ch. 42

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When Tobin arrived at the camp two weeks later, not much seemed to have changed. Alex even met her at the airport. "I'm so happy you're back!" she grinned broadly, wrapping her best friend in a hug. "I've gotta introduce you to the new new new kids!"

"The what?" Tobin laughed.

"Yeah we need a better name," Alex admitted. "Come on!"

They drove from the airport to the hotel where the team would be staying. In the lobby Tobin could see all of her old teammates, as well as some fresh faces. "Toby!" Mal basically tackled the older girl when she saw her.

"Malley-O!" Tobin grinned.

Tobin looked behind her to see a girl she had never met. She had dark brown chestnut hair, and deep brown eyes. She was standing sheepishly behind Mal, looking nervous around the other girl. "Aw c'mon Helen!" Alex urged. "Don't be nervous, I promise she's no different than me or Kelley!"

"H-hi," the younger girl sputtered out. "I'm Helen."

"Nice to meet you," Tobin smiled, releasing Mal from her hug and shaking Helen's hand. "I'm Tobin."

"I know," Helen smiled. "Wow, I can't believe I get to meet you. I grew up watching you."

Tobin grinned. "I saw you playing in that last game, you were amazing."

Helen looked down shyly. "I really wasn't that good..."

"Are you kidding? You were awesome! How old are you kid?"

"Eighteen," Helen muttered.

"Wow," Tobin laughed a little. "So we've got another Mal do we?"

Alex laughed. "Or HAO."

"Well it was nice meeting you Helen," Tobin smiled. "I've gotta go get my room assignments and then unpack now."

Helen smiled and waved goodbye as she and Mal headed off to do who knows what, Tobin didn't think she really wanted to know. There was no telling what trouble Mal could get into, and it seemed like Helen followed her everywhere.

Tobin went up and met Jill. "So what's the assignment Coach?" she smiled.

"Welcome back Tobin," Jill smiled. "And you're rooming with Kelley."

"Sweet," she smiled as Jill handed her the room key.

"Dinner's at six," Dawn told her. "Be on time or you can starve."

Tobin laughed, then headed upstairs. She used her key to open the door, and found a familiar redhead watching movies with an unfamiliar blond. "Wassup Kels?"

Kelley looked up and immediately broke into a grin. "Tobito!"


Kelley ran to hug her. She brought Tobin over to her bed and then introduced her to the other girl. "This is Olivia," she smiled. "She's an awesome defender, she's part of the new new new kids with Helen and Rachel."

"Ah," Tobin smiled, then introduced herself to Olivia. "I just met Helen, haven't seen Rachel yet."

"Well she and Helen are basically twins," Olivia laughed. "Speaking of I need to go find Helen, we're both supposed to pick up our relatives tomorrow and we were gonna drive to the airport together. I need to figure out what time."

Olivia left the room, leaving Kelley and Tobin by themselves. "New new new kids?" Tobin raised her eyebrows.

Kelley laughed. "Yup, Moe, JJ, and Crystal decided to pass down the torch. By the time we retire it's gonna be six news I bet."

Tobin shook her head. "I miss the original new kid days," she smiled sadly.

"Aw Tobs," Kelley gave her a small hug. "Don't fret. I actually have a surprise."


Kelley looked at the clock. "We're gonna be late for dinner, c'mon."

When they got there Tobin saw pretty much what she had seen before she had retired at first, the same groups pretty much all sat together. She also noticed the new new new kids sitting with Mal and Jaelene Hinkle.

"Close your eyes," Kelley instructed.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it!"

Tobin rolled her eyes and then closed them. Kelley led her to a table and made her sit down. She then told her to open her eyes, and sitting in front of her were Amy Rodriguez and Lauren Holiday.

"Oh my God," she began to cry. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Don't cry," Lauren rushed to the other side of the table to give her best friend a hug. "We came to support you."

Amy rushed to her other side. "Yeah Tobs, you really think we would miss your first game back?"

Tobin smiled at them. "You guys are the best."

They smiled back at her. "So how are the kids?" Amy asked.

"They're good," Tobin smiled. "Graykey is recovering nicely, EK is as sassy as ever, and Caiden seems pretty content with life. How are yours?"

"Well Luke and Ryan have both decided they want to play football," Amy shook her head. "And Adam was all for it, but I'm not sure."

"Can't be much more dangerous than what we do," Tobin laughed. "Hows JT, Lauren?"

"She's good," Lauren smiled. "She's loving soccer and basketball, but personally I think she's liking basketball a bit more."

The new kids talked just like it was 2008 all over again. Kelley, Allie, and Alex all eventually got in on the conversation, and the six talked until they had to head to the bus for training. Lauren and Amy waved goodbye as the bus pulled away, and Tobin waved back.

She turned to Mal, who was sitting next to her. "How was breakfast?" she asked.

"It was good," Mal smiled. "Rachel somehow managed to get syrup in her hair and Helen's, but I mean that's nothing compared to the mess we usually make."

Tobin laughed, and Mal hugged her. "I'm so glad you're back Toby."

"Me too Mal,


Hi y'all so couple things.

1: i guess you could consider it having a coauthor now considering soccerbasketball03 has written like 8 of these (this being another)

2: one, maybe two chapters left in this book

3: the sequel is going to be a time skip. in case you haven't noticed by my lack of updates, i am getting bored of writing little kids.

4: please leave feedback (i know i didn't write it, but tag her---- or just click on the link {soccerbasketball03 (here it is again) and read her stories!! they're amazing and just everything that is good in this world}

5: what specific things do you want to see in the sequel??

and like always thanks so much for reading
Jay (and i guess Ce

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