Chapter : 16

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Grayson's POV

I just stood there shocked at what I just witnessed. On the one hand I feel like Katelyn deserved it and on the other hand I think Britney went too far.
One thing I knew for sure is that something happened in freshmen year that I didn't know of. As the crowd stood there staring and cheering at Britney.

Britney's POV

I couldn't believe what just happened.
For the first time in all these years of abuse and mistreatment I finally lifted a hand and planted it to Katelyn's face. Plus I got away with it.
I felt proud that I finally got to do that but felt bad because I knew it was not something I really wanted to do.

I felt Grayson taking my hand in his and removing me from the huge crowd of people that stood staring at me. He looked shocked and mad.

I was then pulled into an empty class room. He shut the door.

"Grayson I can explain. " I said seeing that he looked very disappointed.

"What just happened and what was she talking about and why would she say you're a tramp please just tell me what is going on. "He said raising his voice slightly.

I knew I had to tell him about Roman otherwise he would find by Katelyn.

" Something happened in freshmen year that didn't look good but could do nothing about it. " I said.

"Why didn't you tell me about it. " Grayson questioned.

"I was afraid you'll think the worst of me.."I said looking down.

"Please trust me.. tell me what she did to you. Why do you hate eachother that much?" He asked stepping closer caressing my cheek.
I wanted to tell him but I just couldn't loose him now. I knew if I told him he wouldn't believe me and he'll leave me. I just could not deal with that right now.

"I- - -just can't tell you.. I can't loose you now." I said. And with that the bell rang for the end op lunch.

"I've gotta go.. I have drama and can't be late again.." I said and walked out of the room. As I walked out I felt bad for walking out like that. He really didn't deserve me treating him bad but he was way too important to me for me to loose him now. Now that I totally, completely fell head overheels for him.



When Britney told me last night what happened yesterday, I knew Katelyn was coming after us, and we will wish we never messed with her.

When I woke up this morning I felt nervous for going to school today. Maybe having to face Katelyn.
This was the worst feeling ever.

As I walked into school I immediately scanned the hall for a familiar face. But to my disappointment he was nowhere to be found. I looked down on my phone screen to see I had a text from him. As I was walking and reading on my phone I walked right into someone..

"Oh my I'm sorry." I said. As I looked up I immediately didn't feel sorry anymore. KATELYN...

"Oh what good manners you have Cindy...haha.."she laughed.

"All of a sudden I don't feel that sorry anymore." I said rolling my eyes.

"Do you know why I have never liked you?" She asked with a mean face.

"No as a matter of fact I don't know what I ever did wrong for you to Hate me. "I said.

"Well because I can't be seen with such an ugly person. Like every time I see you I ask myself why would there be such an disgraceful being in this world.?" She said with a straight face. Like she was actually serious and she wasn't just saying it to hurt me. I felt so ugly.

"You know what Katelyn if I'm That ugly why would I be dating Ethan. If I'm that ugly why would he even want me near him?" I ask.

"Simple he trusts you and he pity's you." She said.

"You know what stay out of my way ."I said push past her trying to get out of this situation.

"You know it's true.."she said smiling as I try to get away from her. It hurt because I knew there's a chance that she's right.

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story..also comment what you think and share my story..♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

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