ch. 2

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The next morning Tobin woke up, her son on one side of her, and her fiancee on the other, looking up at her.
"Morning, babe." Tobin greeted her wife.
"Morning sweetheart. How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling great for the circumstances."
"Well, that's all we can hope for, huh?"
"Yeah, I guess. I just hope this one's ok." Christen said looking at her son. Just then Cheney stirred, and awoke.
"Hey Chens." Tobin greeted.
"Hey Tobin. How you feeling?"
"Good actually, you know for the circumstances. What time is it?"
"10, you should be able to leave in a couple hours."
"Oh. ok."
Caden began to stir, and wake up.
"Hi, Cade." Christen greeted her son. "How are you feeling, bud?"
"my head hurts." he whimpered.
"I know it does, buddy. I know. Come over here, just be careful of your mom."
"Ok," he cried as he crawled over Tobin, and nuzzled next to Christen.
"Cheney?" Christen asked.
"Could you go and get the doctor? I want to see if they can get him some pain meds."
"Yeah of course." She said getting up, and leaving to go get the doctor. Caden buried his face in Christen's chest, and cried softly.

"Hey doctor? Caden and Tobin are up, and Caden is complaining of a really bad headache. Christen wants to know if you could give him some pain meds?"
"Yeah, sure I'll be right in. Does Tobin need anything?"
"She didn't say, but I'd bring some in, and if she doesn't need them she doesn't have to take them."
"Ok, I'll be in in a minute."
"Thanks." Cheney said and headed back to the room. When she walked in she saw Caden still crying, and Christen trying desperately to console him, while Tobin tried to cover her ears. "Hey Chris? Do you want to take him outside? I'll sit with Tobin?"
"If you don't mind. Her head hurts and this isn't exactly helping."
"Yeah it's no problem."
Christen got up and left with Caden while Cheney stayed with Tobin.
"Hey Tobs?"
"The doctor is going to bring you some pain meds, ok?"
"Good. I feel bad. He doesn't know he's hurting me."
"I know you do."
"It's so weird."
"Well, first off, the best thing possible happened from me almost dying."
"Well, that's true."
"But also, I have been that boy's mother for a mere 12 hours, yet I don't feel anything but love towards him. It's like he was always here."
"It's called being a mother."
"Yeah I guess. I can't help thinking about what he said to me last night."
"What did he say?"
"Well, when I asked him if I could be his mother too, he said something along the lines of, 'wait so I won't have a daddy, so he won't hurt me or mommy?' And I said, 'no, you won't have a daddy, and I promise to never ever hurt you or mommy.'" Tobin said as she started to tear up. "It just makes me think about what his relationship with his parents was like. From the circumstances of the accident, it sounded like his father was an abusive man. It hurts to think that my 2 year old son had to go through that." Julie started to cry, and Cheney came over and consoled her.
"Hey, Tobs? That man is dead now. You never have to worry about him hurting you, Caden, or Christen. Ever. As long as you keep your promise, that's all that matters. Everyone is safe." There was a knock at the door. It was the doctor.
"Ms. Heath? I have your pain medication."
"Thank you. What time can I leave?"
"By noon both you and your son will be discharged."
"Ok thanks"
"No problem."
After the doctor left, Christen came back in with Caden in her arms, finally settled down.
"Hi Tobs. The doctor gave him some medicine out in the hall."
"He just came in and gave some to me. We get to leave in a half- hour. Who's coming to get us?"
"Well, A-Rod is loaning is us her car seat, and Hope is coming to help get you in the car. They should be here in a few minutes." Christen said. "They are bringing the big car so we can get everyone back."
"Ok cool."
"Christen, you can lay him down in by bed if you want." Cheney said.
"Yeah sure. Thanks Lauren. For everything. You didn't have to stay. We really appreciate it."
"It's no big deal, you guys are family, and now I have another nephew to spoil!" She laughed.
Half and hour later, Hope came and knocked on the door.
"Come in" Christen called. Hope came in and saw the now happy pain-free child playing with Cheney on the bed.
"Hey guys." She said cautiously. "Who's the child?"
"Hi my name's Caden!" Caden said.
"His parents were killed in the crash," Tobin explained. "Chris and I adopted him last night. So hope, meet your nephew, Caden. Caden, this is your aunt Hope. Say hi sweetheart."
"Hi Aunt Hope."
"Hey buddy! That explains why A-Rod put the car seat in the car."
"Mommy?" Caden asked. "How many aunties do I have?"
"Well, you see, your mom and I play soccer for our jobs."
"Wow that's so cool. My other mommy promised me I could play when I was older. Can I still play?"
"Of course you can! Now, all of the aunties you met last night. Do you remember? Aunt Amy, aunt Jill, aunt Julie and-
"Aunt Lauren!" He said hugging her.
"Yes aunt Lauren, too," Christen laughed. "They are all part of mom and mommy's soccer team. So you have a lot of aunties. You're going to meet them all later today."
"Cool. When?"
"Once the doctor says so."
As if on cue, the doctor came in and gave them the ok to leave. The nurse brought Tobin a wheelchair, and Cheney held a very tired Caden while Hope and Christen helped Tobin in the wheelchair. Hope wheeled Tobin out while Christen held her hand. Cheney carried Caden out, and got him into his car seat. Hope drove, Tobin rode shotgun, and Christen and Cheney rode in the back next to Caden. They made it through the worst nightmare they could've imagined, and now they have their whole life ahead of them with their sweet little boy, and both Tobin and Christen couldn't be happier.

AN: more to come!! What do you guys think so far?? I really appreciate your feedback!
Thanks for reading!!

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