Chapter 51: Loved You First

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Hazel's POV.

One more month until my best friends come back, I just can't believe three months have passed since they left. It's flown by so quickly. I just can't wait for the moment I see them walk through my door, yes, even Niall. We're friends... kind of. Well, we don't really talk, so I guess we're not friends, but you could say we're neutral.

Plus, I'm hated by everyone in this huge Directioner fandom. Why, you ask? Because I'm dating Chris.

We've known each other since my birthday party, three months ago, and we kinda just... clicked. And so we started dating last week.

The Directioners think I dumped Niall for Chris, but in reality, not so much. I've been sent about half a million death threats on twitter, and a lot more people telling me I don't deserve to live and I should just commit suicide. And literally, I've only seen eight people telling me to not listen to the bad comments, which doesn't really help compared to the half a million that disagree, but I do appreciate people that care for me.

And since Niall was acting sad on the stage during some of their concerts, they assumed I broke it off.

Not true, Niall broke up with me, and I moved on. He... didn't. I really wish that he would, though. And no, not because I'm being a bitch, but because I don't like seeing him so down and feeling this way. I feel sad for him. Don't get me wrong, I still miss him so much, and I do love him, but it would never work, just like he said.

What's going to happen when he gets back?

Only time will tell, but I'm not betraying Chris.

"Hazel, who is Alexander Graham Bell? Do you know?" My teacher, Mr. Davis interrogated me, ripping me out of my day dreaming.

Bell, bell... Where have I heard that?

"Alexander Graham Bell was a US scientist, born in Scotland, 1847. He invented a method for transmitting speech electrically and gave the first public demonstration of the telephone in 1876. He founded the Bell Telephone Company the following year, then died in 1922," I remembered my last years English biography assessment. "So in other words, he created telephones that led up to the invention of the cellphone, which we all use to this day." I finished, smirking at the teacher. I hate this guy.

"Well..." he was in utter shock, un-expecting what he had just heard. "I haven't even taught anyone about that yet," he said to himself.

I heard cheers, and there were a lot of "oh snap!" and "ohhh..." spreading around my History class.

"Everyone! Be quiet!" We all ignored him. "That's it, Hazel! Wait outside the class room, because you've interrupted the class."

What a ridiculous reason to kick me out of the class, but okay.


I silently walked out of the classroom, as if I had a tucked between my legs.

I waited in the corridor on a chair, seeing if Mr. Davis was going to let me back in, but I doubted it.

Suddenly a girl about Kat's age stomped out of her classroom, and sat down on a chair near me, but not next to me.

"What are you out here for?" The dyed-black with heavy make-up girl asked me. She kind of looks like a gothic bully to me.

"Answering a question right when my teacher thought I wouldn't."

"Mr. Davis?"

"Yep. Mr. Bloody-Davis." I answered.

"Dayam. He's a douche." she stated.

"What about you? What did you do for being kicked out?" I asked her. I can't believe I'm having a normal- well, not quite normal- conversation with a girl. That never happens around here anymore to me.

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