ch. 1

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Tobin's POV
The boy next to me was now my son, and the woman I loved was soon to be my wife. I smiled at the thought.
"Chris?" I asked
"Yeah, babe?"
"We are a family now."
"I know, it's amazing."
"It sure is. We should probably tell Jill, but we will tell the team all together."
"Ok, do you want me to go get her?"
"Yeah." I looked down at my son, and couldn't help but smile. This little boy has lost the only parents he knew, and he was so open to us. But I couldn't help but think about what he asked me before I signed the papers. He asked me to assure him that he wouldn't have a daddy that would hurt him or his mommy. It makes me wonder what he had gone through. I held him closer, and kissed his head softly. "I love you, Cad. I'll never hurt you. I will always protect you. I promise." I whispered, and he buried himself deeper in my side.
"I love you, you know that?" I heard my favorite person in the whole world say.
"Yeah, I know."
"You're so good with him."
"I'll tell you why later." I assure her. Just then Jill walked in.
"Hey, Tobin" She greeted me. "Pressy said you guys wanted to tell me something."
"Uh, yeah" I said. "Well, you see, I have loved Chris for a long time, and I have always wanted to start a family with her, and so, in the least romantic way possible, I pulled out the ring I keep in my purse, and asked her to marry me."
"And I said yes!" Christen said, pulling her hand out of her pocket to show Jill the ring.
"Congratulations girls! Damn Tobin. Good work with the ring."
"Haha. Thanks." I said. "One more thing, don't tell any of the girls. We want to do it in front of all of them."
"Will do. I'm really happy for you guys. Oh, and Chens refused to leave, Julie did and Ryan refused to go to sleep for anyone but Amy, so she had to leave. But take that ring off if you don't want Cheney to know, she really wants to see Tobin."
"Ok, thanks coach. For everything." Christen says.
"You're welcome girls. Now I have to get back to the hotel. Cap texted me and said that she neds help with the gals."
"Well, good luck with that coach!" I laughed.
"Haha. Thanks, good night ladies!"
"Night coach"
A few minutes after Jill left, Lauren came in.
"Tobin!" She exclaimed rushing to my side. "Are you okay?"
"I'm alright." I answered. "I'm ecstatic with how everything turned out, you know. Considering the circumstances, this is the best possible outcome, without knowing the extent of my injuries." I responded. Then right on cue, the doctor came in.
"Miss Heath?"
"Well, I wanted to talk to you about your injuries."
"Lay it on me doc. Quietly though, this one is sleeping." I said looking down at my sleeping son.
"Right. Congratulations by the way."
"Thank you, now how long am I out?"
"Well, what we thought was a sprain, is actually a hairline fracture. Which in this case is actually better, because the type of sprain we thought it was, would've actually taken longer to heal than the fracture, so you lucked out on that end. Now both of your wrists are injured. The one that was slammed between the door and the seat, your left one, is fractured. Your right one, the one that blocked the mirror is snapped in half. And your concussion is less severe than we thought. So when all is said and done, you should be able to start running again in 4-5 weeks. Fully training in 6-7. A lot sooner than we first expected."
"Wow, and what about Caden?" I asked.
"Well, he has a minor concussion, and a broken finger, so he needs to take it easy for 2-3 weeks. How long are you guys in camp for?"
"Another week." I answered. "Then we go home to Chicago for a couple of weeks."
"Ok, so schedule a check in with a doctor for him when you get home. He will be fine, though."
"Thanks doc." I said as he left.
"Wow, that's so much better than we all anticipated, Tobin." Lauren told me.
"Yeah, me too. I'm so relieved."
"We all are. I have to go call Jill. She asked me to let her know any updates."
"OK." I said. "Are you staying here tonight? If so you can stay in here with us. there's another bed."
"Are you sure you don't mind?"
"Of course not," Christen said. There's enough room in Tobin's bed for all of us."
"As long as you don't mind, I can stay in the waiting room."
"No, really. It's ok. I promise."
"Ok, let me go call Jill." She said, stepping out of the room.
"Hey, Tobs?" Christen asked me.
"Yeah, CP?"
"Can we tell Cheney?"
"If you want. I know she won't tell."
"Ok, i just don't wanna hide my ring anymore."
"Ok, I understand. We'll tell her when she comes back in, then we can tell the team when I'm released. Oh yeah, can you go get the doctor? I forgot to ask when I can leave."
"Yeah, of course Toby. I love you."
"Love you too baby."
A few minutes later, christen came back with the doctor.
"Hello Ms. Heath. What can I do for you?"
"When am I able to leave?"
"Well, you should be able to leave by tomorrow by noon if all goes well tonight. Your son should be ok to leave as well."
"Great thank you!"
"No problem."
Once the doctor left Christen said to me,
"I'm going to go and tell Lauren so she can tell Jill."

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