Ch. 12

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Knock Knock Knock! Tobin heard from the kitchen.
"Caden! Will you go look out the window and see who is at the door?"
"Okay mom!" He said. Tobin heard his little feet across the floor towards the window where you could see the who was at the door. A few seconds later he called back.
"It's Aunt Lauren and Uncle Jrue! Can I answer it?"
"Yes go ahead. Good job asking!" Tobin called back, prompting Caden to run and open the door.
"Aunt Lauren!" He said excitedly. "Uncle Jrue!"
"Hi Cadey!" Lauren said, picking the small boy up and kissing him on the forehead.
"How are you feeling buddy?" Jrue asked him.
"All better!" Caden responded happily.
"All better? That's good!" Jrue said as Caden squirmed into his arms and onto his shoulders. All three of them walked into the open kitchen and living room, where Tobin was just putting dinner in the oven.
"Hey Tobs!" Cheney said walking over to give Tobin a hug.
"Hey Chens. How are you?"
"Alright. Chris should be down in a few minutes, she just got back from the gym, so she went to shower."
"Okay, do you need any help Tobs?"
Lauren offered
"No, I think I am good. Will you just watch Caden while I go see where Christen is?"
"I think Jrue has that under control." Lauren nodded in the two boys' direction, where they were sitting on the floor playing with Caden's legos.
"That's adorable." Tobin giggled before running upstairs to find Christen.
"Chris? Baby?" Tobin called.
"In our room!" Christen called back.
"Hey baby girl. Lauren and Jru-" Julie started before seeing her fiancee, and having her breath hitch in her throat. Christen was wearing black Nike leggings that defined every muscle in her legs, and she was just in a sports bra on top.
"You alright there Tobs?" Christen questioned, and Tobin felt the red flush her face.
"Uh- um. You look- Um, you are beautiful." Tobin stuttered before making her way over to Christen. She placed her hands on Christen's waist, and crashed their lips together, this time causing Christen's breath to hitch in her throat. Christen broke the contact.
"Later babe. later. Jrue. Lauren." She breathed.
"Dammit. Fine, hurry up the others will be here soon."
"I'll be down in thirty seconds, Tobin."
"Okay baby." And with that, Tobin headed downstairs, Christen following behind her.
"Hi Lauren hey Jrue!" Christen greeted.
"Mommy!" Caden yelled, popping up and running to Christen, jumping into her arms. Christen picked him up, and hugged him close, kissing him on the cheek.
"Hi buddy!"
"So now that you're down, what did you guys need to ask us?" Lauren piped up as they sat in the living room.
"Oh right." Tobin said. "Well. Christen and I talked, and we want to get Caden baptized."
"Right. And for a baptism, usually the child has godparents, so we were wondering if both of you would be our son's godparents?" Christen finished for Tobin.
Lauren looked down at Caden, who had crawled into her lap. "I'd be crazy if I said no!" She responded.
"I would be honored." Jrue answered.
"Thank you guys so much!" Tobin said, with her and Christen getting up to hug them. "It means a lot!"
"Of course!" Lauren answered. The group of them sat and talked for awhile, until the others arrived. Christen answered the door for A-rod and her family first. Ryan ran into the living room, and ran straight to Caden.
"Hi Caden!"
"Hi Ryan! Wanna play Legos?"
"Yeah! Can we build the biggest tower?"
The two boys spent a few minutes building before Arod came up to Ryan.
"Excuse me sir, but did you say hi to your aunties and uncle Jrue yet?"
"No. Sorry mama."
"Go do that please!"
So Ryan stood up and walked into the kitchen, where he approached Christen first. "Hi aunt Chris!"
"Hey buddy!" She said. Ryan made the rounds, and he eventually made it to Lauren. "Aunt Lauren!"
"Ryan! Hey buddy! I love you!"
"I love you too!" Ryan responded.
Unfortunately, Caden was listening to the whole exchange. He heard how his mothers told Ryan they loved him and how his favorite Aunt told Ryan she loved him. He got very jealous, so he went to his room and closed the door.
"Hey aunt Tobs? Where is Caden?" Ryan asked, confused as to where his playmate went.
"I don't know I thought he was in the living room."
"He's not here."
"Hmm. Let me go check his room." Tobin said as she walked down the hallway. She opened Caden's door, and saw her son lying on the bed, crying softly into the pillow.
"Caden? What's the matter baby boy?" Tobin cooed as she laid down next to Caden. Caden just shook his head into his pillow. "Come on buddy! Tell me."
"I thought Aunt Lauren loves me!"
"She does, buddy. Why would you think that she didn't?" Tobin asked as she rocked Caden back and forth.
"Because she told Ryan she loved him."
"Well, Aunt Lauren can love more than one person. She loves Uncle Jrue, she loves Ryan, she loves you, she loves soccer. Just like I love mommy, I love you, I love Nana and Grampy. See? People can love more than one person, and just because Aunt Lauren loves Ryan, doesn't mean she loves you any less."
"Really. Now come on. Ryan wants to play with you."
"Okay." Caden said, hopping out of bed and running to the living room. A few minutes later, Tobin called everyone into the kitchen for dinner.
"Wow, this is really good Tobin." Becky complimented.
"Yeah good work!" A-Rod said.
Everybody ate, and raved about Tobin's cooking, before retreating to the living room. Jrue was on the floor with Caden and Ryan playing with Caden's Lego's.
A little while later, Arod noticed Ryan starting to fade, so she decided it was time to get going.
"Ry, come on it's time to go!"
"But I don't wanna." Ryan stifled through a yawn.
"But you gotta. Come on, you'll see Caden at the game in few days."
"Ok fine." Ryan groaned
"Go say goodbye to everyone" Arod instructed.
"Okay." Ryan said, making his rounds.
"Bye Caden!" Ryan said giving Caden a hug.
"Bye Ryan! See you in a few days!"
"You ready buddy?" Arod asked.
"Okay, let's go. Bye everyone! Thanks Tobs and Press!"
"Bye Arod. Anytime!" Christen said.
After another 20 minutes or so, the Kansas City girls decided that it was best to leave, since they had an early training this morning. Lauren and Jrue were the last to leave.
"Thanks again guys!" Lauren said
"Yeah I had fun with the boys!" Jrue said.
"No, thank you guys. It really means a lot!" Tobin said as she hugged them both.
"Yeah really. Thank you so much." Christen agreed.
"Of course!"
"Yeah it was an honor!" Jrue agreed with his wife.
"alright, well, we'd better get going." Lauren said. "Bye Cadey! I love you!"
"Bye Aunt Lauren! I love you too! Bye Uncle Jrue!"
"See you later, kid!"
And with that, Lauren and Jrue left to head back to their hotel, and Julie and Christen brought Caden to bed.
"Goodnight buddy! I love you so much!" Tobin kissed Caden's forehead.
"Night Cadey. We'll see you in the morning." Christen said as they left the room.

Tobin and Christen headed to their room.
"Yeah sweetheart?" Tobs said, as she turned to see Christen smirking.
"Wanna finish what we started earlier?"
"Uh huh." Tobin nodded sheepishly

AN: Yes, next chapter will be smut. Leave feedback, requests, ideas, complaints, you know the drill by now, Have a good one guys!

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