Ch. 25

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"Breathe baby. Breathe. I'm right here. In and out in and out. There you go." I tried in desperation to calm Christen down.
"To. Bin. It. Hurts." She puffed out
"I know baby girl I know."
"Christen are you ready to push?"
"Yes." She gritted.


"Hey Cadey!"
"Hey aunt Ash. Where's Aunt Ali?"
"She's in Washington with her team remember?"
"Oh yeah I forgot." He giggled.
"So Cades. Do you love your new house?" Alex asked.
"What's your favorite part?"
"The backyard."
"Oh yeah? Can you show us?"
"Yeah follow me come on!" He sprinted out with the dog at his heels. "Come on Lobo! Gotta go out?"
We followed Caden out into the backyard, and he ran out to the play set that Tobin and Christen had set up for him.
"Aunt Alex! Look at me!" He called to Alex as he hung from the monkey bars.
"I see you buddy! Be careful!"
"I will don't worry." He called.
"We should probably text Cheney. Let her know what's going on. I doubt Tobin has called anyone."
"Yeah I'll let her know." Alex said and whipped out her phone. A few minutes later, Cheney replied.
"She's flying out." Alex responded simply.
"Shocker." I chuckled and removed myself from the seat on the porch when Caden called from the swing.
"Aunt Ash! Come push me!"
"Coming buddy-o"
Alex followed behind me, and came and watched. I caught her videotaping me, and I chased after her when I saw.
"What was that for?" I asked.
"You always talk about wanting a child, so I figured if I showed Ali a video of you being cute with a child..."
"Oh I got it." I laughed.
"Aunt Alex!" Caden called
"Yeah Cades?"
"I'm hungry!"
"Well it's almost dinner time. Do you want to go out?"
"What do you want?"
"Okay let's go get you cleaned up and then head out."

I carried Caden inside and got him changed while Alex put the car seat in the car we took. Once I had Caden dressed in jeans and a t shirt, I threw on his jacket and walked him out to the car and fastened his seatbelt before hopping into the driver's seat. 


"Okay Christen! I see the head. One more push." The doctor encouraged Chris.
"AGH!" she screamed and squeezed my hand. Hard. I squeezed my eyes shut, and soon I heard a sharp cry. My eyes popped open, and I saw a little girl, my little girl, among the people in the room.
"It's a girl!" The doctor exclaimed.
 The doctors swiftly took her away, but the joy was short lived. Oh right there's another one
"Agh!" Christen screamed.
"Come on baby. Just a little bit more princess. A little bit more." I encouraged.
"One more push Chris. One more!" The doctor encouraged. "Here we go. It's a little boy! Great job Christen! I'll leave you two alone." 
"Chris." I cried. "You did it baby." I said as I pressed my forehead to her sweat filled one. 
"Tobin." She rasped. "We did it." I leaned in and crashed my lips with hers and held her face between my hands. 
"We're parents." I marveled.
"We're parents." She agreed. 


"Hey Ash. It's Tobin I gotta take this." I said. We had just gotten home from dinner, and Tobin was calling.

"Hey Tobs!"

"Hey Lex. I'm a mama again."

"They're here?"

"Yeah. A boy and a girl."


"Don't know yet."

"Do you want us to bring Caden?"

"Why don't you wait till tomorrow. It's late now."

"Okay we'll bring him over first thing tomorrow."

"You're the best Lex."

"No problem Tobin."

"By Lex."

"See you tomorrow Tobs. Oh by the way, Cheney caught a red-eye and will be here in a few hours."

"Why am I not surprised. Night Lex."

"Night Tobs."

I hung up with Tobin and headed back into the living room with Ash and Caden.
"Hey mister. Time for you to go to bed."
"Where's mama?"
"She's at the hospital with mommy because mommy had your little brother and sister tonight."
"Oh. When can I see them?"
"Aunt Ash and I will take you tomorrow."
"Who do you want to take you to bed kiddo?" Ash asked.
"Um. Aunt Alex."
"Okay kiddo. Let's go." I said.
"C'mon Lobo." Caden called. 
Caden ran off to his room, and I followed closely. He hopped into bed, and I just read him a story before shutting the lights. 
"Night Cadey."
"Night Aunt Alex. See you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow buddy."

I headed out into the living room with Ash for awhile before Lauren arrived.
"Hey Laur."
"Hey did everything go okay?"
"Yeah they arrived a boy and a girl with no complications."
"That's good. I'm assuming I have the couch?"
"Yeah Ash and I have the rooms."
"No big deal."
"Well I'm going to bed." I announced.
"Same here." Ash said.
I slept in Tobin and Christen's bed, and Ash slept in the guest room, and Lauren on the couch.


"Here they are." The doctor announced as they carried the babies into the room and placed the boy in my arms and the girl in Chris's. 
"So Chris. We kinda need names." I chuckled.
"Yeah you're right." 
"Boys names. What about Jackson?"
"Nah. What about Liam?"
"Too simple. I have always loved the name Grayson."
"Grayson. Hmm I like that. Middle name?"
"I want to name it after somebody."
"Me too. Let's think of a first name for this little one here-" She said gesturing to the sleeping child in her arms, "-then the middle names will flow."
"Yeah okay. What about Elizabeth?"
"Eh. Really common. Leah?"
"She doesn't look like a Leah."
"Ooh. I've always loved Emersyn. Spelled E-m-e-r-s-y-n."
"I love that Chris. So Emersyn and Grayson. I love them. Now middle names."
"I was thinking Emersyn Kelley. Kell has been with me since college."
"Emersyn Kelley Heath-Press. Beautiful."
"Now for Grayson here."
"Grayson Alexander. For Alex."
"Grayson Alexander Heath-Press. I love it. So pictures?"
"Yeah let's do it." 

I had the nurse that walked in take a picture of the four of us, and posted it to Twitter.
"Welcome Emersyn Kelley and Grayson Alexander! @alexmorgan13  @kelleyohara19.  All is well with Chris. Fairly easy delivery."

"You should get some sleep Chris."
"Yeah you too. You wanna sleep with me?"
"If you want me to."
"I do."
"Okay then." I said and climbed into bed with her. "Goodnight Chris."
"Night Toby." She yawned. "Love you."
"Love you too CP."


"Mommy?" I heard a small whisper from the doorway.
"Hi Caden!" I called. "Hey Al. Hey Ash. Hi Laur."
"Hey Press. How ya feeling?" Ash asked me.
"Great actually."
"Mommy. Where are the babies?"
"Over there with mama." I said gesturing to Tobin by the bassinette in the corner. 
"Mama!" Caden called and ran into Tobin.
"Cadester!" Tobin exclaimed and picked him up. "Hey Lex. Did you see my tweet?" Tobin smirked.
"No I didn't check this morning."
"Check." Tobin instructed and Alex opened her phone. She must have seen the tweet because she drew her hand to her mouth and her eyes filled with tears. 
"Chris. Tobin. I don't know what to say." She breathed.
"It's okay Alex. We know."
"Uhh. I hate to be a bother, but what just happened?" Ash asked. 
"Meet Grayson Alexander." 
"Yes but how doe- ohh I get it." She laughed.
"Mommy. What's the girl's name?"

"Her name is Emersyn Kelley after aunt Kelley." 
"So Emersyn and Grayson?"
"I like those names."
"That's good buddy." I said as he crawled into my lap.
"Yes Caden."
"I love our family."
"I love our family too."

AN: The twins are here! Yay! I really don't have anything to say, but please please leave feedback! I absolutely love hearing from you! Night guys!

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