Ch. 21

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"Mommy why do you have to go to the doctors again?" Caden asked me.
"The doctor just needs to give me a check up."
"But I don't want you to go to the doctors." He whined.
"Why not?"
"Because." He pouted.
"Caden Michael. Talk like a big boy please." Tobin said as she emerged from the bathroom.
"But I don't want mommy to go to the doctors."
"Why is that?"
"Cuz I don't want mommy to be sick."
"Mommy's not sick." She said.
"But she's going to the doctor?" He asked confused.
"That doesn't always mean I'm sick. Sometimes you go to the doctor to make sure that you won't get sick." I explained
"Oh okay." He sniffed.
"Come here buddy." I coaxed with open arms. He came and ran into my arms and laid his head on my shoulder. "I'm okay Cadey. I promise."
"Okay mommy."
"Love you Caden"
"Love you too mommy."
"Now let's get you to school." I said as I picked him up and carried him out to the car. 

Once Caden was settled in school, I walked back out to the car after checking in with Logan. Tobin was in the driver's seat, and we headed to the doctor's for my ten week appointment. We still haven't told anybody except the coaches, but were planning to as long as everything went well today. Once we got inside the office, the nurse got the ultrasound equipment ready for the doctor. 
"Nervous?" I asked Tobin who was bouncing her knee up and down and had barely said a word since we dropped Caden off. 
"Yeah. You?"
"Of course." I sighed. A few minutes later the doctor came in.
"Good morning!" He greeted.
"Hi doctor." I said.
"You ready to get this going?"
"As I'll ever be." I chuckled. 
"Alright. Christen I'm gonna ask you to lay down, and Tobin you can come over here and hold her hand if you want." 
"Okay." Tobin responded as she got up and moved over to hold my hand. She gave it a light squeeze in order for me to look up at her, and gave me a smile when I did. The doctor began to rub the cold gel on my stomach and I tensed at the contact.
"Cold?" He smirked.
"Yeah a little." I added sheepishly. He just chuckled as he began to use the ultrasound wand on my stomach. Before long, the picture on the little screen came into focus, and a few seconds after it did, we heard the steady thump thump thump of our baby's heartbeat. My eyes filled with tears and so did Tobin's. But my heart stopped at the words,
"Hmm what do we have here? Jess!" He called for a second opinion presumably. I looked over at Tobin who had her head bowed in prayer and was muttering a cry for refuge. Once a woman, who I assumed was Jess, walked in, the doctor whispered something to her. She took a few minutes to look at the monitor, and she nodded in agreement.
"Tobin. Christen?"
"Y-yes?" I asked bracing myself for the worst. 
"Unfortunately, you are going to have to spend a little more money seeing as you'll be having double the joy."
Tobin and I snapped our heads towards him and he was smirking.
"Did you say what I think you said?"
"Yes I did. Congratulations. You guys are pregnant with twins."
"Twins?" I said shocked.
"Twins." Tobin laughed and kissed me. 
"Yes with the transplantation fertilization process, twins are a more common occurrence." The doctor explained.
"Tobin. We're gonna have twins." I smiled.
"I know." She answered back.

We walked out of the office hand-in-hand to the car, smiling from ear to ear. When we got in the car, Tobin leaned back on the seat, and she just laughed, and I joined in. 
"NOW we can start talking about a house." She said.
"Agreed. Now let's go get Caden from daycare, and we can fly our families in this week."
"Okay. But we should tell Caden, right?"
"Yeah we should." I agreed. Tobin started the car and we went to pick Caden up. This time Tobin went in, and I stayed in the car. I looked down at my stomach which was just barely starting to show, and it actually hit me that I was carrying two human beings inside of me. I was going to be responsible for the lives of two little humans. I saw Caden and Tobin out of the corner my eyes, and I quickly wiped the tears that spilled over and took a deep breath to collect myself. 
"You alright?" Tobin asked when she hopped in the drivers seat.
"Yeah. Now?" I asked and she nodded and turned on her video camera, turned around and recorded him. I turned around and began to talk.
"Hey Caden. So you know how mommy went to the doctor's today?"
"Well, guess what the doctor told us." Tobin continued.
"Mommy is going to have a baby." I told him. His eyes turned round as saucers and his mouth formed an 'o', and he began to giggle.
"Really? It's in your belly right now?"
"Yes but there's more. Mommy has two babies in her belly at the same time." I told him, and he had the biggest smile on his face. 
"Am I gonna be a big brother?"
"You sure are." Tobin said.
"WOW" He giggled and Tobin turned the camera off. Tobin drove off and I looked back at Caden who had the biggest look of confusion on his face. 
"What are you thinking about, Cade?"
"How can there be room for two babies in there?" He asked and tried to point at my stomach.
"Well, the babies are really little right now, and they will grow bigger, so my belly will get bigger."
"Oh okay." He said seemingly satisfied with that answer.

We headed home, and texted the teams.

(Ntl team)

Hey guys! So Tobin and I have some big news to share. So today we found out that I am pregnant, and it's twins!

AM: OMG congrats guys!
HS: ^^
JJ: Congrats love you guys!
AH: Can't wait to meet them!
LH: How did Caden take it?
CP: You wanna see? *video attached*
SL: Too cute
AK: Agreed


Hey guys! So Tobin and I have some big news to share. So today we found out that I am pregnant, and it's twins! 

In the Red Stars chat we got similar responses as to the USWNT chat. I called my family and Tobin called hers, and somehow all of them could make it this weekend. We wanted to do it all together with everybody there. 

TIME SKIP: That Weekend- Tobin's POV

"Chris! They're here!" 
"Coming Tobs!" She called. Soon she came out carrying Caden. When she set him down he ran straight to the door where my parents were knocking. 
"Nana!" He shrieked. "Grampy! Grandma! Grandpa!" He was so excited to see everybody. Then he realized that our siblings were here too. 
"Aunt Ty! Aunt Channing! Aunt Katie! Aunt Perry! Uncle Jeff!" 
"Hey buddy." Everybody said as they made their way into the living room. Once everybody was settled, Christen broke into the conversation.
"So I bet you're all wondering why we made you come out to Chicago on an off week." To which everybody nodded in agreement. 
"Well." I went on to explain. "Christen actually is pregnant." To which everybody gasped or cheered or cried. "With twins." I finished. By now my mom and sisters and Christen's mom and sisters were crying, and the guys were trying to act all macho, but I saw them wipe a few tears away. That night as full of fun with each other, and just catching up. Tomorrow, however, we needed to start house shopping, because we may have been able to get away with the apartment if we had one baby, but there was no way we could with two.

AN: SOOO twins... More to come soon!

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