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The girls went to bed that night with plans of sleeping late the next morning. And for parents, that meant 8 am, so when they woke up at ten, they were both pleasantly surprised, and a little concerned. Tobin got up and went into Caden's room, leaving Christen in bed. When she got in the room, she saw Caden still sleeping, so she walked up to the bed, and rubbed his back.
"Caden? Buddy? It's time to wake up." She whispered.
"Mom?" He whimpered.
"What's the matter?"
"I feel bad."
"You feel bad?"
"mm hmm." he nodded.
"What hurts?"
"My head and my tummy." He replied shakily. Tobin kissed his forehead, and recoiled at the contact. She picked up the small boy and brought him to her bedroom.
"Chris?" Tobin said.
"He's sick."
"What do you mean?" Christen asked as Tobin placed him on the bed, and cuddled into Christen's side. "What's the matter?"
"He said his head and tummy hurt. And he's burning up." Tobin said, as Christen felt Caden's head.
"Go get a thermometer, Tobs?"
"Yeah sure. I'll run out and get some medicine for him too. I don't think we have any."
"Ok thank you."
Tobin came back a few minutes later with the thermometer, and handed it to Christen.
"Caden, can you lift your arm up buddy?" Christen asked gently. Caden obeyed, and Christen put the thermometer under his arm, and guided it down gently.
"101.2" Christen sighed when it beeped. "Will you make sure it's a fever reducer, Tobs?"
"Yeah, I'll be right back. Do you want a coffee?"
"Yeah please."
"I'll be right back."
Caden and Christen laid in bed together for a few minutes, until Caden began to cough. Christen immediately sat him up, and rubbed his back.
"Mommy. I feel bad." He said.
"I know Cadey, I know. Look at me. Does your throat hurt too?"
Caden nodded. "Uh huh." He said beginning to cry.
"Don't cry buddy. Mom will be back soon with some medicine. Shh. It's ok." Christen soothed. "It's alright baby." She said while cradling him. Soon enough, Tobin came back with the medicine and coffee.
"Hey babe." She whispered.
"Hi Tobs." Christen whispered back. "Cadey? Baby? Mom is home with your medicine. Can you sit up for me?" She asked. Caden sat up, and Christen poured him some children's Tylenol, which he swallowed, then winced out in pain. "Does drinking hurt your throat?" Christen asked her son.
"Uh huh." He responded.
"Tobin, if he is still running a high fever when the medicine wears off, I think we should take him to the doctors. I'm questioning strep."
"Yeah I was thinking that as well. We should probably start thinking about wedding planning too, you know." Tobin responded.
"Yeah, I know. Caden, do you want to go into your bed or the couch?"
"Couch." He responded weakly. Christen picked Caden up, and carried him to the couch, and put Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the tv. Her and Tobin sat at the counter that looked into the living room.
"So..." Julie started.
"So..." Christen mocked, earning a slap on the arm from Tobin
"So, wedding."
"What about it?"
"It's happening"
"Regret it?" Christen joked.
"Not at all. There is nobody I would rather do this with." She responded, kissing Christen on the cheek.
"Good. Me either babe. Now, let's get planning."
"So where do you want it to be?" Tobin started off.
"Either LA or New Jersey." Christen said.
"I think it should be in LA. "Tobin said.
"Really?" Christen's eyes lit up.
"Really. It's closer to most of our teammates, and I know you really want it in LA. I don't care where it is, as long as I get married to you."
"Cheesy. But cute." Christen laughed. "So it's settled. LA?" She continued.
"Yeah, LA."
"First wedding planning step complete!High five!" Christen exclaimed, high-fiving Tobin
"Mommy?" Caden croaked.
"Yeah buddy?"
"I'm so cold"
"Do you wanna blanket?"
"Mhmm" he hummed.
Christen got up and got him a blanket, and laid it over him.
"I want Auntie Lauren."
"Well, we are playing her team this week so you can see her in a few days. Do you want me to see if she can talk now?"
"Uh huh."
"Ok, watch Mickey and I'll see if she can talk."
Christen got up, and grabbed her phone. She looked up and saw Tobin staring at her.
"You're such a good mother."
"I think we're both doing alright, Tobs. I have to call Cheney, hold on."

"Hey Lauren."
"Hey Pressy. What's up?"
"Well, I was wondering if you could FaceTime with Cade. He's pretty sick, and he was asking for you. Don't worry if you're busy."
"No, we just got out of training. I'm just sitting in the living room with Jrue. I'll call you."
They both hung up, and a few seconds later, Lauren FaceTimed on Christen's phone. Christen handed the phone to Caden.
"Hi big boy!" She heard Lauren say. "How are you feeling?"
"Oh, that's too bad. I'm sorry you don't feel good. Your moms are taking good care of you, right?"
"Uh huh."
Lauren and Caden talked for awhile, giving Tobin and Christen time to talk more about their wedding.
"So what colors were you thinking?"
"I was thinking navy and gray." Tobin answered.
"Yeah? Did you have something else?"
"No! That's exactly what I was going to say, just with some coral accents. Like in the flowers."
"I like that. So the colors are all set. What about a date?"
"I think we need to do it after the Olympics. We won't have time before."
"Yeah, I was thinking that too. We also should do it after the NWSL playoffs are over, so that way we don't run the risk of having a game."
"Right. So what about November 5th?"
"I think that sounds good. Let me just check." Tobin said pulling out her phone. "We don't have anything that we know of, as of right now."
"Great, let's plan it for then. I thought this was supposed to be hard." Christen laughed.
"Yeah, we haven't fought once. We are going to have to make a guest list later, though." Tobin reminded her. "I'm going to go bail Cheney out right now." She said, walking over to her son.
"Hey Caden, say good bye to Auntie Lauren."
"Bye bye"
"Bye buddy. Feel better soon. I love you!"
"Love you!"
"Hi Tobin. How are you?"
"Alright. You?"
"Good. Are you taking him to the doctor?"
"We were going to if he's running a fever once the medicine wears off."
"Ok good. He doesn't look good, plus he has a rash on his chest, which could signify strep."
"Yeah that's what we were thinking."
"Well, see you on the pitch in a few days!" Lauren said. "Bye guys!"
"But Chens. Thanks for distracting him!" Tobin said.
"No problem. See you soon."
"See you."
With that, Tobin hung up, and walked over to Caden. She sat down next to him, and pulled her burning boy close to her."Let me look at your chest Caden. Auntie Lauren said there was a rash there."
He turned to Tobin, and showed her his chest. Tobin looked at it, and she called christen over.
"Come here."
Christen emerged from the kitchen, and walked over to Tobin and Caden.
"What's up?"
"Cheney told me he had a rash on his chest, so I looked and he does. I know that when I got strep as a kid that I had a rash on my chest, so I think we need to call the doctor."
"Ok, I'll go call now."

AN: Hello! Sorry it's been forever! I've been pretty busy with school and softball... Hope you like it, and thanks for reading!

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