Ch. 37

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Christmas. There is no time like it. This Christmas however, is even more special and joyous than all the others, because last Christmas, Grayson was midway through his cancer treatment.

We were having a bunch of people over today, since everyone was still here. It was Christmas Eve morning, and I was up early with EK. We were the early bird out of the family. The guys, and Tobin, could sleep all day. Apparently so could our houseguests.

"Mommy?" She asked.


"So Graykey doesn't need to go to the hospital anymore?"

"Not all the time, nope."

"So he all better?"

"Yeah he's all better." I said and watched a grin form on her face.

"I'm happy."

"Me too, Missy. Me too." I sighed.

We sat on the couch while she watched her cartoons, but soon Grayson came out of his room.

"Hey Mommy." He greeted.

"Hey Graykers. What's up?"

"Nothing." He answered and moved to the floor next to EK. "What show is on?"

"Sofia." Emmy answered in regards to her favorite show that was on the TV. Grayson just nodded, and continued to watch with her. Eventually all of the others filed out into the living room, and we made our way into the kitchen where Hope and Kelley volunteered to make breakfast.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Hmm. Well Hope made eggs and bacon, while I made pancakes shaped like Christmas trees." Kelley stated proudly and showed them off. Emmy looked at them with wide eyes.

"Wow those are so cool! Did you do that by yourself, Aunt Kel?"

"Yes all by myself Little Miss." EK really thought the world of her favorite aunt.


Breakfast came and went, and someone, who wasn't me, came up with the lovely, yet messy idea, of baking cookies. For unbeknownst reasons, I agreed to the mess-fest of an idea that I was certain would plague my kitchen and Christmas Eve.

"Mommy can you help me with the dough? It's too hard." Emmy asked me. "I need help." She said and hung her head.

"Chin up, Emmers." I told her. "It's okay to have a little trouble." I said and took the dough from her and began to roll it out, that way she could use the cookie cutters.

"CP!" Tobin called, and I turned to find her at the counter with Caden. "Come here!"

I walked over to where she and Caden were.

"Yes?" I asked. She turned to face me, and kissed me softly. I noticed her hands behind her back, and before I knew it, she had smeared cookie dough across my forehead and underneath my eyes. Kind of like eye black.

"Toby!" I shrieked.

"What?!" She retaliated. "It was his idea!" She said and placed the blame upon Caden, who was basically rolling with belly-laughter.

"Cadey!" I gasped in fake shock.

"It was mama's idea to do something. I just came up with what to do." He defended.

"Oh like that makes it any better." I pouted and sulked in a chair sarcastically. Caden crawled in my lap and gave me a hug.

"Sorry mommy." He said sincerely.

"I guess I'll forgive you." I sighed, but I couldn't prevent the grin across my face, causing him to giggle. He hopped off my lap, and went back to helping Grayson cut out cookies with the cookie cutters. I looked around the kitchen, and instantly felt happy. Mal was over helping EK with her cookies, and they were laughing together, Hope and Kelley were curled up in the chair by the tree laughing at something Kelley said, and Alex was with Caden and Grayson, and they were cutting the cookies.

"Hey." Tobin whispered as she sat on the bench seat next to me.

"Hi." I smiled back at her.

"You got a little something there." She said as she gestured to my face.

"Oh do I?"

"Yeah. You do. Let me get it." She smirked before peppering my face with kisses, everywhere that there was cookie dough. "You're all set, m'lady."

"Why thank you very much. Now wait here." I demanded and moved to where Emmy and Mal were.

"Hey ladies. I need a finger full of cookie dough please."

"Okay mommy." EK said and let me take some.

"Thank you very much." I said and kissed her nose. I moved back to Tobin and told her to close her eyes. Once she obliged, I rubbed the finger of cookie dough on her lips.

"My turn." I said and kissed her with passion on the lips, until all of the cookie dough was gone. "You're all set m'lady." I mocked her.

"Why thank you."

We sat together on the bench, and I curled into her side.

"I love you." I whispered.

"Hmm. Love you too." She kissed the side of my hair and held me close.

Eventually Alex and Mal had helped the kids get all of the cookies into the oven and set the timers, and we all wound up in the living room watching Rudolph. Caden had watched this movie so many times that he was able to quote it sometimes. Once I heard the timer go off in the kitchen, I got the cookies out of the oven and put them on the cooling rack. When I returned to the living room, I nestled into Tobin's side, and leaned my head on her chest. She stroked my hair and held me close to her. Once the movie ended, we all migrated into the kitchen to decorate the cookies. Mal, Alex, Hope and Kel took the reins on this one, and set up the frosting and sprinkles for the kids.

"Grayson are you gonna give Santa a Santa cookie?" Caden asked his brother.

"No! I don't want Santa to eat himself!" Grayson explained.

"Oh that's true. I'm gonna make him a bell and a tree." Caden said.

"I'm makin him a angel and a candy cane." Emmy announced

"Okay. Hmm I'll make him a wreath and a stocking." Grayson decided and they all turned back to their decorating.

"Hey Aunt Hope! Can you help me with this?" Caden asked.

"Sure thing Caden." Hope moved from her spot next to Kelley, who was hard at work making a gingerbread man to perfection. I watched as Hope proceeded to help Caden put the stripes on his candy cane.

Next to me, Tobin let out a sigh.

"What's the matter?"

"What? Oh nothing. That was more of a sigh of contentment, you know? I am just so happy with everything that has happened and how everything has played out the last few weeks. It could have been a lot worse."

"It really could've. We're very lucky." I agreed. We decided to move in and join in on the festivities of cookie decorating. We wound up having a ball, and before we knew it, it was time to go to church. Tobin took Caden, I took Grayson, and Alex took EK and got them ready in their Christmas Eve outfits. Caden was wearing a green and white checkered button up with khaki pants, and Grayson was wearing a red and white checkered button up with khaki pants, and they both had their hair spiked. Meanwhile, Emmy had on a red and green plaid dress with her hair in a half pony, and a bow to match the dress. Eventually we got the kids out the door, and to church. Since it was Christmas, the service didn't last as long, and we were able to get out of there fairly quickly, which was good since the kids were getting fidgety. Upon arriving back at home, we all gathered around the fire and sang Christmas carols together. Soon, EK was asleep in Kelley's arms, Grayson in Mal's, and Caden was dosing off in Tobin's.

"Okay I think it's time for bed." I whispered to Tobin who stood up with Caden. Mal and Kelley followed suit, and soon enough, everyone was in bed, eagerly anticipating the Christmas morning to come. And eventful would it be.

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