Chapter 5: Explaining Kat

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Chapter 5: Explaining Kat

Hazel Starr

We walked to the lads' place and Niall went through the door.

He waved me in, so I did as he said. The place was huge... Well, probably as big as my house.

I saw what looked like Louis and Zayn. I recognize them from what my sister has shown me. They're play fighting on the floor.

"Zayn! Mate! I want to choose the movie! You chose it last time!" Louis shouted at Zayn.

"Louis! You got to choose two in a row last time!" Zayn was shouting back.

"That's because Harry let me have his turn at choosing the movie!" Louis was rolling on top of him now.

Wow... They seem like normal, but weirder than teenage boys.

This is pretty hilarious though.

"Hey!" Zayn screamed at him, then rolled on top of Louis.

"I'm sorry, Louis, but this is what you get!" Zayn said as he was tickling Louis.

Why are Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik so amusing when they roll around on the carpet?

Maybe because they're one of the most famous people right now, and seeing celebrities do something like this is extremely intriguing.

Louis was screaming and laughing like a lunatic.

A guy, who looked like Liam walked down the stairs, and he saw Niall and me.

"Well, well, well, Niall, who's this?" He said.

Zayn had stopped tickling Louis and they had both sat up staring at us.

"This is Hazel, Hazel this is Liam, Zayn and Louis." Niall told me as he pointed to them.

"Well, Hazel, it's a pleasure to meet you." Liam said and we shook hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Liam."

"Well, Niall, you brung home a polite young lady." Liam

"Ha, if you get to know me, you'll find out there are different sides of me." I smirked.

"Maybe we should eat her," Zayn said, "Oh wait, don't worry. I just remembered that I'm not into cannibalism."

Wow... I will always remember the day I met Zayn Malik and his first impression; that he wanted to eat me.

Louis stood up and shook my hand. "Polite and funny. I like her already Niall! Have you asked her out yet?"

I started blushing. From the corner of my eye I could see Niall blushing as well.

"Louis!" Zayn scolded.

Me, Niall and Liam started laughing.

"Well anyways... Nice to meet you, Hazel." Louis said.

Zayn shook my hand, saying the same thing.

"Where's Harry?" Niall asked.

"He's upstairs." Zayn answered.

I checked the time on my iPhone. 6:41pm already.

"Oh, I should go, it's kinda getting late. I still need to buy my sister a present for her birthday tomorrow. I want to get the best present for her." I said.

"Well... Maybe we could help?" Niall suggested.

"How old is she turning? What's she into?" Louis asked.

"Well... She's turning 16. And... She's ummm... Into One Direction/You guys..." I shrugged.

"Why don't we meet her?" Louis suggested.

"As much as I want you guys to meet her... She's insane about you guys... If you walked into her room... Well, you would be creeped out... For a very long time." I explained about how much she loves them and how much stuff she has and how she's in love with Harry.

"But we would still be the best present ever... Well not to keep, but to meet." Niall said smiling.

"She sounds interesting... Can we meet her?" Zayn asked.

I started thinking about it...

"Hmmm... Fine. It's not my fault if she tries to lock you in her room." I laughed.

The others laughed too... Even though I was still dead serious.

"So what's her name...?" Liam wondered.

"It's Katherine but she prefers 'Kat'." I told them.

"Yay! We're going to see Kat!" As soon as Louis said that, who I presume to be Harry, came running down the stairs in nothing but a towel shouting.

"What cat? I want to see the pussy cat!"

Oh jeez. I forgot that Kat told me he likes cats... And why was he only in a towel?

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