Chapter : 31

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Cindy's POV

I've been worried sick all day. This morning my parents were avoiding me and it's freaking me out.  Ever since my mom caught me and Ethan making out things has been strange in my house.

As the bell rang I ran out of school to get home.  I just had to fix this... well whatever was going on.

" Mom are you home?" I yelled as I entered the house.
" Yes what happened? !" She asked confused.
"We need to talk and now." I said.  I now knew there was no backing out now.
" Okay about what?" My mom asked trying to act like she didn't know what was going on.
"Mom why is everything so strange in our house since Friday?  I thought it would blow over but it's not and I can't handle it anymore. " I said all in one breath.
My mom looked down shaking her head.
" I aunistly don't know what you are talking about. ." She said.  This made me so angry because it is clear she knew exactly what I was talking about.
" Mom stop pretending. . You know what I mean.  And this chat is not finished till you tell me what is going on. " I said as my heart started racing.

" I'm just mad that you broke your promise. " My mom said almost looking like she was about to cry.

" Mom I didn't break my promise.  Me and Ethan haven't done anything or will do anything. ." I said looking in her eyes.
" I just don't want you to ruin your life. You don't know how much you have to sacrifice. " my mom said almost stopping herself in the middle of an sentence.

" Mom what do you mean? Why does it sound like you know exactly how that feels? " I asked concerned.

" Because I do know. I know that men can be persuasive with beautiful words and phrases, and once they get what they want they leave you." My mom said but somehow I thought she wasn't telling the hole truth.

" Mom why do I feel like you are not telling me the whole truth. " I said looking her in the eyes.

She looked down at her hands as a tear fell down her cheek.
"Mom are you okay?"

" Yeah I'm okay. My sweet baby girl I have to tell you something. But I don't you judging me or your father. " she said sitting down holding my hands.
This made me nervous I knew something was wrong.

"Okay I won't. " I said.
" The thing is that------ that your father is ---- isn't your real father. " she said with sadness.

" WHAT! " I almost shouted out of shock.


Britney's POV

Today  was a long tiring  day and all I wanted  do was go home. Cindy  has been acting  weird  all day.
Something  that really  got my attention  was the strange  stairs  and evil smirks  I received  from  Katelyn's group today and that really freaked  me out..

-Friday -

Grayson's POV

Today after  school  I had to help Ethan with his date with  Cindy, it's  they're  one month  anniversary  and he wanted  to do something  special. He isn't  very  creative  so I had to help him..

" Dude  are you sure she'll  like  this?" Ethan  asked again. . He has maybe  asked  me the same  question  two  thousand  times. .

" Yeah she'll  like it , girls like these types  of  things. ." I said  rolling  my eyes..

Ethan's POV

I was freaking  out  at the moment  I had go pick Cindy  up for our date but I know  for a fact  she's  gonna feel like  I didn't  put in enough  effort. Not after  what Grayson did for Britney.

*knock  knock*

My heart  started  racing . It's  like I can't  think. . Man this  date's  gonna  sick and Cindy  will leav---

"Ethan  are you  okay?" I heard  out of the blue. . I didn't  even  realise  she opened  the  door.

The moment  our  eyes met my heart  melted. This  was gonna  be  a  hard night  to keep my eyes  of her... she's  just  so beautiful. I'm  in love. Like seriously  she's  perfect. .

《Cliff hanger 》

A/N Thanks for reading and comment what  you thought.. Also share  my story please. .

Sorry  for not updating  in a long  time  had exams  and a wifi problem. .😩😧 but I'll  try  my best to keep on posting. .

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