Ch. 15

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"A dog, huh?" I asked.
"Yeah. I miss having one." She answered.
"We can look into it. But we really need to get wedding planning."
"Yeah I know. Let's get to it."
"Caden! It's time for a nap buddy boy." I called. 
"But mama! I don't wanna!" He cried to me. 
"No buts Caden!"
"Mommy?" He called to Christen. 
"Come here Cade." She called to him as he came running over to her. She scooped him up, and sat him on the counter, and leaned in and whispered something to him. 
"Okay mommy." He nodded in approval, and ran off to his room, Chris following close behind. I followed them, and watched as Christen tucked Caden into bed. 
"See you when you wake up buddy." She said kissing his head. We walked in the kitchen, and sat at the counter.
"So Chris. What did you say to get him to bed?" I smirked.
"I told him we'd go look at the puppies later."
"What am I gonna do with you?"
"I dunno. Love me and buy me a dog?" She giggled.
"We'll see what's there when we get there." I responded, turning to the wedding planning in front of us. She grabbed my chin, and turned my head so I was looking into her eyes. 
"Yes?" I asked.
"Wait. Seriously?"
"Yes seriously. I would love to have a dog." I responded.
"Yay!" She squealed throwing her body at me. I caught her in a hug, and she wrapped her legs around me, and buried her head in my neck. I kissed her on the cheek as I held her.
"I love you CP."
"I love you too Tobin."
"Now." I started as I put her back on the stool. "Let's get some wedding planning done beautiful."
"Yeah okay." She sighed, unwrapping her arms from my neck. I leaned in and kissed her forehead, and then her cheek. I sat back down and looked at everything laid out in front of me. 
"We're gonna need help." I sighed.
"Yeah I know. But we already decided on the location, colors and venue." She reminded me.
"Okay. Yeah. We can do this."
"Yes. Yes we can."
"So. I was thinking a smaller wedding. Like teammates, and family. Maybe a few close friends?"
"That's exactly what I was thinking."
"Okay. Let's try to make a guest list." I suggested.
"Yeah. Let's do this."

An hour later, we had come to a guest list that had satisfied the both of us, around 175 guests. 
"I think that's enough planning for today." Christen stifled through a yawn. 
"Too tired to go look at the dogs, CP?"
"Nope!" She perked up right away. "I may just need some caffeine." She yawned again.
"Me too, me too." We sat on the couch, and turned on the TV, when Caden came out of his room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walked over and jumped in my lap.
"Hey sleepy head. How are you buddy?"
"Good mama. When are we going?"
"As soon as your mommy says so."
"Yes buddy?"
"When are we going?"
"As soon as you use the potty, and get changed."
"Okay mommy. Will you come with me?"
"No you can go by yourself." I said to him.
"Please mommy?" He asked, tugging on Christen's sleeve.
Christen looked up at me apologetically, and got up to go with Caden. I just chuckled, because she has him wrapped around her finger. A few minutes later, they came back in, Caden's hair perfectly gelled, and we were off. I strapped Caden in his seat, and hopped in next to Christen who had already started the car. She took off towards the local shelter. Once we arrived, Christen hopped out, and I grabbed Caden, and we walked inside. We were greeted by one of the volunteers.
"Hello! How are you today?"
"Very well, thank you!" Christen responded.
"What brings you in today?"
"We're looking to adopt a dog, actually."
"Well. We have plenty of those! Do you have an idea on a breed or size?"
"I want a big dog." Caden said.
"A big one kiddo? Alright. I guess we want a big dog." I laughed. 
"Well, I'll take you back to where the big dogs are housed. Follow me please." 
We followed the lady back into the room, and I had Caden on my shoulders. 
"Mama? Can I go down so I can see the puppies?"
"Sure bud." I said as I put him down. We heard a deep bark, and Caden took off towards it, Christen close behind him. We found Caden sitting in front of a cage with a huge German Shepherd, who had obviously calmed down once Caden sat in front of him. 
"Mama! Mommy! Look!"
"I see buddy!" Christen said. 
"Mama can we see this one?"
"Sure buddy. Could we see this one please?" I asked the lady. 
"Of course! Do you want to take him outside?"
"If we could that'd be great."
"Of course. Let me go grab his leash." She said as she walked away. Christen squatted down next to Caden. 
"He's so handsome." She cooed. "Who's a handsome boy?" She asked that weird rhetorical question people ask dogs. I really don't know why people ask it. It's not like the dogs can understand. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the woman came back, and opened the cage. The dog got a little excited and was sniffing Caden. He got a little nervous, and jumped back into Christen. She wrapped her arm round him, and soothed him, while I watched the most amazing thing. As soon as Caden recoiled, the dog lowered so it was laying down, and it army crawled over to Caden and lay his head on Caden's lap. 
"Go on. Pat his head buddy." Christen whispered. I watched as Caden gently rubbed the dogs head, and he smiled up at Christen.
"I think he likes you buddy." The lady said. Caden leaned his head on the dog's midsection.
"I love you buddy. Mama? Can we have him?"
"Why don't we take him outside first?"
"Okay." He said happily standing up and following the lady out into the pen. She let the dog off the leash, and he ran happily around with Caden. Christen and I watched from afar.
"Can you believe what that dog did when Caden got startled?"
"I know. I think he's the one." She smiled at me.
"I think so too."
"Caden! Baby come here!" Christen called. Caden looked up, smiled and ran over, his new best friend at his heels. 
"Yes mommy?"
"do you really love this dog?"
"I really do."
"Do you want the dog to come home with us?"
"Well. I think we found the dog." I said turning to the lady.
"great! Could you just come and sign some papers?"
"Of course!"

We followed the woman inside, and Christen did the paperwork, while Caden and I played with the dog.
"You ready guys?" Christen asked.
"Yeah let's go."

Once I buckled Caden in the car, the dog climbed in next to him, and laid down on the seat next to him. 
"So. What are we gonna name him?" I asked.
"I dunno." Caden responded. "He looks like a wolf." He said nonchalantly.
"I have an idea." Christen said.
"What is it?"
"What about Lobo?"
"Why Lobo?" I asked.
"It means wolf in Spanish."
"I like that." I said.
"Caden do you like the name Lobo?"
"Yeah! Hi Lobo." He said, and Lobo's ears perked up. Before we got home, we stopped at the pet store to get the necessities, like food and bowls. We also let Caden pick out a toy for him. Eventually we made it back home, and brought Lobo inside. Caden ran to his room, and the dog followed. Everywhere Caden went the dog was at his heels. Looks like he made his new best friend. When it was time for bed, Lobo followed Caden, and curled up next to him. Chris of course took a picture. 
"Night buddy. I love you." I said as I kissed his head. Chris did the same, and we both left the room.
Chris posted the picture, and captioned it, "Our little buddy has a buddy of his own now. Welcome the newest edition to the Press-Heath family, Lobo!" The comments and sub-tweets asking about the name were getting very annoying, so Christen and I both tweeted out, "For those wondering, Caden thought he looked like a wolf, and Lobo means wolf in Spanish." 

Christen and I eventually made our way to bed, and she curled up next to me. 
"Thanks for letting us get a dog."
"If you and Caden are happy, then I'm happy." She just smiled up at me, before letting the sleep consume her. I eventually did the same.

AN: Hey guys. Let me know what you thought, please and thank you! So. I probably won't include much of the Olympics tbh. It would be just unnecessary filler. Maybe like the opening ceremonies and the final... I will more than likely go in depth with them in my Krashlyn story, so just assume they turn out the same... Thanks again for the reads votes and comments!

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