Ch. 16

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It can't be the day. I can't believe it.
"Christen? You okay?" My sister Tyler asked me.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I breathed.
"Is it normal to be nervous. It's not that I don't want to marry her it's just. I mean? I don't know." I concluded. She came over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders, looking me straight in the eye.
"Chris. It is perfectly normal to be nervous. This is a huge day, and you just want everything to go smoothly. Which it will."
"I know. Why is this so stressful?" I cried out of exasperation.
"Calm down Chris. It's gonna be okay."
"Where's Caden?"
"With Tobin or Channing. Do you want me to find him?"
"Yeah bring him here."
"Okay I'll be right back."


"Caden please get down!"
"Why mama?"
"Because I don't want you to get hurt."
"But mama!"
"Caden Michael get down from the chair now." I said sternly. I felt bad yelling at him, but he was going to fall and hurt himself.
"Hey Tobin! I'm stealing your kid!" I heard someone call. I walked out and found Chris's sister, Tyler, with Caden.
"Why are you stealing my child may I ask?"
"Your other half is freaking out and wants her kid."
"Oh okay then. See you later Caden."
"Bye mama."
"Wait! Tyler!"
"Bring his blanket. Chris will probably want him to nap."
"Okay where is it?"
"Over here. Here you go. Bye Cadester. See you in a a few hours."
"Bye mama." He yawned leaning over to me. I took him, and gave him a kiss before handing him back to Tyler.
"See you in an hour or so." Tyler called as she left.
An hour. I'm getting married in an hour. Wow.


"Mommy!" I heard.
"Hi Cadey boy!" He jumped into my arms. "How are you?"
"Good." He yawned.
"Aww buddy. Are you sleepy?" He nodded into my chest. I laid him down on the bed, and went up to get changed into my dress. My hair and makeup were already done earlier.
"Ty. Will you and Channing help with my dress?"
"Yeah we'll be right over." They came over to me and held the dress while I slipped into it. I had a simple white dress that was tight until the knees and cut off. My hair was down in soft waves, and part of it was pinned back.
"You look beautiful Christen." Tyler said.
"Thank you. I should probably wake up Caden."
"Yeah don't want him to be tired later."
I walked over to him and sat next to him on the bed.
"Caden? It's time to wake up buddy." I whispered.
"Mommy? Is it time for the wedding?"
"Almost, but we gotta get you up so Mama can fix your hair."
"Okay. Mommy can I have some juice?"
"Yeah if you get up now. Come on." I said picking him up. I gave him a juice box and took off his shirt, so he wouldn't spill anything on it. Once he was done with the juice box, I put on his navy shirt, with the coral bow tie and gray blazer.
"You look so handsome buddy."
He just beamed. My mom and my bridesmaids, Tyler, Channing, Julie, Ali, and a few friends from back home, Tyler being maid of honor, came in.
"Woah Chris. The little dudes got style." Channing laughed.
"Hey actually can you bring him to Tobin and have her do his hair?"
"Yeah come on buddy." Caden jumped into Channing's arms, and she took him over to Tobin. there was 20 minutes until we had to line up, and I was freaking out. My breathing started to quicken, and Julie noticed.
"Hey Chris. What's the matter? Let's go for a walk." I got up and followed my best friend out of the room. 
"What's going on? What's with the anxiety."
"I don't know. I'm just so... so nervous. What if something goes wrong? What if Tobin bails?"
"Do you really think Tobin is going to bail on you?"
"Well, no. But what if she does."
"Then I'll beat the shit outta my teammate." She laughed, and I laughed along with her. 
"Thanks Julie."
"Now. You ready to get married?"
"Yeah I hope so."
"You look beautiful by the way."
"Thanks." I said as we walked into the room. I saw my dad, and he was seeing me for the first time. 
"Wow. Christen. You look beautiful."
"Thanks daddy."
"You ready?"
"I hope so." We opened the doors, and I looked down the aisle, and saw Tobin standing there, looking beautiful in a simple black dress, her hair in soft waves. I watched as her eyes lit up, and her award winning smile creeped up on her face. I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. Tobin came down, and my dad handed me off to her. 
"Hi." Tobin smiled at me.
"Hi." I breathed. 
"You look beautiful."
"So do you."
I was broken out of my thoughts by the officiator. "We are gathered here today to join these two young women in the eternal bond of Holy Matrimony. Tobin Powell Heath and Christen Annemarie Press will pledge their eternal and undying love for each other, with all of you bearing witness."
By now, I was lost in Tobin's caramel eyes, and everything drowned out. Her eyes full of comfort and warmth.


By now, everything the officiator said was lost, for I was lost in Christen's piercing blue eyes, and that was all I saw. Her eyes full of mystery and depth.

"Tobin? Your vows?" I was snapped back into reality. 
"Oh uh yeah." I stammered, fumbling for the piece of paper I had. I took a deep breath and began.
"Chris. You and Caden are all I think about. Actually. C'mere Cadester." I called my son up to the altar with us. I felt he deserved to be a part of this. Once Caden was up here, I continued.
"For those who don't know the whole story, about a year ago, Chris and I got into a major car crash, and this little guy was in the other car, where the two drivers died. While I was knocked out, Christen got wind of Caden here, and acted on impulse and love, and adopted him. Once I woke up, and my girlfriend had a child, I was a bit skeptical. But, she placed him next to me in the hospital bed, and it was then that I fell in love with you, Christen, all over again." I said, switching my attention to the woman in front of me. "And it was then that I realized that you had made the best impulse decision that there could be. To open your heart and soul to a child you had met for five minutes. Now Caden. Do you remember what you asked me when I asked if I could be your mama?"
"Yeah. I asked if you would hurt me or mommy."
"And what did I say?"
"That you wouldn't."
"Do you remember why I said that?"
"Cuz you love us."
"That's right baby. So here I am. Today. With all of you here to hear me. I promise you guys that I will never ever do anything to hurt you. I will love you both with every fabric of my being, with every breath that I take. I will never leave, and I will support you in all of life's adventures, challenges, and struggles. I love you Christen Annemarie Press. And I will continue to love you for the rest of my life." I looked into the piercing, mysteriously deep eyes of my soon to be wife, and I saw the tears threatening to spill, so I reached over, and thumbed them away, and cracked a small smile. 


God I love her so much. The touch of her thumb sent shivers up my spine, and that smile made me weak. 
"Gosh, how am I supposed to follow that?" I chuckled. "Tobin. I could not imagine my life without you. I know, really cliche, but it's true. You're my better half. My one and only. I am here, vowing to you my undying and steadfast love to you, and our family. For better or worse. Tobin, I love you so much, and a life without you in it is a life not worth living, a life where I don't have you? Gosh I don't know what I'd do. I don't want to know what I'd have to do. I'm in it for the long haul, and I'm ready to do it with you."

"The rings please?" The officiator asked, and Caden pulled the rings out of his pocket, and handed them to the officiator. 
"Tobin Powell Heath. Place this ring upon Christen's finger and repeat after me. 'I place this ring upon your finger.'
"I place this ring upon your finger."
"As a symbol of my everlasting love."
"As a symbol of my everlasting love."
"With this ring, I thee wed."
"With this ring, I thee wed." Tobin looked me straight in the eye, smirked, and placed the most beautiful ring on my finger. 
"Christen Annemarie Press, place this ring upon Tobin's finger and repeat after me. 'I place this ring upon your finger.'
"I place this ring upon your finger."
"As a symbol of my everlasting love."
"As a symbol of my everlasting love."
"With this ring, I thee wed."
"With this ring, I thee wed."
"Tobin, do you take Christen to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
"And Christen. Do you take Tobin to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
"I now pronounce you wife and wife. The brides may now kiss."
Tobin brushed her hand along my neck, and we slowly leaned in. Our lips connected, my arms draped around her shoulders, hers on my waist. When we separated, we made eye contact, and smirked at each other.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you for the first time, Mrs. and Mrs. Tobin and Christen Heath-Press." Our family and friends cheered for us, as we walked back down the aisle arm in arm, Caden by Tobin's side. This was our little family, made complete by two metal circles, and I couldn't be happier.

AN: I'll do the after party next chapter, then some fluffiness because Preath adorableness is well, adorable. Have a good night.

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