Chapter 13: I Want

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Chapter 13: I Want

Hazel Starr

I woke up and checked the time.

12:30pm. Shoot. It's about lunchtime. Why didn't anyone wake me up? It's Kat's birthday!

I quickly got up and ran to Niall's room and knocked on the door. No answer.

I turned the knob and walked into his room, to see he was half hanging on the bed. Topless and upside down.

He was still fast asleep. How? I have no idea, so I shook him. No answer.

This is when I got worried. "Niall..?" I spoke quietly. Still no answer, and I froze.

Is he... dead?

"Niall?!" I shook him harder this time.

"Woah!" He said and quickly sat up.

"Ahh!" I screamed as I fell onto the floor.

He nearly gave me a heart attack. My heart was racing really fast. This is not good.

"Niall!" I said relieved.

I jumped up and hugged his bare chest.

"Hazel..? What's going on?" He said in his morning voice, as he hugged me back.

"I thought you were dead!" I exclaimed.

He pulled me out of his grip and stared at me.

"Why would you think I was dead?" He asked curiously.

"Well I knocked on the door and you didn't answer then you kinda looked like you were dead when you were hanging off your bed, I got worried and tried to wake you up and you didn't move!" I said quickly, with breathing between words.

My heart was still pounding.

"Hazel! Calm down! I'm okay, and you're okay. So slow your breathing down." he said.

I'm breathing too fast. I have a heart condition.

I gotta calm down...

He held my shoulder, and started to breath in and out loudly and slowly, helping me to settle down.

"You okay now?" He asked.

He's so nice.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine." I said.

I'm feeling a little light headed, but I'm sure I'm okay.

I stood up.

"Woah..." I whispered as I faltered.

"Hazel!" He said as he caught me.

I blinked away the darkness that tried to take over me.

"I think you should just lie down for a few minutes." he said, worried.

He made me sit on his bed.

"I'm okay now" I said, not really sure if was.

"Uh-uh! You just said that and then you nearly fainted!" He barked at me.

He looked pretty worried.

"Sorry for shouting. I just want you to be alright." he apologized.

"It's fine." I said.

"Now, tell me. Why did you need me anyway?" He asked.

Oh yeah.

"It's lunchtime! We need to get ready for Kat's birthday." I said.

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