Chapter 28: Heart Problems.

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"Too late!" I laughed like a kid and stood up and ran as far as I could.

I ran about I meter until everything went black...

I fainted...


Niall's POV.

"Shut up! *Huff Huff* I'll snap your necks and *Huff Huff* feed it to the two hungry good-looking unicorns called Niall! *Huff Huff*" Hazel exclaimed and laughed at her -hopefully- joke.

Us boys started snickering.

"What the..?" I smiled.

Good-looking Niall?

She really is off her nut at the moment...

"I'm sorry! It's the h-heart *Huff Huff* condition! That's it! I can't take it!" Hazel shouted.

Can't take what? Oh dear...

"Hazel? Don't do anything stupid. The ambulance is nearly here. I can hear the sirens" Harry warned her.

"Too late!" She laughed like a kid and quickly stood up and ran.

She ran about a meter until she collapsed.

"Hazel!" I said as we all ran the meter to her.

She was just peacefully lying there,

Still looking as beautiful as always, even with her brown hair, tangled in the grass, with a bruised and bloodied face.

The bad thing was that she had passed out and her eyes were closed.

I love her blue eyes. They're bluer than mine.

"Why did she do that? That just makes things worse.." Liam said, gently shaking her shoulders to see if she would wake.

No sign of consciousness.

"Dammit. I should have known she would do that. Hell, she even told us that she'd make herself pass out. I should have been ready for that" I said, blaming myself and cradling her head on my lap.

"Hey, it's not your fault. She was just embarrassed, so she thought she would take a better route...

Which was fainting..." Harry said and pat me on the back.

"PLUS, we all should have seen that coming" Liam added.

The sirens became louder, and soon the ambulance was entering the high school.

"So what do we have here?" The paramedic asked, as he checked her breathing and consciousness.

"Well, she has a heart condition. When she gets worked up about something she..." Liam carried on as I zoned out.

Why didn't we stop the fight earlier?


That morning..

Niall's POV.

"I'm so bored..." Louis whined from the back seat as Liam was driving the van.

"You're the one that wanted us to drive around" Liam sighed.

"But I wanted to do something fun.."

Lou complained again.

"This is as fun as it gets when the living room is out of bounds and burn't" Harry explained.

"Who did leave the torches on, by the couch?" I spoke up.

"That's what I want to know" Liam said.

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