Chapter : 27

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Grayson's POV

I knew our mystery had started the moment those words came from Mr. Patrick's mouth.

It was like New Jersey all over again. Being accused, bad mouthed,  and launched at. All we needed was to get kicked out of school again.

Grayson: hey babe!* can I maybe come over?
Britney : yeah is everything alright love?
rayson: no things are bad.
Britney : I'll be waiting.  The door is open I'm in my room doing homework. Grayson : love you..
Britney : ♥

- End of text -

Britney's POV

As I was waiting for Grayson to arrive I felt bad. This was all my fault. The Dolan brother's were finally being accepted and then I came along ruining everything.

"Babe none of this is your fault. " Grayson suddenly spoke this made me jump since I didn't realise he was here or that I was thinking out loud.

" It feels like it is."I said turning to face him.
" I am the biggest mistake that could've happened to you." I said feeling my eyes getting watery.
" Baby you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. " he said stepping closer to me lifting my chin so our eyes met.
" No look at what's happening. "
" You make me feel like no other. Before we came here no other girl has ever loved and trusted me like you do." He said looking deep into my eyes.

It's like he was looking into my soul. I could tell he meant it when he said he loved me and I loved him so much.

Ethan's POV

I felt so disappointed that this was happening agian.  Just as it seemed that we were finally fitting in all our hard work went to waist.

-Friday -/-Date night-

Britney's POV

Grayson only told me he wanted to take me out for our anniversary. Now I'm standing in front of my closet wondering what the heck to wear. Soom realising I have no clue.

-Text -

Britney : Babe what should I wear?*
Grayson: Anything casual and comfy.
Britney : K.. see you in 30 xoxo .
Grayson: ♥♥ Can't wait babe..*

-End of text -

I choose to wear some black tights with a grey sweater. I quickly slip on my red vans. After applying a little makeup and straightening my hair I looked at my appearance on last time before heading downstairs. .

Grayson's POV

"Man I really hope she likes this." I was so nervous. I wanted to make this as special as I could for Britney. I want to show her how much I care about her.
"Dude don't be ridiculous. . This is amazing. . There's no way she won't love this." Ethan said punching my arm.

《Cliff hanger》Oops

A /N Thanks for reading and vote for my story. .Comment what you think and share my story. .♥ ♡ ♥

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