Ch. 11

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The next morning, Tobin and Christen had training, but they didn't have anyone to stay home with Caden.
"Tobs. I can just stay home, I only have weights today. I'll just go to the gym when you get home?"
"Are you sure?"
"Alright. I'll tell coach when I get there."
"Ok. See you later babe. I love you."
"I love you too. See you in a few hours!" Christen said as Tobin walked out. Since Tobin had to be out of the door by 8, Caden was still sleeping. So Christen took this time to make herself a coffee, and make a very important phone call.
"Hello who is this?"
"Um hi I am Christen Press. My fiancee and I adopted Caden."
"Ah yes. What do you want?"
"Well, since you are his aunt, I was just wondering if you knew when his birthday was?"
"June 2. And I was his aunt. I only had to be for my sister's sake. Never call me regarding that child again."
"Right. Have a good one."
"Yeah bye."
Well, that went well.

"Mommy?" Christen heard from the other room. She walked in, and saw Caden sitting up in bed.
"Hi buddy! How are you feeling?"
"That's good. Are you hungry?"
"Uh huh!"
"You want pancakes?"
"Ok, go out and sit on the couch. I think Jake is on at this time."
"Ok mommy." Caden said as he hopped out of bed and went to the couch. Christen came over and turned on the tv, then went to go make pancakes for her and Caden. Once she was done, she called Caden into the kitchen, and sat him at the counter where he could still see the TV.
"Do you know when your birthday is?"
"When is it?"
"June what?"
Caden held up two fingers.
"That's pretty close huh?" Christen asked.
"It is?"
"Yeah buddy. It's in a few weeks."
"Ok." He said as he continued to eat. Once they were finished, Christen cleared their plates, and sat back on the couch with Caden. They just chilled on the couch for awhile, Christen putting up with Caden's cartoons, until Caden began to drift off to sleep. Once he was out, Christen gently picked him up and carried him to bed. Finally, she was able to watch her shows. She put on the noontime news, and watched for awhile, until Tobin walked in.
"Hey baby." She greeted. "Is Cadey sleeping?"
"Yeah he just fell asleep like 20-30 minutes ago."
"Oh ok." Tobin said. "Do you mind if I take a shower before you go to the gym?"
"Not at all. How was practice?"
"Good. It wasn't much, just weights. I brought home a copy of the forwards' workout to take to the gym if you want it."
"Uh yeah. Thanks babe."
"No problem." Tobin said, kissing Christen on the cheek before turning and heading into the bathroom. Tobin took a quick ten minute shower, and put on sweats and a t-shirt, and headed back into the living room.
"Hey you're all set if you want to go."
"Ok. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Caden's birthday is June second. I called his mom's sister and she told me."
"His mom had a sister? How come he never went to her?"
"She never wanted a kid. I quote. 'I was his aunt. I only had to be for my sister's sake. Never call me regarding that child again.' "
"wow. Okay, well I'm glad that's sorted out. By the way, the Kansas City girls are coming over for dinner tonight. What do you want me to make?"
"Um whatever. Please make it healthy though!"
"Of course!" Tobin laughed. She kissed Christen lightly on the lips as she headed out the door. Julie grabbed the iPad, and began looking up healthy recipes she could make for tonight. As she was looking, Caden came out with his blanket, rubbing his eyes.
"Hi buddy!" Tobin said going over to pick up her son.
"Hi mom." He said as Tobin kissed him on the cheek.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Yup." He said, popping the 'p'.
"Guess who is coming over tonight?"
"Ryan and Aunt Amy, Aunt Becky, Aunt HAO, and Au-"
"Aunt Lauren?"
"Uh huh!"
"Yay! When are they coming?"
"In a few hours. I have to make dinner. Do you want pasta or chicken nuggets?"
"Ok, so you and Ryan will have pasta, and the adults will have stuffed peppers. Sound like a plan?"
"Ok! We gotta go on a mission to get the ingredients, okay?"
"Okay mom."
"Let's get you out of your pajamas bud." Tobin said as she carried Caden into his room to get him changed. Tobin got Caden changed into shorts and a tshirt, then she combed his hair to the side. She got him buckled into his seat, and sat in the driver's seat, then they took off towards the grocery store. Once they got there, Tobin parked, and she took Caden out of his seat, and moved him to the seat in the shopping cart. She pushed the cart inside, and went in search of all the ingredients.
"Ok. We need rice, peppers, tomato sauce, and ground beef."
"And pasta."
"Yes, and pasta. You want tubes or spaghetti?"
"Tubes it is!"
"Oh wait." Tobs sighed.
"What the matter mom?" Caden asked.
"I have to call aunt Lauren. Hold on buddy."

"Hey Chens."
"Oh hey Tobs. What's up?"
"How many of the guys are coming?"
"I think we all have the guys with us. Is that alright?"
"Totally, I just needed to know how much food to get."
"Oh ok. Yeah all of us are bringing the guys."
"Hey, is it possible for you and Jrue to come over earlier?"
"Yeah is everything okay?"
"Yeah we just want to talk to you guys about something."
"Okay, so around four?"
"Uh. Yeah that should be good."
"Ok see you then! Bye Tobs!"
"Bye Chens!"

"OK Cadey. Uncle Jrue and all the other guys are coming over too, so we need to get more food. Now we need ten peppers instead of six."
"Nothing buddy." Tobin chuckled. "Let's get going." Tobin managed to get everything in a matter of twenty minutes, and home in thirty. Before Christen got home, Tobin got Caden out of his car seat, and inside before running back out for the bags. As soon as Tobin got Caden settled, and the bags on the counter, Christen walked in, and wrapped her arms around Tobin, who was standing at the sink.
"Eew you're all sweaty! I just showered!" Tobin, whined, as Christen laid her sweaty head on the back of Tobin's neck.
"Oh you don't mind, Tobs."
"I know I don't." Tobin said as she turned to face Christen. Christen looked into the deep blue eyes of her defender, and rested her forehead against hers. Tobin was looking down at Christen's lips, and without warning, crashed their lips together, placing her hands on Christen's hips, and Christen draped her arms around Tobin's neck. They continued to kiss, until they heard Caden.
"Eww gross!" He exclaimed from the living room. The two girls released the contact, and giggled at their son, who was peeking through his fingers. Tobin and Christen looked at each other, and they ran over to their son, and began planting kisses all over his face. Knowing he couldn't do anything, he just sighed loudly, making Chris and Tobin giggle.
"Well, I'm going to go shower." Christen announced.
"Hurry up. Cheney and Jrue are going to be here around 4 so we can talk to them."
"Ok. I'll be down in twenty minutes. What are you making?"
"Are stuffed peppers ok?"
"Ooh yeah. I love stuffed peppers."
"That's why I'm making them."
"You're the best!"
"You're not too bad yourself, Chrissy. Now go shower!"

AN: HIYA GUYS. Sorry I've been MIA for like ever. I'm back now, and I'll try and update more frequently! Thanks for sticking with me! Feedback is always appreciated! Love you all!!

Also, HinnyForever17 got my reference in my last author's note, so she gets a shoutout as promised

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