ch. 4

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Christen was wheeling Tobin and Caden downstairs. Of course, she knew they were going to see their parents, but Tobin didn't.
"I love you, but where are we going?"
"You'll see."
"Caden? Do you know where we're going?" She asked, tickling him.
"No mom." He said giggling. The elevator dinged, and Chris rolled them out into the lobby.
"Mom" Tobin breathed. "Mom?" She choked out a little louder.
"Tobin!" Her mom cried, and came running over. "How are you?"
"I'm alright mom. I'm hanging in there."
"I'm so glad." She had tears in her eyes.
"Mom. Dad. Mr. and Mrs. Press? This is Caden. Cadey? These are your grandparents."
"Hi sweetheart. It's so nice to meet you. I'm your nana." Tobin's mom said.
"I'm your grampy." Tobin's dad said.
"Hi nana and grampy."
"Hey Caden! I'm your grandma!" Christen's mom said.
"And I'm your grandpa." Christen's dad said.
"Do you guys want to go out? We can get something to eat, and we need a car seat for this one. We've been using Arod's." Christen suggested.
"Sure sweetheart." Tobin's mom said. "It's so good to be back with you both."
"You too Mrs. Heath."
"I'll be your mother I law soon. Call me Cindy. "
"And call me Jeff." Tobin's dad said.
"Ok. Cindy and Jeff."
"And Julie. Call us Stacy and Cody."
"Alright. Sounds good. Let's go I'm starving."
"When are you not?" Jeff laughed.
"Watch it dad." Tobin joked.
"Oh yeah, Christen." Stacy said. "Tyler and Channing want you to come back to LA if you can."
"Who are they?" Caden asked.
"They are my sisters. Your aunties."
"I have a lot of aunties." Caleb sighed, and smacked his forehead.
"Woah Cade. Don't do that you still have a bad boo boo on your head."
"Sorry mommy."
"And yes. You do have a lot of aunties. Mom has two sisters too. Your aunt Perry and your Aunt Katie."
"How am I gonna remember them all?" An exasperated Caden said.
"You don't have to. Not yet anyway. Just call them all 'Auntie'."
"Ok. Except Auntie Lauren. I know her."
"Yes. Except auntie Lauren." Christen laughed. "He has a special connection with Chens." She explained to the family. "Now let's go. I got the big car."
"I'll drive" Tobin's dad said.
"You got it Jeff. Tobin you got the front."
"Sweet." Tobin said as christen started to wheel her out.
"Dad? Can you help me in the car?" Tobin asked.
"Sure Tobs." He said while getting a grip under her arm. Meanwhile, Christen was buckling Caden into the car seat that she Arod was nice enough to let her borrow again, because it was Ryan's nap time. They decided to go out to get some lunch before to get a car seat. They decided on Ristorante Fiore in Boston's North End, a really good Italian restaurant. (If you are ever in Boston, and you are looking for an amazing Italian restaurant that dances on the line of casual and fancy, plus reasonable prices for the quality of food, which is very good might I say, I totally recommend Fiore. Then Mike's pastry for dessert!!)
"Hi table for 6 plus a high chair." Christen said.
"Right this way." The hostess said. "If you don't mind me asking, are you 'Christen Press and Tobin Heath?"
"Yeah we are!"
"Wow. I'm a huge fan of you guys!"
"Wow thanks!"
"What happened, Tobin?"
"Well, we got into a car crash. This little guys was in the other car, and both his parents were killed. So we adopted him."
"Wow. I'm surprised I hadn't seen anything on Twitter yet. Maybe I just missed it"
"No. Now that I think about it, we totally forgot to post something."
"Oh ok. Well, I'm sorry this happened and enjoy your meals!"
"Thanks so much!"
A few minutes later, their waitress came over.
"Hi welcome to Ristorante Fiore. My name is Jess. Can I start you off with something to drink?"
They all ordered their drinks, and ordered their food once Jess came back. Christen ordered pasta with sauce for Caden, then the Arancini for her. (Fried rice balls, aka fried balls of dough stuffed with rice, mozzarella cheese, meat, and peas. 2x aka= heaven). Tobin and her dad both got chicken Parmesan, Tobin's mom just got spaghetti, and Christen's parents split a margherita pizza. (Also heaven). Once the food got there and they ate, Tobin's parents handled the check, much to the Press's discontent, (they insisted the got the next meal.) and they left. They decided to head down Hanover street and go get a dessert at Mike's Pastry. (Traditional Italian bakery known for their 25+ cannoli flavors.) After their treat, they headed to a nearby Target to get a car seat. Once they found one, they decided to put it in at the hotel, so they could get back quicker, because Caden fell asleep in Tobin's arms. Once they got back, Tobin's dad took out Amy's car seat, and Christen took it up to her room, while Tobin's mom wheeled Tobin and Caden upstairs.
With Tobin and her mom
Once they got to the room, Tobin's mom placed a sleeping Caden into bed. She then helped Tobin into hers.
"I'm really glad you're here mom. How though?"
"Christen called me the night it happened."
"God she's so amazing."
"You got really lucky with her Tobs."
"I know I did. I won't ever forget it. Thank you for coming. I know flying from Florida to Boston wasn't ideal, especially a red-eye."
"It was because we love you Tobs. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm exhausted so I'm going to our room and going to sleep."
"See you later mom. Thanks again."
With Amy and Christen
Knock knock knock.
"Coming!" Arod answered. "Hey Pressy! Ry Ry! Auntie Chris is here!"
"Hey auntie Chris!"
"Hey buddy! I'm here to return your car seat!"
"Thanks! When can I meet your son?"
"Tomorrow after the game. I promise."
"Bye guys"
"Bye Chris!"
"Bye auntie Chris!"
"Thanks again Arod!"
"Not a problem!"
Back with Tobin in the room.
"Hey Tobs!"
"Hey babe!"
"I think we need to tell people what happened before the game. People are gonna wonder why you're on the sidelines in a wheelchair, and why we grab a small child after the game if we don't, ya know?"
"Yeah. I totally agree. We can ask Jill if we can call a press conference pre game tomorrow."
"Sounds like a plan. Now let's get to sleep, we have a game tomorrow."
"Ok. Goodnight sweetheart. I love you." Tobin said.
"Night Tobin. I love you too."
And They fell asleep, happily, in each other's arms.

AN: so votes, feedback, and comments accepted and appreciated.

Also, I know I made a lot of Boston references, and yes I'm a Boston girl. (Go pats, b's, sox, celts, because you're a Yankees/jets/Habs/Lakers fan I automatically hate you, pahk the cah in the Hahvad yahd, and any other stereotypical Boston references you can think of, yada yada yada. Ps. If you're a fan of the aforementioned hated teams, I'm sure you're a very nice person, and I don't hate you I just hate your teams. But you hate it's ok.) Anyways if you're ever in the area, message me if you don't know where to hit up, I'll give you some tourism help and such. I know the good places in the city like the back of my hand!! Also, both Pressy and Tobin's sisters' names are their actual names. I also love Pressy's sisters' names. Very cool (Tyler and Channing)
Thanks for reading!!

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