Ch. 7

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Today was going to be a pretty fun day, after a long recovery session of course. Both Christen and Tobin had to attend breakfast, but only christen had to go to recovery. That meant that Tobin and Caden got to hang out until they were able to go out. After breakfast, Christen had to head down to the pool, so Tobin and Caden walked back up to their hotel room.
"What are we gonna do today?" Caden asked Tobin.
"I don't know, let's plan something." She suggested, opening her laptop. "Come up here, bud." Caden hopped up on the bed, and sat against Tobin's side. Tobin looked up, 'Things to do with kids in Boston, MA'. There was surprisingly a ton of things to do. Tobin decided she would ask Christen what she wanted to do, but Tobin was looking into the Boston Children's Museum, the duck tours, and the Boston Common. The parents had left last night, so it was just Tobin and Christen. A few minutes later, Christen walked in the door.
"Hey Tobs. Hi Cade!"
"Hi mommy!"
"Hey Chrissy."
"What do you want to do today?" Christen asked Tobin
"I have a few ideas." Tobin said with a smirk.
"Oh yeah? And what might those be?"
Well, Caden and I did a little bit of research, and found some ideas. We were thinking the Boston's Children's museum, the duck tours, or the common."
"What's the children's museum, because I was thinking the aquarium."
"No. We're not going to the aquarium, I've heard it was terrible."
"Well, alright then. What's the Children's museum?"
"It's a museum with like all interactive games and things for the little guys. I was thinking we could see if Arod and Cheney wanted to come."
"Yeah good idea! Can we go to Faneuil Hall for lunch?"
"Yeah good call, Chris."
"I'm gonna shower, you text Cheney and Arod."
"Will do"

Hey Arod? Do you have plans today yet?- Tobin

No, not yet. Why?- Arod

"Do you and Cheney want to bring the kids to the children's museum?- Tobin

"Yeah sure. Meet you in the lobby in 30 min?- Arod.

See you then.- Tobin
Christen go out of the shower, and threw on Nike leggings and a tank with her white Roshes.
"We have to meet Arod in the lobby in 20 minutes, Chris."
"Ok. Sounds good!"
"Caden are you excited?" Tobin asked.
"Guess who is coming?"
"Ryan and Aunt Amy."
"Guess who else?"
"Aunt Lauren!"
"Yay!" He exclaimed, arousing a chuckle from christen and Tobin. Christen was smiling like an idiot at the whole exchange between Tobin and Caden to begin with. After a paw patrol episode, they had to meet Amy and Lauren in the lobby.
"Hey Amy. Hey Lauren!" Christen greeted.
"Hey Tobs. Hey Pressy" Lauren greeted.
"Aunt Lauren!" Caden said excitedly, jumping into her arms.
"Hey Cade. What's going on kiddo?"
The six of them hopped into the minivan they rented,and typed the address into the GPS. Tobin and Christen were in the front, with Christen driving, the kids in the middle, and Lauren and Amy in the back. Once they got there, Christen and Amy went to buy the tickets while Julie and Lauren stayed with the kids.
"Hey Ryan, what do you want to do?" Caden asked from Julie's lap.
"I don't know. What do you want to do?" Ryan responded from Lauren's lap.
"I don't know." Caden shrugged, causing Cheney and Tobin to burst out in laughter.
"What's so funny?" Christen asked as she and Arod came back from the ticket counter.
"Oh nothing." Tobin said.
"Well alright then. Let's get going then." Christen suggested, as everyone stood up. Caden held on to Christen's hand, and Ryan to Arod's. They headed up to the art studio first. There the kids were able to make different projects, but both Caden and Ryan took a liking to the hand print art, much to the parents disliking. However, they were able to get the messy stuff over with, which was good. The group was able to see all of the exhibits, but each kid had his favorite. Caden loved the art exhibit, and he gave each of his moms a picture he did. Christen got his hand print turkey, and he painted Tobin a soccer ball, or at least an attempt at one.
"Thank you baby!" Christen said, planting a kiss on his cheek. "I love it!"
"Yeah thank you kiddo! Mine is so good." Tobin said.
"I drawed you a soccer ball cuz you miss it, mom." Caden explained.
"I do miss it. Thank you baby. I love you."
"Love you too mom."

Ryan, despite loving the art exhibit and making his mom and Lauren a picture, really favored the construction exhibit. He got to design a racetrack and he got to use different tools too. He thought he was really cool, just like his father. After all of the exhibits were experienced, the kids were starting to get really hungry, so the group climbed into the van and headed over the Congress Street bridge, toward Faneuil Hall. Once they arrived, and parked in the garage, they entered the marketplace. They headed into the rotunda in the center of the winged building, and made the near impossible effort to try to find a table for six, to no avail. That is until someone tapped Christen on the shoulder.
"Excuse me? Are you Christen Press?"
"Hi. Yeah I am."
"Hi, I'm a big fan! My family is almost done, do you want our table in a few minutes?" The girl offered.
"Yeah sure! Just don't rush!"
"Ok, we're over there, I'll wave you over so nobody takes it."

AN: Just a quick note, Faneuil Hall (Quincy Market some of you may know it as) is a marketplace in Boston's North End, and it has near 30 different food options on either sides of the building on the inside, and then there are different kiosks in the closed in area just outside the eating area. Then there is basically an alley of shops. You walk down the middle, and there is two brick buildings on either side, lined with small stores. AKA one of my favorite places...

"thanks so much!"
"We really have the best fans." Cheney said.
"Sure do. This is a mad house." Julie laughed.
"Yeah, but a must do in Boston." Amy said. "Well at least according to Kristie." (Mewis)
"Look, she's calling us over." Christen pointed out, as she started to walk over, followed by the rest of the group.
"Thank you again! Do you want a picture?" Christen offered.
"If you don't mind."
"Not at all. You guys want in?"
"Yeah sure, but the boys are coming in too if we do. I'm not leaving them down in this crowd." Amy said.
"Alright that's fine. Thank you guys so much!" The girl said before the picture was taken. "Not just for the picture, but for inspiring a nation last summer."
"you're welcome for the picture, and thank you for believing in us." Tobin said.
"Of course" the girl said as she walked away.
"Ok, what does everything want? There is basically everything here."
"Pizza!" Caden and Ryan said simultaneously.
"Ok, well I guess we'll get pizza?" Tobin questioned.
"I'm good with pizza" Amy said, and Lauren and Christen agreed.
"Ok, so Regina Pizza is that way." Tobin said, pointing in the direction of the front entrance.
"Alright let's go." Cheney said, carrying Caden.
"Chris, I'll stay here and save the seat. Get me a slice" Tobin offered.
"Ok, you don't mind?"
"Not at all"

They all headed to Regina Pizza, and they each got a slice. Once they got back, they saw a guy sitting with Tobin trying to flirt with her. Christen placed Caden down.
"Stay with Auntie Lauren over here, ok?"
"Ok mommy!" He said, and wrapped his arm around her legs.
"That guy doesn't know what he's getting himself into." Arod said, watching Christen. Sure enough, Christen walked up and sat next to Julie.
"Sorry, can't you see we're busy?" The guy said to Christen.
"I just thought she'd rather be with me?"
"I don't think she rolls like that. So if you'll excuse us..." He started, but as interrupted by Christen crashing her lips against Tobin.
"Didn't you see the ring?" She asked sarcastically, holding up Tobin's left hand.
"Oh sorry." He said sheepishly, walking away.
"Thanks babe." Tobin said.
"It's my job." Christen laughed. "I love you."
"Love you too, Chrissy."
Once Cheney and Arod walked over with the boys, and they ate, they headed back to the car. Christen cradled a sleeping Caden as they walked to the car. She put him in his car seat alongside Ryan, and then got in the driver's seat to head back to the hotel. Once they got to the hotel, Cheney carried Caden inside, with Julie trailing, when Christen went to park.
"Thanks so much for everything, Lauren. I hope I can get out of these braces soon so I can do more. I feel bad having you do so much. And Christen has to do it all by herself."
"Tobin you don't have to feel bad. Christen understands."
"I guess you're right. I also just want to be able to pick up my son without worrying if I'll drop him, ya know?"
"I know, but I also know that he loves you, and I know that he knows you love him. I mean, you have that picture he drew for you."
"Yeah I know it just sucks."
"I know Tobs. I know."
Christen walked in the door, and Cheney got up to leave.
"See you tomorrow guys. We have early training don't forget!"
"We won't. See you later Chens. Thank you." Christen said.

"So, Chrissy?" Tobin questioned.
"Yeah babe?" Christen answered questioningly.
"I really like the protective side of you," Tobin smirked. causing Christen to blush.
"I just need to make known what's mine!"
"I like that side of you baby girl."
"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight, Tobs."
"Night Chris."

AN: Hey guys! thanks for reading!! I hope you guys are enjoying this story, please let me know! Hope you all had a very merry Christmas/happy holidays! Feedback and votes are always appreciated!!

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