Chapter 33: Meet And Greet.

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Harry's POV.

Hazel ran up stairs and slammed her bedroom door.

What the hell just happened?

The photos...

They can't be real. They're fake.

They have to be...

"Niall! Tell us what happened!" Louis exclaimed, breaking the awkward silence.

"I... Well... I think you should know what just happened..." Niall looked down at his feet.

No... They're not a hoax. They're real.

Niall met Hazel first, which led to them liking each other, which means no chance for me... Because they kissed. I don't even understand what I'm thinking anymore.

I never thought Niall would have it in him. He was angry wasn't he? How could he just kiss her? What did she say to him..?

"So they're real? The photos? Niall, if you do anything to break Hazel's heart, I will unleash my rage, okay?" Kat wasn't kidding.

"Yeah... Look, sorry, but I need to go check on Hazel..." He trailed off and slowly started walking upstairs.

I feel sorry for him. I may be jealous, but when it comes to the paparazzi and us boys having girlfriends, they go nuts and ruin our relationships.

Why can't they leave us alone?

And when it comes to the fans... I feel sorry for Hazel. They're gonna go mad. Sure, some will accept her, but most reject and send hate.

Why is everyone so complicated?

"Niall! Wait." I ran up to him, just as he got to the top of the stairs.

"I know you're here to shout and get all cranky over what happened, so don't bother. I know how you feel, really, I do. You're always chosen over me when it comes to girls, so I get it. Just... I'm happy. I'm really happy with Hazel. Please don't ruin this for me." He turned back in the direction he was headed in.

"Look, I didn't come up here to pick a fight. I came up here to say, that you won." I said, hoping he'd let me explain.

"Won?" He faced my way, still a meter or two away from me.

"You won the bet. You won over Hazel. She clearly doesn't like me the way she likes you. I'm not going to attempt to ruin anything between you guys. I'll back off. And just like we promised at the party; No being jealous, no getting angry, and just being normal..." I sighed.

"Really? You sure you can handle that?" He asked, looking surprised.

"Of course I can. And plus, we're mates. I'm not going to ruin our friendship because of a girl. I'll be fine. I'm not going after her anymore, just getting things clear.." I explained more.

"I didn't actually think you could do it. Let me get the girl, I mean."

"A promise is a promise, and the photos show the truth. You guys look really happy in the photos, just like you said." I finished up.

"Well... Thanks, man. I appreciate it." He pat me on the shoulder, and knocked on Hazel's door, while I walked back down stairs.

"Did you end up punching him?" Kat asked me, while sitting on the floor, leaning against an empty couch.

I know her well; she must be bored.

"I didn't punch him. I explained that I'm happy that they're dating.." I sat down next to her, and started playing with her long blonde hair.

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