Chapter 4: What Makes You Beautiful

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Chapter 4: What Makes You Beautiful

Niall Horan

We're walking to Nandos and I just can't believe someone would want to bully Hazel.

She's nice, funny, beautiful, and from what I can tell, she's smart.

"They call me... Names, all the time." she started to sniffle.

I pulled her in for a hug, and I loved it. It made me get butterflies in my stomach, plus she even smelt like lavender.

"Now why would someone want to bully someone like you? You're practically flawless. You're nice, funny, beautiful and smart." I told her what I was thinking.

She looked genuinely surprised, "No. You're just saying that."

I didn't want her to cry. I don't like to see her pretty face sad. It makes me sad. And I wasn't just saying that. I told her the truth. That was the truth.

"Hazel, from what I can tell, they're only bullying you because you're far better than them." I said truthfully.

She blushed and smiled. Its cute when she blushes. She looks even more beautiful when she smiles.

And its weird, because when she smiles, I smile.


Hazel's POV.

I can't believe Niall Horan just called me beautiful. I'm so surprised, so I blushed.

Niall made me feel really good about myself.

And when we hugged before, it made me get butterflies. Nothing ever made me get butterflies. It felt weird, but... good at the same time. Thats because I only ever get compliments from my family.

Never a guy. Especially Niall freaking Horan.

And thats what felt good.

When I smiled at him, it was cute because he smiled back.

We finally arrived at Nandos, and I was hungry from all that running.

"Hey, Hazel, can you grab a seat while I buy the food?" Niall asked.

"Sure. I'll choose one near the back." I replied and walked around the back and found a table for two. I sat down and waited.

Niall never came back.


When Niall came back, he bought 3 trays of Nandos chicken, and sat down.

"Three?" I asked. I'm kinda confused.

"One for you and two for me. I love me some Nandos, and I'm always hungry." I laughed at his quirkiness.

"Ever tried Nandos before? Wait, what am I saying? Of course you have. Practically everyone has." he laughed.

I laughed to, not because he was right, but because he was wrong.

"Niall," I said in between giggling, "Niall, I've never had Nandos before." He already stuffed some chicken in his mouth.

He looked up at me with a surprised face, "What?" He shouted in a muffled voice, and some chicken flew out of his mouth, so I laughed some more.

I hardly understood him when he said, "Are ya kidding?! Who hasn't had Nandos?!"

"Don't talk with your mouth full!" I smiled, wiping some chicken off my arm.

He swallowed, "Sorry, but never had Nandos? Have you been living under a rock?" He was talking loudly.

"Niall, keep it down!" I shouted in a whisper.

"Sorry again. Try some of it." he said.

I grabbed a piece.

He was staring at me expectantly.

I slowly held it near my mouth.

I could tell that it was killing him, seeing the chicken being slowly eaten.

It was like he was watching a rugby match. Just staring silently at the chicken, like he was getting ready to shout as soon as I swallowed it.

I did. It was fantastic.

When I smiled, he was going to get out of his chair and shout, I could tell, so I quickly covered his mouth with my hand.

"Quiet, settle down... It was just chicken." I whispered.

He was still trying to shout, but I didn't move my hand, so he did something totally disgusting.

He licked my hand.

"Ew! Oh god!" I screamed and started wiping it on a napkin.

He was cracking up.

He was laughing so hard he was silent, hitting his leg.

When he did finally settle, I told him that I really enjoyed Nandos, so we kept eating.

We were having fun the whole time.

"That was so fun!" He packed the rubbish up.

"Wanna go meet the boys? As in the other boys in One Direction?" He asked.

"Why?" Why am I even questioning him?

"Because I think you're cool," He laughed, "and I think they'll like you too."


要句憨 来不及 党新品归?!

Φόρων ιυ ας γόνος ας ? !

耗ッl 絵ヴォーカル 府胃 ?!

Haha I don't even know what I just said but that was funny

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