Ch. 34

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"Christen. Tobin. I'm so sorry. It seems as if the transplant was unsuccessful, and that is why Grayson's condition has deteriorated so quickly. I'd get the family in here to say goodbye."

I stopped breathing. This could not be happening. Two days after the treatment. Before Hope and Kelley got here. I looked at Tobin, and she looked at me. 


"I know, Chris. I know." She wavered. "Come on. Do you want to go get the kids, or do you want to see if Alex can bring them?"

"Can we call Alex?"

"Yes." She answered and stepped into the hall to call her. It was just me in the room now. I stood up, and walked around with my hands on my head, just trying to possibly comprehend what I just heard. He was going to die, and I was going to have to watch. I slid myself down the wall, and I sobbed softly into my hands. 


"Y-yeah?" I sniffed.

"Come on. We need to go see him."

"Yeah. Yeah I know." 

Walking into the room, I didn't know how I was going to react. Part of me was angry, part of me was grieving, part of me was confused. It would all depend on when I walked in. Well, once I did, I couldn't handle it. I knew he only had a few hours. I could feel it in my bones. I broke down again, taking in his head that was sunk into the pillow, and the clothes that hung loosely from his frail limbs. Tobin wrapped me into a hug, and I cried on her shoulder. As we sat on a chair, Alex and Mal walked in with the kids. 

"Hi mommy!" Emmy said excitedly. 

"Hey EK!" I said, mustering up as much joy as I could. 

"H-hi mama." Caden whispered. 

"Hey Cadey." Tobin said moving over to the other two from the side of Grayson's bed. "I love you guys. You know that?" She choked.

"Love you mama!" Emmy laughed, and Tobin chuckled lightly. "Go sit with mommy guys. I need to talk to Alex and Malley-O."

"Okay." Caden said with uncertainty evident in his voice. Tobin went outside with Alex and Mal, and the kids crawled into my lap. 

"Mommy. Why did we need to come today?" Caden asked me. I sighed and looked down at my two balls of energy. 

"Guys. Um, well you see. You know how Graykey is really sick?" I asked and they nodded. "Well. Uh, the doctors did everything that they could, but they are not going to be able to make him get better. Guys. Grayson is going to go to Heaven really soon, so you guys needed to come and say goodbye." Caden looked up at me in shock, but I don't think Emmy really understood. 

"Grayson is going to die?" He asked me. 

"Yes." I answered simply. That seemed to make Emmy understand. She looked up at me and her eyes filled with tears. 

"I don't want him to die." She cried. 

"I know baby girl. I know. I don't either." I hugged her close and all three of us were crying when the other three walked in, visibly shaken up. 

The only thing I could hear in the room was the rapid, steady beeping of Grayson's heart monitor. Beep. Beep. Beep. Increasingly getting slower. Beep... Beep... Beep. His eyes fluttered open, becoming softer and more set back in his head. Caden and Emmy moved to his bedside, saying goodbye, followed by Mal and Alex. As soon as they were done telling the small boy how much they loved him, they took the kids out of the room, realizing that it was almost time. His eyes fluttered open again, and his voice, but a whisper, called out, "I love you guys," for the last time. Beeeeeep. Grayson flat-lined. My baby was gone. I stood up, and kicked the wall, and Tobin hugged me. He was gone.

"OW! Chris! What's the matter?" Tobin shook me awake.

"Tobin. Grayson. He was gone. He flat-lined, he died. I was there?"

"Oh Chrissy. Come here baby. It must have been a dream." She pulled my shaking body into a hug. "It was just a dream. Grayson is here. At home in bed. Shh." I relaxed in Tobin's arms. Just a dream.

AN: he he... sorry...

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