Chapter 47: Live While We're Young

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Chapter 47:

Kat's POV.

"Kat! Comeback!" I heard my non-related sister shout from behind me as I ran through the crowds of people.

How could she not tell me this? She lied.

She didn't even tell her own sis-

Oh yeah, we aren't even related.


"Leave me alone!" I shouted over the music.

Tears were already running down my cheeks, and making them go pink.

I knew something was up. About her. Her being part of the family.

She was always different from everyone else. Whether it was about the appearance, or the way she acted; she's always been different, one way or another.

I'm not that surprised. It's just that she didn't tell me. I know her, and she would tell me something like this as soon as she found out; but she didn't.

I roughly pushed past people blindly, not caring who, and strided straight to the women's bathrooms. Hazel better not come in here. If she does try, she can't. Because I'm locking the door. Serves her right.

"Kat, please, just open the door." she begged, knocking on it.

"I said leave me alone. Do I need to spell it out for you? L-E-A-V-" Someone cut me off from the other side of the door.

"Hazel, c'mon. She wants to be left alone." It was Niall, and I could tell that he started leading her away. Good choice, Nialler.

I slowly walked over to the sink, to wipe away the tears. Great, there's a mirror, not that I want to see my ugly make-up smudged face right now.

I looked up to see the mascara dripping down my cheeks, along with the salty tears. I look so horrible, that it's ridiculous.

"Kat?" someone lightly knocked on the door.

"Yo..." I tried to sound like I wasn't crying.

"Can I come in?" they asked.

"Uhm, it's a girls bathroom. I don't think you can come in, Harry." I walked to the door, but not opening it.

"Please? Are you okay? You pushed past me before. You looked pretty upset." He mumbled.

"I-I'm not upset." I cleared my throat.

"You were crying." he stated.


I sighed and opened the door, allowing him to see my ugly make-up smudged face.

"Jesus!" his eyes widened.

"Thanks, I knew it was bad." I started to slam the door in his face, but he stopped the motion with his foot.

"Not so fast, Katherine." he walked in, and shut the door.

"Harry, get out." I shook my head and laughed.

"Do you really expect me to just walk out?" he asked rhetorically.

"No..." I sighed and walked further into the big bathroom, full of cubical's.

"What's wrong?" He held my shoulder in his hand.

"Oh, nothing much, besides finding out the fact that Hazel isn't even related to me at all." I blinked a few times, and looked at the white ceiling, hoping the tears would just stop coming.

"Very funny, Katherine." he rolled his eyes.

"If you don't believe me, you can leave and go find that blonde chick you were on the dance floor with. It looked like it was getting pretty steamy." I shrugged and sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall.

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