Chapter : 21

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Britney's POV

" Cindy I won't be coming to visit you this weekend." I said.
" But why you were fine with it last night. " she said.
" Yeah.  But something came up and I can't make it anymore. " I said.

I lied. To be honest I really didn't want to be home if my mom's there. But what are the odds that she'll be home before midnight on a Friday night. I actually needed time to be alone and to think. I tried to convince myself.

" Are you sure Britney? "She asked.
"Yeah absolutely. "I said nodding my head.
"Okay let's get to class. "

Ethan's POV

As the rest of the day dragged by all on my mind was Cindy. I had trouble focusing, today more than any other day .

At lunch all I could do was stare at her. Failing to be present in any conversation at our table.

Grayson's POV

Britney seemed a bit down today. This worried me. I was just hoping that none of Katelyn's threats is causing this.

-After school -

Britney's POV

When I got home the house was empty as expected.  This made me happy the last thing I wanted was to run into my mother.

I grabbed something to eat and decided to go on Netflix.

Hours past and I still sat in the same place, enjoying the peace.

Cindy's POV

I just finished getting ready for my date with Ethan when the door bell rang. As glanced at myself in the mirror one last time I heard my mom let him in. I finally decided I looked fine and grabbed my stuff and made my way down the stairs.

" Hey handsome. "I said walking up to Ethan and pecking his cheek.
" Wow you look gorgeous baby girl. " he said looking me up and down.
" Stop you're gonna make me blush. " I said lightly shoving him.
" Shall we?" He asked holding his arm out for me to grab.
"Yes let's go.
Bye mom." I said walking out hand in hand with Ethan.

Britney's POV

I was watching a movie when my mom decided to return to the house.

"Hey sweetie. " she said smiling fakly.
" Hi" I said hoping she'll leave me alone.
" I'm glad to see you aren't up to no good agian. " she said.
" Mom just leave me alone. I don't have the strength for this." I said not even looking her way.
"You better start respecting me.." she said but was interrupted by the door bell ringing.

As she made her way to door I heard a man's voice. Then she returned with the man.

" Britney this is Dave." she said.
"Hi Dave " I said in an annoyed voice.

"So shall we go to your room ?" Dave whisper said to my mom.
"Yeah we'll go now." She whispered back think I can't hear whar they are saying.

" Mom I have a question for you."I said as I stood up and made my way to them.
"Go ahead honey. "She said.
"How the HELL do you expect me to respect you when you don't even respect youself ?"I asked more stating that than asking it.
She slapped me looking furious by what I just said.
" Yeah I know the truth hurts."was all I said in return. At this moment I didn't give a shit about what she said, she disgusts me.
She slapped me again this time much much harder than before.
"I'VE HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOUR INSULTS. ! I'm trying my best to be part of your life." she yelled.
"OH please, don't make my laugh.  I could fail a grade and you wouldn't even know. "I said.
This time it looked like she was gonna explode.
" You are grounded little missy. Go to your room."she yelled.
" Don't worry you don't have to ask me twice, anything to not look at your disgusting face." I said.
As I made my way up the stairs I felt the tears running down my face.
I just realised how much I hate my mom, my life...
Slamming my door shut I hear my mother and her fling making their way to her room.
I couldn't stand my house. There is no way that I'm staying here to hear their moans and yells of pleasure.

All I could think of was Grayson. ..

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story. Comment what you think and share my story. .♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

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