Chapter 2: Niall Horan?

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Chapter 2: Niall Horan?

Hazel Starr

After school I walked out of my class and into the extremely busy corridors. Because the bell had just rung, everyone was trying to get somewhere.

I ran down the corridors so I wouldn't miss the bus, but then I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh! Sorry." I kept walking in the direction I was headed to.

"Ugh, it's you." The person said.

I turned around and saw Jessica.


I started walking away.

"Where do you think your going?" She screamed at me.

Some people started turning in our direction and whispered to each other.

I hate to be the center of attention.

Which is the situation I'm in right now.

"Um, I need to go." I started to walk away again.

I was stopped when she grabbed my arm and turned me around, "Hey! Don't walk away when I'm talking to you! And don't forget where you belong, geek."

Great, she sounds like my mum on a bad day, except Jessica sounds pissed off.

"Let go of me." I didn't want to start a fight. I just wanted to get home, so I tried to pull out of her grip but she just scratched me as I pulled.

"Ah!" She drew blood from my arm. Wow, she has long nails.

"I said don't walk away when I'm talking to you, idiot!" She shouted.

Her friends walked up behind her. "Ew. What did that fucked up cunt do this time?"

Ouch. No need for names.

"She pushed me!" She blamed and pointed to me.

"Liar, I did not!"

"Fucken fat slut! You did!" She shouted.

"Stop calling me names! There's no point."

She walked up to my face.

I mean, right up close.

I could see she put a ton of makeup on.


I could even feel her breath on my cheek. "Make me." she stated in a low growl.

I didn't know what to do so I pushed her and ran.

"Fucking bitch!" she screeched.

I actually pushed her this time.

I turned my head as I ran, and could see that she started to run after me, but luckily I was the best sprinter in my P.E. class and I easily ran out of her sight.

I reached outside and saw that my bus had already left.

No... That was my way out of here. I turned my head and she was still running towards me.

So I sprinted around the corner, across the road, and around buildings.

The busy streets of London made it easy for me to get out of her sight, but I still didn't exactly know my way around.

I've been here for 2 years, yet I still dont know where I'm going.

I originally came from New Zealand, but then we moved. I still don't want anyone to know why.

My train of thought broke when I ran straight into someone. He was running in the opposite direction as I had been.

We both fell to the ground.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" He got up, dusted himself off and helped me up.

"It's okay, I'm sorry, it was my fault. I was running from someone." I said.

He seemed like a good looking guy. I couldn't see his face though.

From what I could see was a blonde guy with sunglasses on. He looked around 17 or 18. Pretty cute if I say so myself.

"Oh, It's not your fault. I was running from someone as well." the blondie said.

Thats when I heard the screams of girls, and they were running towards us. It's like they've seen One Direction or something.

My bet, is that we're going to get trampled, so that's why I had a worried look on my face.

"That really looks like someone." My scared tone caused him to grab my hand.

"Quick come with me." We took off running, opposite to the girls.

As we were sprinted, I noticed he had an Irish accent. I feel like I've heard his voice before.

"Turn left!" He interrupted my train of thought, and we ran into an alley.

The screaming girls ran right past us.

"Good thinking..." I said, puffed out from running.

He was leaning against the wall, with hands on his knees, "Thanks, I'm kind of used to it. What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked, breathing hard. He was puffed as well.

"My name is Hazel Starr, what's yours?" I asked this time.

''What a nice name," he said as he walked up to me and took his sunglasses off.

"Thanks, I got it for my birthday..." I stopped in realisation.

Oh my god.

"Y-You're..." I said, running out of breath.

He held his hand out, wanting to shake mine, "I'm Niall Horan, it's nice to meet you, Hazel Starr." he said, as I shook his hand.


Authors Note.

Yay yay happy happy times... I wrote this so long ago.

It's October 2014 now and I started writing in July 2013.

So that's why it sucks.

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