But as I relaxed and sat back his hand found mine under the table.

Katelyn's POV

Today I return to school from Cheer camp. I was ready for Britney and Cindy. I'm not gonna allow them to take the new boys from us...From me.

As I walked into the lunch room I saw something that send me over the edge.
Ethan Dolan the new guy and Cindy holding hands. This could only have happened because he hasn't seen me yet.
When he sees me he'll forget all about that ugly duckling Cindy.
As I walked by Cindy I bumped into her causing her to spill her drink.

"Oh I'm sorry dear" I said laughing and then slowly walks away making sure to make eye contact with Ethan. .

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story. . Please tell me what you think. .▲▼

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