Ch. 33

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"I love you Graykey. You'll be fine." I spoke these words softly and with so much meaning. I was sending my son into isolation in order to have a procedure done in a last stitch effort to save his life. This was not the time to half-ass 'I love you's'. I watched as they wheeled him into the room, in order to put Mal's bone marrow into his by drilling into his fragile bones. Mal was still in her procedure, and insisted that Christen come with her, so Chris was in there with her, and I was now all alone in the waiting room. Looking for something to do, I decided to text Alex and ask how the kids were.

Hey Lex! How are the kiddos?

A few minutes later she responded.

They're great! Serv made them pancakes and they're just chillin rn.

That's good. Hey do you think that either you or Serv could help Cade with his weekend math that he needs to do?

Yeah absolutely! We'll get that going now! How's everything there?

Mal is still in and Chris is with her, and Graykey just got taken for his prep

Okay well let me know how it goes

I will. Thanks again lex.

Welcome Tobs

After my conversation with Alex, I checked up on my social media sand emails. Chris came out a few minutes later.

"Hey Toby."

"Hey babe. How'd it go?"

"Fine. Once she got past the initial pain she was good."

"That's good."

"Come on. Let's go see her."

We walked into Mallory's hospital room, and she was just laying on the bed.

"Hey Mal-Pal. How you feeling?"

"Hey T! Tired but okay."

"That's good. Thanks for doing this by the way." I said sitting on her bed.

"I'm glad I did." She yawned.

"Go to sleep Malley-O." Christen said from across the room. "You're tired."

"Will one of you stay with me?" She asked and looked up at us adorably.

"I can stay with her Chris. You go and get something to eat or something."

"You're sure Toby?"

"Yeah I'm sure CP. Now go you look like you need coffee." I laughed.

"Oh very funny."

"Wait Chris!" I called out to her as se walked out the door.

"Yes?" She asked, spinning on her heel to face me. I got up out of bed and went over to her. I wrapped her in a hug and kissed her temple.

"I love you and I'm proud of you." I whispered. "And thank you for being so strong even though you don't have to all the time."

"I love you too Tobs. And I'm proud of you."

"Now go and bring me back some coffee."

"Gotcha." She laughed on the way out. I moved back to the bed and laid down with Mallory.

"Take a nap Mal-Pal. You need sleep."

"Wait T. Don't you wanna go with Gray?"

"He needs to be in isolation." I said.

"Oh." She said and her face fell.

"Yeah I know Malley. Go to sleep now kid."

"Okay night Tobs."

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