ch. 3

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Once the group got back to the hotel, Caden woke up.
"Hey bud!" Cheney said. "Were you tired?"
"Yeah. Carry me?"
"Yeah sure buddy, we gotta go meet the rest of your Aunties, ok?"
"Ok" Caden said climbing into Cheney's arms. "Auntie Lauren?"
"Yeah, Cay?"
"Where are we?"
"We are in Boston, in Massachusetts, remember?"
"No. how far away is Cleveland Ohio?"
"Pretty far, buddy. Why do you wanna know where Cleveland is?"
"That's where I lived with my old mommy and daddy."
"Oh ok." Cheney made a mental note to tell Christen and Tobin this later. "Soon you'll be leaving to go back to a place called Chicago (AN: Just go with it) to live with your parents."
"Ok. Where are we going?"
"To meet all of your Aunties. Mommy and Mom are already up there."
"Ok let's go!"
Cheney and Caden met Tobin and Christen in the hallway before going in the room. Hope had already gone in, and was told not to ruin the surprise.
"Cheney?" Tobin asked. "Will you stay out here with him? We're gonna tell them about the engagement first."
"Yeah of course. We'll wait out here."
"Thanks." Christen said.
"No problem. Videotape their reaction, will ya?"
"Yeah sure."
Christen wheeled Tobin in the room, and everyone stood up.
"Hey Tobin. How are you feeling?" Becky asked.
"Alright. I have so much pain meds in me, I'm sorta numb right now." She laughed. "Everybody, Chris and I have something to tell you."
"What is it?" Sydney asked.
"Well last night, Christen did something that made me fall for her even more. Something that, despite the circumstances, made me realize that the time was right. Before you ask, I'll tell you that part in a minute. So anyways, I hobbled out of my bed, kneeled in from of her, and asked for her hand in marriage."
Everyone cheered, and congratulated them. People asked to see the ring, and they gasped when Christen showed them.
"Guys!" Tobin yelled. "There's one more thing! I think you'll like this one better!" Everyone settled down.
"Chris! Come here!" Tobin called. "Go and open the door when I say 'So I woke up with...'" she whispered.
"What are you telling us guys! I'm very excited!" Pinoe said.
"Ok, so remember how I said that Christen did something last night that made me fall for her even more?"
"Yeah, and?"
"Well, when we were hit, there was a man, a woman, and their little boy. The man was drunk, and both he and the woman were killed on impact. The little boy however was not. Well anyways, while I was asleep, Chris was pretty busy."
Christen got up and went towards the door, just as Tobin said, "So, I woke up to a pounding headache, the most beautiful girl in the world by my side, and the most beautiful girl in the world was holding the little boy who is now my son. Everyone meet Caden. He is the little boy from the crash."
"Oh my gosh." They all gasped. "He's so cute." They raved as he was currently clutching onto Christen's neck.
"Cadey? Buddy?" Christen whispered. "Say hello."
"Hello." He said quickly, then burying his face in Christen's neck.
"What's wrong, kiddo?" Christen asked him.
"My head hurts." He cried. "I want Aunt Lauren."
"Hey Chens?" Christen called.
"Can you come here?"
"What's up?" she said as she approached.
"He wants you."
"Hey buddy! What's up?"
"My head hurts." He said into her chest.
"Chris?" I think he needs to get to bed, the meds are wearing off."
"Yeah, I was thinking that too. I need to go pick up the parents like now, so I'll get the meds when I'm out. Can you bring him to our room until I get back? Then I'll take over? I'm really sorry for making you do all of this, it's just that Tobin can't do much, and the parents don't have a ride, and and, it's just so hard."
"Hey. Look at me. It's fine. I love to help out. It will get easier once Tobin gets healed. I promise."
"Thank you so much. I owe you big time. I promise I'll be quick, just please make sure he goes to sleep."
"I promise."
"Thank you. Don't tell Tobin where I went, just tell her I went out if she asks. It's a surprise."
"Ok will do. Cade, say bye to mommy. She's going to get your grandparents."
"Bye mommy." a sleepy Caden answered.
"By Cadey. I love you."
"Love you too mommy."
Cheney walked over to Tobin who was talking with Moe and Kling,
"Tobs?" Cheney said
"What's up?"
"I'm bringing him back to your room, his head hurts, but I know people want to talk to you, and Christen had to go get his medicine."
"Oh ok. Thanks Lauren. Let me see him for a minute."
"Ok" She said. "Be careful of your mom, Caden." She whispered. "She hurt her wrists, remember.?"
"I will." He promised as he climbed into Tobin's lap.
"Hey, Caden. I'll be in with you in a few minutes, ok? I just gotta talk to some people."
"Ok, mom. I love you."
"I love you too, Cade. I'll see you soon.
"See you soon buddy," Moe said.
"Yeah, maybe we can spend some more time with you tomorrow, ok?" Kling said.
"Ok." He whimpered
"See you guys later." Cheney said.
"Bye chens. Thanks so much."
"No problem at all."

Cheney left, Caden's arms wrapped around her neck, head buried in her chest.
"Aunt Lauren?"
"Yeah buddy? What's up?"
"My head hurts bad."
"I know kiddo, but your mommy is going to get you some more medicine."
"Ok" he yawned.
Once they got in the room, Cheney laid Caden down, and kissed his forehead.
"Go to sleep, Cade. I love you bud."
"Aunt Lauren?"
"Can you lay with me?"
"Sure bud." Lauren said as she crawled into bed with him. "Go to sleep now. I'll wake you up when mommy gets back with your medicine, ok?"
"ok" he said as he nuzzled into Cheney's side.

Lauren must have fallen asleep, because she was jerked awake by tossing and turning next to her. Caden was becoming restless, and was rolling around.
"Ow ow ow. stop." He mumbled. "Dad stop. Dad it hurts! Stop! Mommy? help!" And he sat bolt upright in bed, and screamed.
"What's wrong Caden?"
He cried into her chest in response.
"Caden? What's the matter? What happened in your dream?"
"Daddy was hitting me again. He hit mommy too, and she laid on the ground and didn't get up. Then he picked her up and put her in the car, and and and he put me in too."
"Do you remember that from real life?" She asked still holding him close.
"Yeah. "
"What happened?"
"I was in the car for a long time. He only stopped once and he didn't take me out and he was walking funny and mommy was yelling at him and then he hit her and then he hit the car."
"Ok, it's ok. He won't ever hurt you again, I promise."
"Well, because when he hit the car, he and your old mommy went to heaven, so he can't hurt you or her anymore."
"Aunt Lauren, I'm scared. I want mom!" He cried
"I'll call her, ok buddy?"
"Ok. Tell her to hurry!"
"I will."

ON THE PHONE WITH MOE (Tobin still didn't replace her phone after the accident)
"Hey Moe. Can I talk to Tobs."
"Yeah hold on."
"Thanks sweetheart"
"Hey Tobin. Can you come back? Caden wants you, he had a nightmare."
"Yeah I'll be right there."
Moe wheeled Tobin to the room, and Tobin let herself in.
"Thanks Moe"
"No problem. Text if you need anything."
"Will do. Thanks."
What Tobin faced when she got in, was Cheney rocking Caden back and forth on the bed, him silently sobbing into her chest.
"Hey Cade? Mom is here"
"I'm right here buddy. Cheney will you help me get into bed? Please?"
"Yeah sure" Tobin stood up on one foot, and hopped over towards the bed, Cheney holding her around the bicep for support.
"Thanks Chens. Come here Cade." Tobin said holding her casted arms out. "What's the matter, little man?"
"I had a bad dream."
"Oh yeah. I hate bad dreams. What was it about?"
"Daddy hit me and my old mommy and he put us in the car and we drove a long way. Then we hit the other car."
"Oh wow. That's a scary dream. I got you now. Nobody will hurt you. I promise. Now, can you try and go back to sleep? I'll hold you, and never let anyone hurt you."
"Ok mom"
Once Caden was asleep, Cheney said to Tobin,
"You know, Tobs. He said that he remembers it from real life. The dream. He said it actually happened. It sounded like his father was abusive to both him and his mother. It sounded like he was kidnapped by his own father, so was his mother. Then he said his father got drunk, and that's when he hit the car."
"Wow. The poor kid. He's gone through more in almost three years than I have in my life."
"I know. Oh and also, he asked me where we were earlier. I was like, 'Boston, remember.' And he said, 'no. Where's Cleveland?' And when I asked him why he wanted to know where Cleveland is, he said that's where he used to live. This just proves it. It's a good thing he wasn't in school yet, there'd be a lot of explaining to do."
"Tell me about it." Tobin said as christen walked in.
"Hey babe, hey Chens."
"Hey Chrissy."
"How are you feeling Tobin?"
"Alright. Cheney called me because he had a nightmare. He said it actually happened. It was where his father abused him then kidnapped him and his mother. He used to live in Cleveland, he says."
"Wow. I can't believe that. Who would want to hurt this sweet baby boy?" Christen said sadly.
"I know Chris."
"Guys, I hate to interrupt, but he needs the meds." Cheney reminded them.
"Oh yeah." Christen said. "Hey Cades?" She said rubbing his back. "Cades it's mommy. You gotta get up. You need to take your medicine."
"Hi mommy."
"Hi baby. Sit up, ok. I gotta give this to you. "
"Also, Tobin get up. We have to go somewhere."
"You'll see. Just get in your chair. Caden, do you want me to carry you, or do you want to sit in mom's lap?"
"Moms lap."
"Sure kiddo. Cheney. I can't thank you enough. I really can't."
"It's my pleasure press. Honestly, if you need anything just text. I'll be there if I can. Also, Ryan and Caden need to meet."
"Yeah maybe tomorrow if he's feeling better."
Cheney left to go join the rest of the team, and the small family left, but Christen was the only one who knew where they were going... And it was going to be adorable.

AN: hey guys. Thanks so much for reading. Please comment any suggestions, feedback, or anything else. Votes are always appreciated!!
Thanks again!!

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