Chapter : 19

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Grayson's POV

" Ahh sweet , you guys look all lovely dovey." I heard a familiar voice say.

"Katelyn why don't you just mind your own business and leave us alone. " I said.
She was really starting to piss me off. It's like she can't leave us alone.

" DON'T TALK TO MY GIRLFRIEND LIKE THAT!" Brad yelled walking to us.
" Listen man can you just take your girlfriend and tell her to leave Britney alone?" I asked getting mad at him for being such an idiot.

" Why don't you and your little tramp get going and leave my woman alone."
He said
And before I could think twice I punched him straight in the face.

"Grayson please stop!!" Britney yelled. "Fine I think it's time we leave. "I said looking into her eyes they were filled with fear.
" I'm gonna show you .." Brad said and as I turned to face him , before I knew it he punched me back. My eye hurt like hell but I knew he wouldn't stop till I fight back. So I punched him in the face and kicked him in the stomach. He was on the floor over taken with pain.
I grabbed Britney's hand and with that we left.

Britney's POV

As we were walking home I was so mad at Grayson for doing that to Brad. I didn't feel like even talking to him but deep inside I wanted to kiss him.

" Are you mad at me?" Grayson asked.
" Yes. Yes I am mad at you."
"Why? I only defended you."
"Grayson I asked you so nicely to stop and you just had to beat him up." I yelled as I walk into my house.
"Britney I was not going to just stand there and let Brad insult you and punch me, with me just not doing anything. ." He said.
"Britney come on are you really going to be mad at me for defending you and myself?" He asked.
This made me realise how dumb I just looked for being mad at him.
" No I won't. I'm sorry. " I said looking down.
"Hey it's okay." He said lifting my chin and pecking my lip.
I noticed his eye bleeding.
"Oh my gosh Grayson your eye is bleeding! " I said.
" Oh.." he said touching the cut above his eye.
"Wait here I'll get an first aid kid." I said and ran the kitchen and got the first aid kit and I quickly returned to Grayson in the living room.
" Come here let me clean that up. "I said ,as I started to clean his wound he quickly pulled alway.
" Wow that really stings. "He said.
"Don't be such a baby."I said. He then let me continue to clean his wound.

As I finshed he wrapped his strong arms around my waist.
" All better. "I said taking a seat on the couch next to him.
He turned to me and I moved closer to him. " You know I will never allow anyone to disrespect you in front of me right?" He asked.
"Yes I know." I said wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him passionately to show him I lo-v-e I mean like him.

"WHAT IS THIS LITTLE MISSY?" My mom shouted.
" OH NO!! Not on my couch." She said. " Mom your home early. "I said surprised to see her.
"Don't change the subject.
You young boy are out of my house now." She said.
" Mom don't be rude."I said.
" Don't be rude? DON'T BE RUDE. Do you know how rude you two are for doing things on my couch. " she said.
"I better go. " Grayson said.
"Okay I'll walk you out."I said.
" Yes please because we need to talk Britney. "My mom said.

"I'm sorry Gray."
"No it's fine. Talk to you later. " he said pecking my lip and leaving.

" Mom what the hell was that?" I questioned. .

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story. .Comment what you think and share my story. .♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

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