Ch. 18

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"Bye mama! Bye mommy!" Caden called as we dropped him off at daycare.
"Bye Cade!"
"See ya Cadester!"
Tobin and I exited the daycare and hopped back into the car towards the doctor's office. Towards another beginning. Nervous, I grasped Tobin's hand across the console.
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Tobin smiled at me.
"What if it doesn't work, Toby?"
"Then I'll do it. Christen. We are having a kid no matter what."
"You will?"
"If it comes to it, then of course. But it's not gonna come to that because I know it's gonna work."
Tobin's words offered some comfort, but I was still nervous. I couldn't help it. This was the difference between, well everything. Tobin pulled into the parking lot, and we got out. Once we checked in, and had waited for ten minutes, the nurse finally came out.
"Christen Press?" Tobin and I stood up and followed her down the hallway.
"How are you guys today?" She asked.
"We're a little nervous, but okay."
"It's normal to be nervous, but if it makes you feel better, the success rate is very high." She said with a smile. "Right in here." She opened the door, and I sat on the bed as she took my vitals.
"Okay, the doctor will be in in a few minutes." Once the nurse left, I looked over at Tobin, who was visibly nervous.
"I'm scared."
She sighed. "I am too Chris. I really am." As soon as she finished her sentence, there was a knock at the door and the doctor walked in.
"Hello! I'm Doctor Jackson! You must be Christen and Tobin."
"Yes. I'm Christen and this is my wife Tobin." I said gesturing to Tobs.
"Ah yes. Okay Ms. Press. We have to run a series of quick tests to determine whether or not you are able to carry children. So if you would follow me please."
"Wait! Can my wife come?"
"I'm afraid not ma'am. We need complete isolation for this."
"Can I come wait outside the room?" Tobin asked.
"I don't see why not." At that, Tobin and I followed him out of the room, where I was lead into the testing room and Tobin waited outside.


When Christen went in to have the tests done, I have to admit I was very nervous. What if it didn't work? I said I'd have the kid, but I don't know if I can do that. I mean I obviously will, I'd just prefer if Chris did it. Ugh this is so stressful. I decide to check my social medias, and basically twiddle my thumbs while I wait for Chris to come out of those doors. Eventually I hear the sound of a doorknob, and my head shoots up to see Christen walking out behind the doctor.
"Let's head back into the room." The doctor suggested. We followed him into the room, and I was trying to read facial expressions to no avail. Both of them had their best poker faces on. Christen sat up on the bed and I sat on the chair in the office.
"So what day works best? Tuesday or Wednesday?" The doctor asked.
"Wednesday." Christen responded.
"Wait appointment for what?" I responded dumbly.
"You want to have a baby, right?" The doctor responded.
"Wait? Everything checked out?"
"It sure did." She smiled at me. I couldn't help it when the tears started to form, and I crashed our lips together.
"We're gonna have a baby." she whispered.
"I know."
"So Wednesday?" The doctor asked when we pulled apart.
"Yes Wednesday." Christen responded.
"Okay see you then!" He said as he left the room.
"We're gonna have a baby!" Christen laughed.
"We're gonna have a baby." I agreed. We walked out all smiles, and hand in hand to the car, where we had to go pick up Caden.
"I'm gonna be pregnant." Christen breathed.
"Yeah. I know."
"Can I do this? What if I can't come back?"
"Ah I thought you'd be asking this." I said while I started the car.
"And?" She asked.
"Well. Truth is, I don't know if you can. That's not something that you'll be able to know, or I can tell you."
"Ugh. Tobin! That was no help at all."
"But." I continued. "Christen Annemarie Press. You are the strongest, most confident, bravest person I have ever met. And I believe in you and I believe in your strength. CP, you will have this baby. Our baby. You will come back to play soccer, and you will come back stronger than ever."
"You really believe that?"
I placed my finger under her chin and turned her head to face me. "I really do." She leaned in, and kissed me with more passion than ever before. I came to the realization mid kiss that we had another kid, who needed to be picked up, however.
"Chris. Caden" I breathed.
"Oh right. We have another child." She chuckled. I put the car in drive, and headed to the daycare. Once we arrived, I ran in and grabbed him and Christen waited in the car. When I brought him back out, he had some, choice words so to speak, for Christen.
"Mommy? Why did your doctor's appointment go late?"
"Um. Sometimes it goes like that, buddy. Why?
"You were late to pick me up, mommy. I thought you were never ever gonna come back." He said, and I looked back and saw his bottom lip start to quiver. 
"Baby we'll always come back for you." Christen said soothingly. 
"But what if you don't?"
I sighed. This was gonna be a lot more difficult than I had anticipated. 
"But we always will." Christen tried to settle him before the tears, but to no avail. 
"Mommy. I was scared." He said just as we pulled into the driveway of the apartment building. Christen moved swiftly and went to get Caden out of the backseat. 
"I know you were scared buddy, but you're safe now. And Mama and I love you very much."
Thank god that seemed to calm him down. "Mommy's right, we love you so so much Cadester. We will always come back for you. I promise."
"Okay." He yawned and Lobo made his way up on the couch next to Chris and Cade, and laid his head across Caden's legs. 
"Are you sleepy, buddy?" I asked while simultaneously looking at the clock. I saw him nod into Christen's chest, but it was only 5:30 and he had to eat.
"How about this. We eat some dinner, then you can go to bed?" I asked and he shook his head no. 
"Why not Cadey?" Chris asked.
"I sleepy."
"What if we got pizza?" I asked in ultimatum. He slowly raised his head, and eventually responded with "Okay."
"That's my boy." I said as I got up to order. As soon as it came and Caden finished, he laid on the floor next to Lobo and fell asleep on his best friend's stomach. Christen went and scooped him up, and put him in bed. Lobo slowly raised his head, and cocked it to the side, before eventually following Chris into Caden's room, where he, without a doubt, took his place sitting as guard dog at the foot of Caden's bed. Christen came out and sat on my lap. 
"This is gonna be one hell of a ride." She said. 
"It sure is."


As they wheeled Christen into the room in preparation for the fertilization, I sat in the chair outside the room, and bowed my head in partial prayer, yes, but also in reflection and thankfulness. We had gotten into a potential travesty of a car wreck, only for both of us to survive and to walk away as a family. Now I was waiting to hear whether or not we were successful in having another child or not. It is amazing how sometimes life can come full circle. After an hour or so, I was allowed to go see Christen. 
"So." I said dragging out the 'o'. 
"What?" She smirked.
"Did it work?"
"It worked Tobin." (AN- I actually got really lazy and didn't feel like doing research on this, so if it's not accurate that's because the information is coming from the brain of somebody who got a B- in biology last term... so my apologies... okay carry on.)
"It worked?" I breathed.
"As far as they can tell, we should be new moms in nine months."
"Nine whole months? That's far away." I sighed in defeat.
"Yeah it sure is. Can we go home now?"
"Yeah let's go. We don't wanna be late for Caden again." I laughed. 
"No we sure don't."

It worked. I sighed out in relief and shared a smile with my wife.

AN- HOLY Developments... Haha more to come in a few days! Comment, vote, do your thing. Thanks guys!

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