ch 13 (smut)

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"Uh huh." Tobin nodded sheepishly.
Christen took that as permission to mosey on over to Tobin, and place her hand gently on her neck. She looked into the eyes of her defender, full of passion and mystery, and without warning, Christen crashes their lips together, forcing Tobin to emit a slight moan at the contact.
"Bed. Now." Tobin growled, picking up the smaller forward, by slipping her hands down the smaller girl's leggings, and gripping at the underside of her thighs. She slowly carried both of them towards the bed, and gently placed Christen down, removing her hands from her leggings, crawling on top of her, and beginning to trace her collarbone with kisses. Christen emitted a soft whimper when Tobin reached her spot, prompting Tobin to such harder and harder. Tobin finally arrived at her ear, and began to nibble.
"Tobin. Stop. Teasing." Christen forced out through heavy breaths.
"Patience." Julie whispered in Christen's ear, causing her to shiver at the sensation. Christen could only gulp and nod. Tobin continued to trace light kisses along Christen's jawline and down her nose to her neck, until she reached the collar of her shirt. She placed the collar in between her teeth, and licked along Christen's collarbone. Eventually, Tobin moves swiftly, removing Christen's shirt, as she continues her line of kisses down every inch of Christen's torso. Once she makes it to her waistline, she quickly moves her hand up to Christen's bra. She helps Christen sit up, and slowly pulls the Nike sports bra over the top of Christen's head, and she gently lays her back down on the bed. She brushes a kiss across her nose, then turns to Christen's breasts, slowly kneading them back and forth, before switching to use her mouth. Slowly she sucks on each breast, definitely leaving multiple marks, but that wasn't given a thought by either of them at the moment. Tobin continued to pepper Christen's face with light kisses, trying to turn Christen on. Many times she heard Christen's breath hitch in her throat, but her breathing continued to even out. Soon, Christen had enough.
"Fuck Tobin. Goddammit fuck me already!" She heaved out.
"Shh. You're not ready yet." She said as she continued to kiss Christen's collarbone. Ash Christen was distracted with the goosebumps forming from the touch of Tobin's lips on her neck, Tobin subtly moved her hands down, and without warning, removed Christen's leggings and underwear in one swift motion. She licked down Christen's torso, and made her way to her pussy. She kissed all over Christen's hips and Christen let out a barely audible gasp at the contact. Tobin decided that she wanted to make her fiancee scream for her, so she entered with two fingers right away.
"Fuck Tobin. God fuck!" She moaned. "Harder." She breathed, so harder Tobin went. She curled her two fingers four times before entering a third. Christen's hips bucked at the sudden added pressure, and she let out a really loud moan.
"GAAH. Jesus Tobin. I'm. Gonna. Come. I'm. Almost. There." She breathed. Tobin took that as permission to curl harder. Christen's hips bucked to the ceiling, and Tobin crawled on top of her to keep her at bay. A few more curls, and Christen shattered under Tobin, and Tobin removed her fingers, licking them clean.
"That was amazing." Christen breathed out heavily.
"Anything to please my baby." Tobin barely got out the last sentence before Christen had flipped them. Christen felt Tobin's breath hitch and she got to work right away. Chris wastes no time removing Tobin's shirt, and nipping and sucking at the skin on her neck. Christen is one to move swiftly and fluidly, not wasting any time or teasing like Tobin does. She moves her hands to the back of Tobin's neck, and kisses her on the lips, eyes filled with wonder and passion. She rubs along Tobin's bottom lip requesting access, which Tobin eagerly grants. Tobin allows Christen's tongue to explore every inch of her mouth, but Christen has other plans. She rubs her hands up Tobin's back until she reaches her bra hook. She unclips Julie's bra, and pulls it through her arms, all while keeping their lips in contact. All of a sudden, Christen breaks the contact with her midfielder's lips, and moves quickly to Tobin's exposed breasts. Christen feels the goosebumps that formed on Tobin's skin, against her lips, and she smiled at the sensation. She sneakily moved down, and removed Tobin's pants, cupping her ass in her hands. She outlined Tobin's abs with her tongue, before moving to Tobin's clit, swiftly inserting two fingers.
"AGH!" Tobin cried as Christen curled her fingers inside of her. "HARDER!" She moaned loudly. It was in this moment that Christen was thankful Caden was a heavy sleeper. "God. Chrissy. I. Am. Coming!" With that, Christen inserted another finger, and Tobin shattered rather quickly under Christen. Christen was able to remove her fingers, and lick them clean, before collapsing on top of Tobin.
"I love you, Tobin."
"I love you too, Chris. Goodnight sweet girl."
"Goodnight baby." The two girls' breathing evened out, and they allowed the thought of sleep to overtake them, and they fell asleep tangled in each others arms.

SORRY I have't updated in forever... Also, this is really short, but you know... Some good ole smut for ya... So let me know what you think! Love you all...

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