Chapter :35

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Britney's POV

I woke up to an empty  house  which  was amazing. That meant  I'd finally have a peaceful morning  to myself  without  any fights.

So I got up, got dressed  and headed  downstairs  for breakfast. After I went  back up to my room setting everything up for my video.
As I was about  to  start  my phone rang. It was Grayson. Immediately a smile made it's way onto my face.

" Hi Gray. Would you mind explaining why you're  interuptting me while  filming. ?" I asked.

"Ah have you already started. ? " he asked disappointed.
"No but I was about to. Why?"I asked .
"I was thinking maybe I could  join you.."he said  more than asking.
" oh I see.. well you better  get your ass over here.." I said  laughing. .
"Be there  in 2."
"Can't wait. ."
"Love u"
"Love you too."
"K bey. "

I couldn't  be more exited to  do a video with Grayson. .

Grayson's POV

After I ended the call I got dressed  and made my way to  Britney's  house.

I knocked  on  the door  and was soon greeted by the most  beautiful girl ever.

"Hi Gray. " she smiled, making way for me to step inside.
The moment she closed  the door I pulled  her closer  to  me connecting our lips.

" I've  missed you. "  I say.
"Gray we saw each other yesterday. " she laughed.
" Yeah but I still  missed  you. ." I said  rapping  my hands around her waist as we made our way up the stairs.

" So Mr. Dolan  what should we film this week." she asked  as we got to her room.

"Um what about t-h-e chapstick challenge .? " he asked  and immediately  his face lights up..

Oh this boy is way too cute..

" you gonna take me to the store to get some chapsticks then.." I said  pulling him out of my room..

-skip moment in store-

When we finally  got  home I couldn't wait  to  do this video. .

I quickly  ran up to me room and set everything  up  so that we could  start.


" Hi guys welcome back to my channel. This I have a special  someone  here with me...."

"GRAYSON! !!" I yelled  and Grayson  jumped  into the video.

"So we're  gonna do a fun challenge. ."

"Gray what are we gonna do."
"The chapstick challenge .." he said  looking into  the  camera.

" if you don't know how it works  I promise  you'll  figure  it out in an blink  of  an  eye." I said.

" SO LET'S  GET STARTED."I said  and with  that  we started.

-Skip to  the  end of the video-

" That's  all the chapsticks we can fit in one video. Thanks for watching. Give this video  a thumbs up if you  liked it. Subscribe for more weekly  videos.."


-End of  video-

The moment  I switched  the camera  off Grayson  sneaked  his hands onto my hips  pulling  me closer  to him.
At this point  my back was pressing  against  his  chest. I could  feel  his breath  in my neck.

He moved  my hair out of my neck and started  to  plant  soft kisses  on the back of my neck. The butterflies in my stomach  was going crazy. .

Oh how I love this boy he could make any bad day one of my best days.

I turned  to face him .He smiled. I flung my arms around  his neck.  Soon we leaned  in, our lips connecting  for a passionate kiss.

He liked my bottom lip begging for entrance. I gladly  accepted. Our lips moved  in sinc, as we start moving  backwards.  Soon I felt the cold wall against  my.

Grayson pulled  me closer  to him. The kiss now very intense.  He soon after  made his  way to my ear.

" Britney Jones I love you." He wispered. Them continued  to  make  his  way down my neck leaving  wet kisses all over. .

" Gray you are the best  that has ever  happened  to  me."said as my hands played with his hair.

He gently  bit into  the  soft skin  of my neck. That's  when a moan escaped  my lips.

" Gray-I-I" I struggled to  get  out. I felt  so ashamed. I knew Grayson  wanted  to  take  this relationship  to the next level. My only  problem  was that I'm  not ready  for that yet.
I love Grayson  with all my heart  and I don't  want to loose  him bit I can't  do something I'm  not  ready for..

" Baby what's  wrong?" He asked  looking  into  my eyes.

" I don't  really  know  how to say this but-" I said  looking  down.

"Don't  worry  you know  you can talk to me about  anything. " he said  lifting  my chin.

" I know it's just that I - I know  you  want  to  take our relationship  to the next  step  but I. . I just feel like I'm  not ready for that yet. ." I said  looking  down  ashamed..

" Britney  baby look me in the eye." He said  lifting my face so that our eyes met.

" I'm  not gonna  push you into  doing  anything  you're not ready  for.. I'll  be  ready when you're  ready. ." Grayson  said smiling , planting a sweet  kiss on my forehead. .

I think  this chapter  is super cute. I wish  I could meet them..😍😗😙😘😚

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