Ch. 17

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"Let me introduce to you for the first time together, Mrs. and Mrs. Tobin and Christen Heath-Press!" I heard the emcee say, as I held Christen's hand and we walked in to the ballroom filled with our friends and family.
"Kiss kiss kiss kiss!" Pinoe started chanting. Christen and I shrugged and leaned in, met by cheers. I led her over to the table and we sat down and listened to the tribute speeches.
"You look so beautiful, baby." I whispered to her.
"You look so hot, Toby." She smirked. "We're married now. Can you believe it?"
"Believe it? Not really. Nor do I regret it."
She gave me the biggest grin, and then the emcee called for the first dance. I led her on to the dance floor, and she draped her arms around my neck and I placed mine on her hips as the music began to play. Together we agreed on Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis, but covered by Haley Reinhart. (Above- laceygirl03 this is the version I did for you.)
Christen sang to me the beginning.
Wise men say,
only fools rush in
But I can't help, falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?

As she continued to sing to me, I leaned my forehead on hers, and pressed my lips gently to her nose as we swayed gently to the music.

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Somethings are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you

As Chris continued to sing, I looked over to where my dad was holding Caden, and I motioned for him to let him come over. So he put him on the ground, and Caden ran over. I released Christen's waist, and picked Caden up, and he wrapped one arm around my neck and the other around Christen's, as she continued to sing

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you

As the song finished, Caden leaned and kissed Christen's cheek and then mine, and I leaned in and kissed Christen on the lips.
"I love you CP."
"I love you Tobin. Forever and always."
"Forever and always." We shared a smile and I planted a kiss to her forehead, and we spun open, hand in hand, and we were met with cheers by our family and friends. I looked over at my wife and she had the biggest smile on her face. We separated so she could have her dance with her father, and I'd have mine after. Caden came with me to the side.
"Yes my little man?"
"Um what does married mean?"
"Hmm. Well I guess it just means that mommy and I made a big promise that we won't ever leave each other or you."
"Oh okay. Mommy looks really pretty."
"She does. Doesn't she?"
"Yup. You do too mama."
"Thank you buddy."
"Yes Cadey?"
"I love you."
"I love you too my little man. Now watch mommy." I said as I picked him up and held him on my hip. Christen came over to me after her dance was done, and I headed out with my dad.

Christen's POV

Wow. I'm married. My family is complete. I finished dancing with my dad, and I walked over to where Tobin was standing with Caden. She handed him over to me, and gave me a quick kiss before heading onto the dance floor.
"Mommy?" He asked me.
"Yes baby?"
"You look pretty." He complimented with a smirk.
"Thank you buddy."
"Mama looks pretty too, Mommy."
"I know she does. You know who looks so handsome though?"
"Who mommy?" He asked as he looked around.
"You." I said while I kissed his nose. He just smiled and blushed as he turned his attention back to Tobin. Once Tobin was done dancing with her dad, we made the rounds. Caden was on Tobin's back, and we made it around to Lauren and Arod's table and.
"Hey Caden!" Lauren called.
"Aunt Lauren!" He wriggled free from Tobin's grasp and ran over to Lauren.
"Hey Cade. How are you?"
"That's good. You looks so handsome buddy."
"Thanks." I heard him giggle. Lauren stood up with Caden in her arms, and moved to hug us.
"Congrats guys. I love you both."
"Love you too Laur." Tobin responded.
"Thanks Lauren. Love you too."
Lauren handed Caden back over to me, and we moved around to the other tables, before we had to head back up to our seats. Our families and teammates had put together a slideshow for us to watch, so they dimmed the lights and we watched. Three minutes in, I looked down at Caden who had fallen asleep in my arms.
"Well. This was fun while it lasted." I joked with Tobin as I gestured to Caden. 
"Sure was." She chuckled." I guess somebody will just have to carry him around until he wakes up."
"Haha guess so." I laughed and turned my attention back to the slideshow. Once the slideshow was finished and everybody cheered, the emcee announced it was time to cut the cake. I sighed and brought Caden to the closest table, which happened to be Lauren and Amy's. Lauren was out of the room, so I handed him to Arod.
"Can you hold him? I have to kinda go." I laughed.
"Of course!" She said. "Be sure to cake smash Tobin." She whispered. 
"We'll see." I smirked. I had every intention of doing so, however. I walked up to Tobin, and she sidestepped me so she was behind me, and she laid her hand on my wrist, and whispered "Love you" in my ear, sending shivers up my spine. We cut the cake, and placed it on the plate next to us. As she leaned in to kiss my cheek, I grabbed some frosting, and swatted her cheek. She recoiled from my cheek, and smirked at me, before wiping the frosting from her face and smudging it on my lips, and I let a shriek escape. 
"You seem to have something on your face, Chris. Allow me." She said loud enough for people to hear, and smirked as she crashed our lips together. The action was met with hoots, hollers, and whistles.  I was taken aback, but I eventually kissed back. When she pulled apart, I rested my forehead against hers.
"You asshole." I laughed.
"Takes one to know one, baby girl." 
We broke apart, and somebody came over to cut the cake, and we headed back to our table. I looked over, and Amy was still holding Caden, so I signaled over and asked if she was okay, and she gave me the thumbs up, so I turned back to Tobin.
"Y'know. In retrospect we probably should have done the morning service and afternoon reception, huh?" She asks.
"I guess so, but what can we do now?"
"Nothing now." We looked around at our reception, and watched some of our guests dancing, some of our guests mingling, and Amy and Lauren sitting with Caden.
"Tobin. I'm going to relieve Amy of our sleeping child."
"Okay. I'll be waiting." She winked at me. I walked over to Lauren and Amy, and saw that Caden was still asleep. 
"Hey I came to relieve you of my child."
"Oh hey Chris. Here." Amy said, handing Caden up to me. When she did, Caden began to stir, and eventually woke up.
"No it's mommy, bud."
"Where's mama?"
"Over there."
"Can I see mama?"
"Sure buddy. Say bye to Aunt Lauren and Aunt Amy."
"Bye bye."
"Bye Caden!"
"Bye monkey!"

"Mommy?" Caden asked me as I carried him towards Tobin.
"Yes baby boy?"
"When can we go home?"
"Well the party is almost over. Only another hour or so. I'm getting tired too."
"Okay" He yawned. I handed him over to Tobin, and anxiously waited the end of the reception. Caden ended up falling asleep in Tobin's arms, and I was nodding off on Tobin's shoulder. Eventually everybody filtered out, and we could go home. It sure was a long day. We made our way back to the hotel room, and Tobin laid Caden down in the opposite bed, and flopped onto ours. I went into the bathroom and removed my makeup and got changed, and Tobin did the same once I got out. I decided to check my social medias, until I heard Tobin come out of the bathroom and lay down next to me. 
"Hey wife."
"Hi wife."
"That won't get old for awhile." She smirked. 
"No it will not." I said as I wrapped my arms around her torso. We sat in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's presence, until I mustered up the courage to talk to her about something that's been on my mind for awhile. 
"What would you say to having another kid?"
"I thought you'd never ask."

HOLA GUYS... So I dont really have much to say to you guys, but please leave feedback.., I absolutely love hearing from you guys! Also if you have an idea or request for a chapter, message and I'll do my best to integrate it into the story!! Thanks so much for all the reads and voted as well. Y'all are the best!!

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