Ch. 35

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if you wanna know what a typical chapter notes/planning looks like for me, then here^^. (Orlando edition bc I was feeling very prideful when I planned it.) also not everything is exactly the same... the O'solo will be a bit different.

I'm being nice, and writing a combo chapter with all the fluff scenarios I mentioned so y'all are getting what you want.

"Mama!" I heard Mallory call. I rushed down the hall and went into her room.

"Hey Malley. Good morning. What's the matter princess?"

"I still don't feel well."

"What doesn't feel well?"

"I feel nauseous and my head hurts." She whined.

"Aw princess. Do you wanna come out and get something to eat so I can give you the medicine?"

"Okay." She whimpered. "Carry me?"

"Can't you walk, princess? I don't feel too well either."

"Okay." She sighed. We walked out of her bedroom, and into the kitchen. She sat at the table and put her head down while I made her some toast. Meanwhile, I had a splitting headache, and my throat was throbbing. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was only 7, so I wasn't surprised that the rest of the house wasn't up. I made myself some tea, and ran and grabbed a sweatshirt because I was freezing. While Mal sat at the kitchen table and ate, I moved to the chair in the sunny spot next to the porch door and drank my tea, curled up in a blanket, shivering in the cool morning air of the house during this Chicago December. Soon, Caden came out and sat on the couch opposite of me.

"Hey Cade." I rasped. "How are you?"

"Good." He responded simply and turned his attention back to the TV. Soon after, Mal came out.

"Mama. I finished, can I have the medicine now?"

"Yeah hold on sweetheart." I said and got up and handed her two pills to take. "Here Malley." I yawned. After she took them, she came and sat with me on the chair in the sun.



"Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. Just a headache and sore throat." I coughed out.

"Okay." She said and buried her head into my shoulder. Soon she was asleep again.

"Mom I'm starving." Caden complained.

"Can you go wake up Mama? She needs to get up soon, and I can't get up right now."

"Oh okay." He sighed and went into mine and Tobin's room. A few minutes later, he and Tobin walk out.

"What do you want for breakfast?" She asked Caden.

"Can you make waffles, mama? Like you always do?"

"Oh yeah. It's Saturday isn't it?"


Tobin came over to me and kissed cheek. "Good morning my love. How are you?" She whispered.

"Good." I rasped back.

"You don't sound too good. Are you feeling alright, Chrissy?"

"My throat is kinda sore but I'll be fine."

"Do you want some more tea?"

"That'd be great." I smiled up at her. "Thank you."

"Now shh. Don't waste your voice,
baby." She stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head before heading into the kitchen.

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