Chapter 9: Up All Night

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Chapter 9: Up All Night

Hazel Starr

The movie was close to the end, when I felt my phone start vibrating.

Oh no, what if its my mum?

I looked around Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn were asleep.

Harry was playing on his phone in the dark.

Phew. I'm not gonna be the only one. I got out my phone.

5 new messages, 2 missed calls?

Ahh... I inched out of Niall's comfortable grip.

I stoop up, and looked back at Niall. He looks so adorable while he's sleeping.

"Hey." I said to Harry in a whisper.

"Woah, Hazel! I didn't know you were awake!" He said in a whisper.

"Yeah. I'm awake. I was just watching the movie. I'm surprised Liam fell asleep. He loves Toy Story... Anyway. I've gotta call mum. I'll go into the next room." I whispered.

"Okay. I'll be here if you need anything."

I nodded and smiled, then walked out of the room. I walked to the kitchen, and got out my phone.

9:23pm. Shoot.

3 messages, 1 call from Kat and 2 messages and 1 call from mum. I read the messages.

From: Kat

Where are you?

From: Kat

Dude! It's 8:30! Come home!

From: Kat

Mums getting worried! Answer!

From: Mum

Come home. Or at least tell me where you are.

From: Mum

Kat told me about Jessica. Is that why you're not answering? Don't listen to them. Just please answer. If you don't come home tonight, come home tomorrow for your sisters birthday

I quickly called mum. "Hazel?!" She picked up.

"Hey mum. Sorry I was watching a

movie with... My uh... Friends..." I said.

It felt weird saying that. I've never really said that before.

"What friends?" My mum asked.

Well thanks mum.

"Uh... I'll have to explain when I get home. It's been a long day. I've found the best present ever for Kat. She'll love it." I said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Uh... You will have to wait, just like Kat, sorry." I said.

"Sure, sure. Just come home before we celebrate, if your staying at your "friends" house the night. Okay? Love you, bye." she said.

"See yah." I answered her and hung up the phone.

I walked back into the living room, and the credits were on the T.V.

The movie must have ended.

Niall was slowly waking up.

"Hazel, what did your mum say?" Harry asked.

"Uh, she said if I don't come home tonight, I have to be home tomorrow, before we celebrate Kat's birthday." I said in a quiet voice.

"Wait... Does that mean you can stay the night?!" Harry shouted.

Oh dear.

Everyone woke up.

Well... Nearly everyone did.

Zayn was still fast asleep.

"Harry? Why did you wake us up?" Liam said with a groggy voice..

"Hazel can stay the night!" Harry said excitedly.

Why is he so worked up about me staying..?

"Why are you so excited about that?" Niall said.

Exactly what I was thinking...

"Well... Uh... We never have other people for sleepovers?" He sounded unsure...

"Your right! Hazel, want to stay the night?" Niall asked me.

I want to... But I don't know...

"I wouldn't want to intrude... and where would I sleep if I did stay..?" I said, trying to find an excuse.

"You could sleep in the guest room." Liam said.

"Well..." I trailed off.

Everyone gave me puppy dog eyes- not Zayn of course. He's still asleep.

I looked at all of them.

They were so cute! I couldn't say no!

"Awww... Alright! Alright! I'll stay!" I said.

Now they were all pumping their fists in the air. I started laughing.

"Good!" Louis said.

That woke Zayn up.

"...What..?" He said. He was confused.

They all were ignoring his question. They were too busy telling each other what game we should play.

"I know! Lets play... Truth or Dare!" Louis sounded pretty excited.

They all agreed.

Oh boy.

This is gonna be a long night...

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