Chapter 21: Texting Spree.

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Hazel's POV.

Well... It's Wednesday....

Niall hasn't called or texted like he said he would.

I was right. He is going forget about me.

Let me re-phrase that.

He has forgotten me.

Why did I think he wouldn't?

I'm such an idiot.

And If Niall were here, he would have said that I'm not, and he would have argued with me until I gave in.

But he's not.

It's lunchtime and I'm at school, sitting at one of the loner tables.

It's normally got people who don't have friends here, but as soon as I sat down, one by one they left.

Now I'm by myself.

I felt like such a loner.

You know what? I am.

I was extremely bored, eating an apple and pretending to text someone in my phone, but really, I was just texting myself, making people think I'm less of a loner.

But now that I think about it, it makes me realize... I'm more of a loner.

Wow, I've said 'loner' so many times, that it doesn't even feel like a word anymore.

Oh, I haven't seen Jessica by the way. That's only because I've been avoiding her.

I've been watching where I've been going ever since I ran into the bitch.

I'm glad she's not in any of my classes. She normally would be making fun of me and my accent right now, because its a New Zealand accent, but she hasn't seen me.

That's a good thing.

"Hey, Haze!" I happy voice came up behind me. Kat, I'm guessing.

I turned around to see that it was.

Wearing a dress as always, she smiled and sat down with me.

"What are you doing? Aren't I gonna make you look bad?" I asked.

I mean, seriously. If we hung out, I'm sure people would make fun of her for having a sister like me.

"I just can't wait for the concert! Why can't I tell my friends that we met One Direction?" She whispered the last part.

Is she dumb?

"Because if you did, your friends would want to have tickets and meet them, and then they would spread the word around that we met them, then the whole school would find out, and then people would be asking and then there might even be news reporters. The news reporters don't normally come to people that celebrities have met, I'm guessing, but I'm sure One Direction don't randomly go to 16 year-olds birthday parties, so that's why they'd be here.." I trailed off.

Did that even make sense?

I don't think she's listening anymore anyway.

"Aw, I know. I just want to see them again..." She sighed.

"Heh... You and me both." I said quietly.

"What was that?" She asked.


"Well anyway, I was wondering if... If... Naw, doesn't matter."

"What do you want?" I squinted.

"Well, I'm just wondering... If... You had their numbers?" She half smiled.

"Well, yeah.."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She shout-whispered.

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