Chapter 31: Moments

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Chapter 31:

Hazel's POV.

It's been about a month since I was released from the hospital.

Niall had been working, as well as the boys, for their new album, so they couldn't visit me much while I was in there.

I had stayed in the hospital for nearly 2 weeks.

So afterwards, when I was released, Niall came around nearly everyday, helping me, and acted as if he was my slave..

I didn't want him to though.

I begged him not to, but he wouldn't listen, and would always either be bringing me food, clothes, and cleaning messes that I made. I really did not want him to do that, but seriously, he practically forced me to.

He had said, "I'm sorry that I haven't been around, and I want the best for you. So I'm helping you until... I feel that I've done enough for you. And you, Kat and Cynthia all missed the concert, while you were injured."

It was weird to think a super pop star would be acting as my... Helper, should I say?

I didn't even mind not going to the concert, as much as a love their angelic-voices.

Kat and Cynthia on the other hand... They didn't take it so well.

They didn't want to leave me the day after I was hurt, so they didn't go.

The boys of One Direction had to go, but it's their job, so I didn't mind.

Now I'm just sitting on the couch in my living room, on a Sunday, around lunch time, while Niall is rummaging through my kitchen for god-knows-what...

"Hey, Hazel! What's Marmite?" He shouted from the kitchen.

I chuckled to myself, "Don't eat it by its self! It's a New Zealand spread that you put on bread and toast! It's yum, but quite rank by its self!" I warned.

He practically lives here. He knows everything around my house, and no one's surprised if they see him here.

He comes around my house at lunch, and then goes home around 8:00pm.

Most of the other boys stay here as well, because their lounge caught fire and its getting renovated, but not today.

"Eck! Yuck! Ah! Help! Water! Water! Now! Marmite is not good!" He screamed, and I heard the tap suddenly running, and Niall gurgling.

"Told you!" I laughed and kinda ran-walked into the kitchen to find him.

His head was under the running tap, and drinking as much as he could.

The marmite container had been opened, and left on the bench.

It was obvious that someone had dug into it... Niall, I'm looking at you.

He finally stopped drinking, and wiped his face. He looked at me.

"Why did you do that? I told you not to..." I giggled at his stupidity.

"Well.. I don't know. I'm a rebel! Plus, you're the one telling me not to do what you say.." He winked at me.

"Well, then that's just what you get." I nodded to the marmite.

"Ugh..." He shook his head.

"So... I heard that Lou has warmed up to Cyn..." I smiled.

"Yep. He's talking about her all the time now. He must really like her..." He trailed off.

"Yus!" I pumped my fist in the air.

Niall perked a brow.

"I, uh... Nothing...?" I lied as I shrugged.

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