Ch. 8

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AN: they are back in Chicago, and Tobin is back and playing...

"Christen?" Tobin called
"Let's go! Caden has to get to daycare!"
Today was the first day of daycare for Caden. The girls realized they couldn't bring him to practices anymore since Tobin started playing, so they enrolled him in the daycare down the street from their training facilities. They would still be taking him on away trips and to the National Team camps, because there is nobody here to watch him.
"We're coming!" Christen said, as she ran down the stairs with Caden in her arms.
"Ok we have to go! Get in the car!" Tobin said, clearly exasperated.
"Calm down Tobs. It's gonna be alright." Christen said calmly,kissing Tobin on the cheek, ultimately calming her down. The family got into the car, and headed to drop Caden off at daycare. Once they got there, Tobin parked the car, and all three of them got out.
"Yeah Cadey?"
"I'm scared" Caden whimpered.
"What are you scared about?" Tobin asked him.
"Will you guys come back?" He asked timidly.
Christen said, getting on one knee. "We love you so much buddy. We would never ever leave you here. We will always come back. "
"You too mom?"
"Of course Caden. Always. Your my buddy! I couldn't leave you!"
"Now come on, you need to go in. We'll come with you." Christen encouraged.
"Ok" Caden said with uncertainty. They walked into the classroom, and Caden hid behind Tobin's leg.
"Hello. I'm Mrs. Jones. You must be Caden." The teacher said as she approached Caden.
"Say hi buddy." Tobin egged on, as Caden emerged from behind her.
"Hi Caden. We're gonna have a lot of fun today!"
"Really?" He asked.
"Yeah really! Do you want to go play with the blocks while I talk to your parents?"
"Ok. Bye mom. Bye mommy."
"By buddy. I love you!" Tobin said
"Bye Cadey. Love you." Christen said as Caden headed over to where the blocks are.
"Hello. Let me introduce myself. I'm Melissa Jones!"
"Hi Melissa! I'm Christen and this is my fiancée Julie. We're Caden's parents."
"It's very nice to meet you guys. What do you do for a living?"
"We play professional soccer for the Chicago Red Stars and the United States Women's National Team." Tobin explained
"Wow, I didn't make that connection. You guys won the World Cup last summer!"
"Yep!" Christen said.
"Well, congratulations by the way!"
"Thank you." Christen chucked.
"Well, Caden is very safe here. I will just need you guys to write down some emergency contact information before you go."
"Ok." Christen said, as she left to get the forms.
"Who do you want to put down besides ourselves?" Tobin asked Christen.
"Umm. I was thinking Alyssa? And I think Boxxy still plans on living here, for awhile at least. Let me text them."
Christen texted Boxxy and Alyssa, and they both agreed to be put as an emergency contact. So when Mrs. Jones came back, Christen put both her and Tobin down, along with Boxxy and Alyssa, and then they left to go to practice. Once they were there, they met Alyssa walking in.
"Hey Lys!" Tobin greeted.
"Hey guys!"
"Thanks for letting us put you down as an emergency contact. We don't have any family up here, so it's hard to find people."
"No big deal. Glad I could help!"
"Come on let's go into training." Tobin said. Once they got their cleats on and they warmed up, the coach decided that they would scrimmage for the whole time. Tobin and Christen were on the same team, but Alyssa was on the other. Throughout the whole scrimmage, there was something off about Christen, and both Tobin and Alyssa noticed it. Her touch was off, passes not as crisp, and her finishing was bad.
"Hey Tobin!" Alyssa called. "Come here!"
"What's up?"
"What's wrong with Christen?"
"I'm not sure. You've noticed too?"
"Yeah. Usually she's have scored on me by now." Alyssa chuckled.
"Very true. But I'll go talk to her." Tobin said. Tobin found christen sitting alone on the edge of the bench, head in her hands. She cautiously approached her, and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.
"Hey baby." Tobin greeted
"Hi" Christen responded simply.
"What's wrong baby girl?" Tobin questioned her fiancée.
"Really? You expect me to believe that?"
"No" Christen chuckled.
"Then tell me sweetheart." Tobin encouraged.
"I'm just worried"
"About what?"
"Baby, he'll be fine. He's a strong kid."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Well. Let's think about what he's gone through in his three years of life. An abusive father, major car accident, concussion, starting over. And that was all before he turned four."
"Yeah, I know. It's just funny."
"What's funny?"
"How so much good came out of a potentially terrible situation."
"Yeah, I know. I remember talking to Cheney about that when I was still in the hospital."
"Also, it's just funny how I can have so much love and concern for a child who has been in my life for what? A few months?"
"I know Chris. I feel the same way. But I need you to focus right now. He is fine, and we'll see him in an hour. Now go out and do what you love."
"Ok." Christen agreed. They continued the scrimmage, and Christen improved immensely. She was sharper, and her finishing was up, and she proved it by scoring twice. Before she knew it, practice was over, and it was time to go pick up Caden.
"Come on Tobin!" Christen whined.
"Shh calm down. I'm coming." Tobin said hopping into the car, and starting it. They took off towards the day care, and Christen was almost out of the car before Tobin put it in park.
"Slow down Press!" Tobin called
"Woah last names Heath!" Christen laughed, slowing up to wait for Tobin. They walked in together, and saw Caden playing with the trucks, along with another young boy. He looked up and saw his moms.
"Hey mommy! Hi mom!" He said, crashing into Tobin's legs.
"Hey kiddo! Did you have fun?" Christen greeted.
"Who were you playing with?"
"My friend." Caden replied, waving his friend over.
"Hi buddy! What's your name?" Christen asked the young boy.
"Hi Logan. We are Caden's mommies." Tobin said, gesturing to her and Christen.
Just then, Logan's mom came in, and walked over to the group.
"Hi, I'm Marissa. I'm Logan's mom."
"Hi. I'm Tobin and this is my fiancée Christen. We're Caden's parents."
"Nice to meet you!"
"You too" Tobin said, both her and Christen shaking her hands.
"Mommy?" Logan asked.
"Can Caden and I have a play date sometime?"
"I think we can arrange that!"
"Yeah sounds good to me!" Christen said. "Let me give you my phone number."
"Yeah sure, put it in my phone." She said, handing Christen her phone. Once Christen put in her number, Marissa texted her in order to give her her number.
"Great! We'll be in contact. Have a nice day!" Christen said, picking Caden up.
"You too!"
"Bye Caden!"
"Bye Logan!"
Christen carried Caden out, and put him in his car seat, before climbing into the passenger seat.
"So did you have a good day Caden?" Christen asked him.
"Ya!" He said excitedly.
"What did you do?"
"Played with Logan with the trucks, and the water table, and the blocks."
"Wow, sounds like fun!" Tobin said.
"Mm hmm." Caden agreed. They got home and headed inside. Since Christen made them hurry up to pick up Caden, they didn't shower in the locker room, so Christen headed upstairs to shower, while Tobin and Caden watched Paw Patrol on the couch. Once Christen was done, she and Tobin switched positions. Christen, however went in the kitchen to start dinner.
"Do you want to stay here, or help me in the kitchen?" She asked Caden.
"Umm. I'll stay here."
"Ok. Do you want spaghetti or the tubes?"
"Sketti!" He said excitedly.
"Sauce or butter?"
"Alright! I'm gonna go get it started."
"Uh huh."
Once Christen got out of the shower, Tobin hopped in, while christen finished dinner. Once Tobin got down the small family gathered around the table, and are their dinner. Once dinner was over, they went in the living room and watched tv until it was time for Caden to head to bed.

AN: Once again it was brought to my attention that I missed a switch between Julie and Tobin... My bad but seriously guys. Chill. I get it if I missed an entire chapter, but I mean

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