Chapter 19: I'm Sorry.

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Niall's POV >> Back when Hazel slammed the door in his face<<

"Hazel, Please! Wait!" I shouted to her.

"No!" she shouted back and ran upstairs, into her room and locked the door.

I knocked on her door.

"Go away!" I heard Hazel say, and she was crying.

"Hazel, please don't cry. We just need to talk..." I said from my side of the door.

My voice was shaky.

I was crying now.

I just need to talk to her.

"Just leave me alone..." She said quietly.

I sighed. She is not gonna open the door anytime soon. I may as well go somewhere else.

I can't believe that just happened to me.

I walked down stairs, and sat on the couch.

I just sat there, crying.

Just then, Kat walked into the living room.

She looked upset. I'm guessing Harry told her.

"Hazel?" She asked me if she knew I was crying about Hazel.

Of course I was.

I nodded and pointed upstairs to where Hazel was.

She nodded, looked sympathetic to me, and then walked upstairs.

After a few seconds I heard Hazel's door open then slam shut afterwards.

She just let Kat in.

And not me.

Oh well. They need sister time, or whatever.

Louis walked into the room.

"There you are! Are you okay?" He asked.

Of course I'm not! I practically got dumped before it even started! I thought to myself.

"I guess..." I lied.

He plopped himself onto the couch with me.

"Don't worry, mate. She'll forgive you. You just have to wait" Louis said, as if he was reading my mind and trying to cheer me up. He knew I was lying.

"Thanks, Lou" I said.

"Sure thang, chicken wing..." He said playfully, and poked me on the chest.

"Aw... Lou... That reminds me of Nandos..." I said.

Now I'm hungry.

And a bit happier.

I love Nandos...

"At least I made you a bit more cheerful!" He said and laughed.

"No you didn't..." I said lying.

"Yes I did. You're smiling..." He said, and nudged me.


I wasn't, but as soon as he said it, A smile started to crack upon my lips.

"Told ya!" He laughed and poked me again.

I laughed this time and poked him back.

This ended up in a full blown poking war...

After a while I gave up.

"You win! Stop! I think I'm gonna get bruises!" I said and we both laughed.

"Me to! I'm bored, now that we stopped. How 'bout a movie?" He asked.

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