Chapter : 6

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Ethan's POV

I woke up early to get ready. Cindy was coming over today and I knew today would be interesting.

I was nervous because up until now everything went good but I was afraid to get rejected again, and hated.

Grayson's POV

I was peacefully a sleep when my phone buzzed. When I looked it was a text from Britney.

Text: Grayson=G   Britney=B
B- Hey you awake.
G- Am now.
B- Sorry I'm awake and bored.
G- Man that sucks.
B- What time can I come to your place.
G- How about in 30 minutes.
B- You sure.
G- Yep I'm waiting for you.
B- Be there in 30 then.
G- okay..♡♡

As soon as I send the text I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and jumped in the shower.
When I was done I had about ten minutes before she would be here.
So I walked to the house to go meet her at the front door.

Britney's POV

After the text I quickly hoped in the shower. After I went to my dresser and picked out my outfit.
●White shorts .
● blue crop top .
●white sneakers.
I did light makeup just some mascaras and light eyeshadow.
I straightened my hair and left for Grayson's place.

Cindy's POV

For today I wore long  black ripped skinny  jeans and a top that said 'love and ice cream' in silver, with black plums.
I didn't do much makeup just mascara.
I left my long hair loose and wavy .

A/N  Will be posting the next chapter about their dates soon.♥♥♥
Hope ya'll like it.

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