Chapter : 38

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Britney's POV

My alarm went off.. Oh how I hate waking  up  from a beautiful  dream..

I got out of bed, went to my closest and picked my outfit. .

Before  leaving  for school I grabbed  a snack  and headed  out.
"The last week of school doesn't  it feel amazing. ." A annoying  voice  spoke from behind  me. It made jump..
I quickly turned around  to reveal the  person I knew.
Katelyn. .

"What do you want Kate.? " I questioned. .

" Not much. .But what I'm trying  to  do is to ruin  your  life and we'll your day." She said  stepping  closer. .

" You my dear are waisting your time. If you haven't  noticed  I don't  give you the power to that. Now please excuse me I'm  heading  to  school.." I said  turning  around  walking  away.

But I barely  took 2 steps  when I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head..

Soon after  everything went black..

Grayson's POV

I'm  freaking  out  right  now. . It's  almost  the second  period  and Britney's  nowhere  to be found. She won't  answer  my calls or read my texts. Even Cindy  can't  get in touch with her.

Deep inside  something  just felt wrong. Like seriously  wrong. I just knew  she was in danger. .
The bell rang  making  me jump.

" Bro are you okay?" Ethan  asked concerned.
" No I'm  really  stressed  out. Britney still  isn't  here and she's  not  answering her texts or her calls."I said worried.
"Maybe she's  not feeling well and stayed  home." Ethan  said.
"Okay then why not answer her phone. Or at least  text me." I said. .
"True." He said.

-lunch -

"Hey Grayson  have you heard anything  from  Britney." Cindy  asked. .

" No I was hoping  you have heard from her." I said. .
" This is really  strange she told me last night  that she couldn't wait to see me she didn't say anything about staying home.." she said..

" That's  it I can't anymore I'm going to  her house to see what's going on. ." I said  making  my way to the door of the lunch room..

I sneaked my way out of the school and pritty soon I was on my way to Britney's house. ..

Katelyn's POV

This was it today I did the most drastic thing I've ever done.
I got Roman and some of his friends to help me abduct Britney.
At first they were all like 'are you crazy' but the moment they saw the money everything fell into place..

We were on the sidewalk talking and Britney trew me a stupid comment and started walking away..This was the perfect opportunity for to get her unconscious. So I grabbed a rock and hit her as hard as I could.. She just fell to the ground. .

A total  rush ran through me. But then I saw the blood..  and it incuraged me even more..

Roman's POV

Katelyn is busy loosing her mind. These Dolan guys are messing up her judgement. .
Day and night.. everything coming out of her mouth is just about  them..

Today we were supposed to abduct Britney Jones. . Even though I know it is wrong I couldn't say no to Kate because she'd go crazy  and she pays well so why not..

Katelyn hit Britney over the head and she instantly fell to the ground, blood coming out of her scull.

" Have you lost your mind Kate..SHE'S BLEADING! "I yelled at her..

" This is amazing. ."she said happily. .
Even though I was worried about Britney I'm glad to see Kate happy.

We took Britney into the car and drove to the nearest  park. The park was perfect because it had a small forest. .
So we dragged her into the woods.
Me and some of the guys I know sat her down next to a tree as we waited for her to wake up. .

Britney's POV

As I opened my eyes the sound of birds made me wonder. Then I felt a sharp pain to my head. 

Then I heard laughter.. I looked around and saw a bunch of guys with masks laughing. .

They started yelling the most awful things at me and they started kicking and hitting me..

Very soon the pain took over my body and I knew it was no use in fighting them.. I screamed and yelled. . But  with every hit I took my breath  became less..

Grayson's POV

I was walking past the park close to Britney's house when I heard screaming. .

It came from the woods. .Then I heard something that made the hair on my back raise. .

" Help me please. Grayson please help me.." It came out more like a cry.. It was Britney's voice. .
I ran as fast as I could. . I saw guys running away from the woods but my one concern right now was Britney.

Soon I came to a stop and fell to my knees as I saw my babygirl lying on the ground...


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