Ch. 5

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AN- This is what I picture Caden to look like

The alarm woke the small family up that morning. They had 20 minutes to get ready for breakfast. Tobin put on her baggy sweats, and her warm up shirt, and christen put some shorts and a tshirt on Caden. Christen had on her warm up kit, and they headed down to breakfast. Tobin had Caden on her lap, as Christen wheeled them down. They met up with Lauren, Amy, Julie and Moe by the elevator. Ryan was with them too. Caden reached up for Lauren.

"Hey big boy."
"Hi Aunt Lauren"
"Caden. This is my son Ryan. " Amy said. "Say hi Ry"
"Hi I'm Ryan."
"I'm Caden."
"Wanna see my cars?"
"Can I mom?"
"Sure, just be careful with your head"
And so their friendship was born when Lauren put Caden down on the floor in the elevator. The two boys hit it off instantly.
"Ok this is too adorable." Tobin said. "I can't take it." Everyone laughed at this. Once they reached the floor, Caden and Ryan walked out together, followed closely by the adults, and they headed into the meal room. The two boys sat next to each other, and their parents got their food for them. They are up quickly, and moved to the floor to play more cars. This gave the parents a chance to talk.
"So Tobs. Pressy. How's everything going?" Amy asked.
"In regards to?"
"Just parenting in general."
"Well, it hasn't been easy." Tobin said. "I feel bad because I can't be much help, but Chrissy is doing an amazing job."
"Don't feel bad Tobs. You're doing as much as you can." Christen assured Tobin.
"Well, if you guys need anything, a baby sitter, anything. Just text me." Amy said.
"I'm always available" Julie said.
"Same here." Cheney said.
"Me too." Moe chimed in.
"Thanks guys. It means a lot." Christen said. "Actually Lauren. There is something you could do pregame today."
"Yeah what is it?"
"Well" Julie started. "Christen and I were gonna ask Jill if we could call a press conference before the game today, to avoid any questions as to why I'm in a wheelchair, and as to why we grab a child from the stands afterwards. We were wondering if you could keep an eye on him. Then when I look at you, can you bring him up?"
"Yeah of course."
"Thanks Chens. Now we have to go talk to Jill."
"Ok, we'll keep an eye on Caden when you're over there" Amy offered.
"Thank you."
Christen wheeled Tobin over to Jill, so they could ask about the conference.
"Hey ladies. What's up?"
"Hey coach. We just wanted to ask you something"
"Ok. Shoot."
"Well" christen explained. " Tobin and I want to have a press conference before the game today."
"For what?"
"Well, we want to explain what happened to Tobin and why we have Caden. There's gonna be a lot of questions as to why Julie is on the sidelines in a wheelchair, and why we go and grab a child from the stands, you know?"
"Yeah. I think that's a great idea. I'll talk to Aaron and get it done."
"Thanks coach."
"No problem. Oh Tobin."
"The trainers want to have an X-Ray done in your foot. If they say, they can remove the cast and you can be in a walking boot."
"Great thanks! When?"
"Before the game. The facilities in the stadium have an x- Ray machine."
"Ok great."

TIME SKIP- Press conference.
"Thank you all for coming." Aaron Heifetz introduced. "Tobin Heath and Christen Press have some things to clear up before the game today. Tobin? Pressy?"
Since the conference was on a step up, Christen supported Julie as she hopped up.
"Hi guys. Thanks for coming." Christen said.
"So obviously I'm injured" Julie said. "Christen and I left the restaurant early the other night, and a car blew a stop sign and hit the drivers side door. I was driving."
"What are the extent of the injuries?" A reporter asked.
"Well, I have a hairline fracture in my ankle and two fractured wrists, and a minor concussion."
"We also have another announcement." Christen said looking over and making eye contact with Lauren. Lauren then walked in with Caden. The reporters murmured to themselves. "Who is this?" One of them asked.
"Well, this is our son Caden. Say hi Cadey." Christen said.
"When the car hit us, the two passengers, his biological parents, were killed. None of his biological family was in a position that the DCF and police felt comfortable leaving him in, so we adopted him."
"Aren't you worried about him not having a father figure?" A reporter asked.
"No" Tobin responded flatly.
"Don't you just think he's missing out on having a father?"
"I don't need a daddy" Caden stepped in.
"Why not?" The reporter asked.
"I think we are done here." Christen said standing up. "You do not need to question my son."
"Thank you" Tobin said standing up. Cheney came up and picked up Caden so christen could help Tobin get down. Once Tobin was in her chair, Lauren put Caden on Tobin's lap.
"I'm sorry that you guys have to deal with people like that. Honestly don't even listen to them, they are incapable of understanding that love is love, and there is nothing that they can do about it." Lauren encouraged. "And don't for a second think that Caden is missing out by not having a dad. A family is defined by love, not gender."
"Thanks Cheney. It means a lot."
"Oh no. Tobin. We have to get your X-ray done. Cheney, can you take him in the locker room so I can wheel her down?"
"Yeah sure. Come here bud, let's go see your aunties." She said, picking Caden up. "Hope to see you walking in the locker room, Tobs."
"Ha. Me too. Thanks Chens."
Christen wheeled Tobin to the training room in the stadium, and the trainer got the machine ready.
"Ok, Tobin we'll do your ankle first, then we might as well check your wrists. You'll most likely be ok to have soft casts by now, that way you can take them off and ice them as well. "
"Ok great. Chris you can go get game ready if you want. I'll be fine."
"Ok see you in the locker room. I love you Tobin Good luck!"
"I love you too Chrissy. See you in a few."
The trainer then took the X-rays, and sure enough Tobin's ankle healed enough for her to walk in a boot, and she could get the soft casts on both wrists. When she walked into the locker room she was met with cheers from her teammates, and christen ran over and kissed her, making their teammates fake gag.
"I've been waiting for a while to be able to kiss you at a normal height again." Christen whispered.
"Me too, Chris."
"Mom! You can walk!" Caden said excitedly.
"Hey guys!" Abby said. "Game time. Let's go!!" She said. Christen carried Caden out, and her mom met her at the tunnel, and she handed him off.
"Bye cade. I love you!"
"Love you too mommy!"
"Bye Cadey. See you soon! Love you"
"Love you too mom!"
Christen and Tobin both blew him kisses, and headed onto the pitch.

AN: sorry I haven't updated in a long time. If you have been following my other fic, you'd know I've been pretty busy with that! Well anyway, thanks for reading!!!

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