Chapter 32: Last First Kiss

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Author's Note:

Dedicated to @melovesfood for still being awesome, no matter what. Go check out her story! :D

Hazel's POV.

"Do you have feelings for Kat..?" I asked.

His face looked kind of shocked, in a way I can't explain.

Was it shock of the question? Or shock or realization..?

"No! Why would you think that?!" He exclaimed.

"Well.. You do hangout a lot... And hold each others hands... And smile at each other... And-" I was cut off.

"Okay! Stop!" He begged.

"So you do like her?" I asked, tensing up. I'm only acting weird because he's known for dating and dumping girls. Well, maybe not dumping, but leading them on, sleeping with them, and then leaving. That's practically the definition of Harry Styles.

I'm just over-protective of Kat.

That's why she's never had a boyfriend. I always scare them away..

Heh, I'm not scary. Just intimidating.

"No! I never said that!" He objected.

"Then what are you guys?" I grabbed the ice pack from him and put it on myself.

"Well... We're best friends.." He trailed off.


"And.. We're like brother and sister!" He smiled.

"And that's why you hold hands and smile at each other lovingly.." I smirked. He really couldn't find a better excuse.

"Okay, maybe not like brother and sister, but we're nothing more than best friends." He declared.

"Phew. That's good. Because you're 19 and she's 16, and still in college." I sighed in relief.

"But you're still in college, and you and Niall have a thing..." He trailed off.

"But I'm 18 and leaving college this year! And we're best friends!"

"No... I think you're more than just 'best friends'. You're best friends that have a crush on each other.."

"Well... I..." I have no idea what to say.

"C'mon. Admit it. You like Niall."

"Well I know that much!"

He seemed to tense up a bit after I said that.

"Harry?" I asked.


"Do.. Do you still like me?" I asked.

He looked off into the distance.

"I never said I stopped..."

"Harry.. You can't keep liking me. I know you can't control it, but I want you to. Why do you like me anyway? No ones ever really liked me, before I met you guys.." I asked.

I really have no idea what Niall and Harry see in me...

"Do you need to ask, Hazel? You're fun, beautiful, smart, cute, carefree, and you make people around you happier. There's a lot more to say, but we'd be here 'til midnight. And I don't see why people aren't friends with you at school, because you're one of the nicest people I know. If I had met you before Niall, maybe... Na..." He stopped what he was going to say and trailed off.

"If you met me before Niall, maybe what?" I asked.

"Maybe... You would have liked me first..." He looked away, again.

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